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Why You Should Research Your Online Date Before Meeting Them: 5 Key Reasons

Online dating sites and apps have skyrocketed in popularity with their proven success in finding love. They are fast and convenient and serve as a great option for modern-day men and women to search for their life partners. If you have also registered to find your true love online, then you have joined the millions of others in search of AI-driven match-making.

However, once you come across someone you like on a dating site, researching your potential date before you meet is an essential step. Understandably, this may seem intrusive and even offensive to some. However, times have changed, and even the conventional ways of finding love have evolved. So, understanding and adapting to this new ecosystem can certainly work for your advantage.

5 Reasons To Research Your Online Date Before You Meet 

So, why should you research your potential date before meeting for the first time? Here are 5 important reasons.

1. People often exaggerate personal information online

Many people tend to exaggerate and hide information in their quest to create a bloated self-image with online profiles. This is because unlike in real life, you can become anyone you want in a virtual world.

According to statistics, a whopping 53% of people using online dating sites lie about some form of detail to mislead others. These can include lying about their weight, height, or even age. Not only that, but they could also use photos from a few years back or edit profile images to enhance facial features or to look slimmer. These have all become common practices among many online daters to look a little bit more appealing.

And it doesn’t stop there. Misleading information could even involve hiding the marital status or lying about work or profession. Unfortunately, all of this could play an important role in your decision to pursue a relationship with someone. For instance, we often create our first impressions of people based on their appearance and other visual cues.

Therefore, detecting these misleading details early on is important. And browsing through their social media profiles and cross-checking details is a simple and easy way to help you discover any contradicting details and identify false or exaggerated information. 

2. Online dating is not immune to criminal activities

Online dating sites have also given way to various criminal activities. Embarking on online matchmaking with an open mind could often make you an easy target for criminals, and your vulnerabilities could backfire to threaten your safety. From stalking and harassment to financial fraud and identity theft, the list of criminal activities surrounding online dating could certainly surprise you. This is because these platforms allow just about anyone to hide behind a make-believe profile and wait for their next victim.

So, look out for those telltale signs. And if you notice anything suspicious, use a people search site  Nuwber to perform more in-depth background research. These sites can scan through a large number of online and offline information sources to help you dig deeper into your potential date. They often provide highly comprehensive background reports that could include even criminal records and past arrest warrants, if any, and will serve as a reliable and discreet way to research anyone.

3. Check compatibility

A background search will also allow you to determine how compatible your potential date is in terms of your own values, views, opinions, tastes, and preferences.

Compatibility is an essential ingredient for a lasting relationship and a mismatch could signal future trouble. However, unlike in the old days, you no longer need to spend months and years to discover compatibility with your partner. For instance, a brief scan through their Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram profiles could provide you with some valuable insights to determine compatibility. These can give you a glimpse into their religious, social, and political views, their opinions about cultural issues, as well as social causes they believe in and support.

This information could help you understand their personality, attitudes, and other salient qualities and characteristics. And this should allow you to determine your compatibility as a couple before proceeding further.

4. Chances are they are also researching you

While you are thinking of researching your potential date, the chances are your potential partner is also considering it. After all, Googling people is a common phenomenon these days. And it is no longer considered intrusive to sift through social media profiles whenever you meet someone interesting, whether at work or in personal life.

Therefore, it makes every sense that you research your potential date as well. This will help you prepare yourself ahead of the date. For instance, you can find topics that interest them to help steer the conversations and avoid topics that may strike a nerve. It could also help show how you take an interest in, for instance, social causes or environmental issues that matter to them. In fact, if done correctly, researching your potential partner could lead to a much engaging first date.

5. To check shared contacts

Another important reason to do a quick background search on your date is to uncover any shared contacts. This could be important for several reasons. For instance, having mutual friends or colleagues could be a great conversation starter and could help build trust through common associations. We all feel comfortable when we find shared contacts with someone we are unfamiliar with. It could bring a sense of assurance of safety. And it could also lead you to uncover other common grounds that you share.

It’s also a great way to get a reference. You can verify details your date has already shared with you and might even be able to get a reference about their personality and character. However, ensure that you are discreet so as not to offend your potential date.

Needless to say, technology could often become a double-edged sword. If used unwisely it could get you into deep trouble, but you could also use it wisely for your advantage. Therefore, while online dating could be a wonderfully fulfilling experience to find lasting love, don’t forget to use technology effectively to ensure your safety with proper background research before that important first date.

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