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What qualities does a wealthy man seek in a woman?

11 Things Rich Men Look For In A Woman

Every man on the planet wants a woman who is attractive, fun to be around, and interesting to talk to. I’m sure you are that woman. But there are special traits that rich men look for in women and that other men wouldn’t necessarily look for. So, when you ask yourself what does a rich man look for in a woman? I’m here to give you the answer one time for all.

What does a rich man look for in a woman? – The crash course

  • A challenge.
  • Someone who is on their level.
  • Charm.
  • Social competence.
  • Attractiveness.
  • Great conversation.
  • Trust and honesty.
  • Someone with a well-rounded life.
  • Someone who is going to be a good mother.
  • Someone similar to themselves.
  • Confidence.

1. A challenge

In preparation for launching Her brilliant friend, we interviewed more than 300 men about their views on dating and love. At least 30 of those men were extremely rich and successful.

When we asked a bit more about their dream woman and their past dating experience, the most common trait that emerged was that rich men actually want a woman they admire. They want someone who is accomplished in all areas of her life.

So when you ask yourself what does a rich man look for in a woman, the answer is someone who will be a fun challenge for him. Someone he can’t get on the first try.

Rich men appreciate a challenge

Rich men, much more than other men, like a challenge.

That’s how they became rich, to begin with. They didn’t settle for a mediocre life. They wanted everything and some more on top of that. When a rich man meets his dream woman, things will be similar.

Who is this woman?

She will be someone who knows her worth, knows what she wants, and knows what she brings to the table. And thus, she will not throw herself at his feet.

Instead, she will evaluate him, and he will have to work to win her over. In fact, he will have to work hard, just like with everything else he has achieved.

Make him work for you

You are a challenge to a man if he is not sure that he can have you. If he has to work for you and put his best foot forward, he will consider you a challenge.

You can also read our article How to get a guy who is out of your league.

2. Someone who is on their level

So, you are interested in catching a rich and successful man?

Nothing wrong with that.

You are clearly ambitious when it comes to all areas of your life. But the best and most foolproof strategy to achieve this goal is to become rich and successful yourself.

He wants someone who is successful

Rich people, generally speaking, are more comfortable around their own kind.

Someone who has come from nothing and created a fortune will be more comfortable around a woman who has achieved something similar. You don’t have to be crazy rich, but to be successful is a good aim.

Don’t believe the cliche that men are threatened by successful women. That’s simply not true.

Rich people like to stick to their kind

This is the reason why rich and famous people in 90 percent of the cases date other rich and famous people. Rich men want someone who is their equal.

You might wonder exactly how you are going to become successful. I recommend starting your journey by reading a couple of books on how to achieve this goal.

If you manage to become rich and successful, you will naturally spend your time with other rich and successful people, and you will have plenty of opportunities to meet the right man.

3. Charm

The long road that is life can be both hard and difficult. And the number one thing that makes this road much easier and so much more fun is charm. Spending time with someone who is charming and charismatic is the true meaning of life.

By charm, I mean a lot of different things. Humor is one of those things. Another is intelligence. Another is empathy. When all those qualities come together, you have charm and charisma. Another important aspect of this is to be witty.

Work on your charisma

To actively work towards becoming more charming and charismatic is an important part when you are wondering what does a rich man look for in a woman. Check out our guide How to be more charismatic as a woman for more tips.

You never know who is rich, so treat everyone around you with care and sweetness.

Charm everyone you meet, use your charisma, and the right man will observe this quality in you and be swept off his feet.

4. Social competence

A lot of rich and successful men are not especially socially competent.

At the same time, being rich and successful comes with a lot of social obligations. Thus, having a socially competent partner is very important for many rich men. They want someone who can shine in many different sorts of social circles and contexts.

More than your average man, a rich man needs someone who can make a favorable impression in all kinds of different situations. They especially need someone comfortable around other rich people.

5. Attractiveness

That rich men want an attractive woman should not come as a surprise.

Just google a couple of rich men and their partners, and statistically speaking, they all have a partner that is more attractive than they are.

Rich men love a good trophy

One is the allure of being rich and successful is the possibility of scoring a stunning mate.

Men go out and conquer the world, they work hard, and they work long hours. But what matters, what they are really fighting for, is the opportunity to have an attractive woman by their side. They know other men will be impressed and jealous.

A beautiful woman by their side

They also know that looking at beauty on a daily basis is a nice feeling. Thus when it comes to what does a rich man look for in a woman, beauty is more important for them than for the average man.

A trophy wife

An attractive woman for a rich man is also a trophy. It’s proof that he is a prosperous human being. It is called trophy wife for a reason. When you want to catch a rich man, you should always try to look your best and use your beauty to your advantage.

If you are not crazy-attractive, no need to worry.

Attractiveness goes much more deeply than your looks. Read our article How to appear more attractive as a woman, and you will find out exactly how to maximize your attractiveness.

6. Great conversation

Marriage is, at its core, a very long conversation.

Sure, you can have sex and do lots of fun activities, and with a rich man, there will be a lot of thrilling vacations. But the glue that binds all of those events together is the conversation between the two of you.

The better you can be at making stimulating, fun, and thought provocation conversations, the more likely you will be to capture the heart of a rich man.

Your conversation skills will make you unique

When you wonder what things rich men look for in a woman, don’t underestimate the need for an amazing conversation. A lot of women are beautiful. In fact, I’m sure you are very beautiful.

So what’s going to set you apart is your ability to make conversation and, by doing so, connect on both an emotional and an intellectual level.

7. Trust and honesty

Rich men, more than your average man, value trust and honesty.

This is because rich men are more afraid of being taken advantage of or being tricked. Rich men have something very important to protect, their reputation and assets. And since more people try to take advantage of someone rich, it is only natural that rich men are careful.

Generally speaking, rich men are more famous and thus more concerned about how they come across on a surface level.

His reputation will be important

Rich men often have a reputation, and it’s important for them to protect their status.

Most people (although not all) get rich by actually being good and fair with the people around them. They have a lot of respect from their peers and even from their competition.

Thus, rich men don’t want to get involved with someone who can threaten that reputation, and because of this, trust and honesty are qualities they seek in their dream woman.

8. Someone with a well-rounded life

How can you tell if someone is successful?

One of the easiest ways to tell is that they have all different aspects of their life under control.

They are fit and healthy, have enough money in their bank account, and have a job they love and fun and stimulating activities to fill their free time. A rich man will be attracted to someone who is successful in all different areas of life.

9. Someone who is going to be a good mother

I guess you just don’t want to sleep with a rich man. You want him in your life permanently. You want to be his future. You want to be his soul mate. This is actually a good ambition since most rich men are looking for someone to share their lives with.

More than your general man, rich men are focused on their legacy.

Since they have created something remarkable, they want someone who can take over their life project and keep it prosperous in the future.

Rich men do want a family

In other words, they want a family.

They want children who are humble and intelligent, and overall impressive. To achieve this goal, they need the right mother for their children. They want someone who will be good at raising children and making those children become distinguished members of society.

10. Someone similar to themselves

Not all rich men are similar. Some of them are born into money; others created their money all by themselves. Some rich men are spiritual, while others are focused on enjoying their lifestyle to the fullest.

Emphasis your similarities

Whatever their situation and their belief system, they will be looking for someone similar to them.

So, when you meet a rich man, try and figure out what is important to him and emphasize those qualities in yourself when you interact with him. That way, he will know that the two of you share a lot of similarities.

11. Confidence

You can be both successful and beautiful, but your most endearing quality, from a rich man’s perspective, will be your confidence.

If not combined with a healthy dose of confidence, none of the other qualities matters. Your confidence and how you carry yourself in the world will be your biggest selling point.

Confidence is your best friend

Confidence just makes life easier and more fun, and to catch a rich man, confidence is of absolute importance.

Your confidence will tell him that you have a natural place in his life. With the right confidence, you will feel as you deserve to be part of his life and that he is doing you a favor, rather than the other way around.

Combine a healthy dose of confidence with being a bit mysterious, and you have a killer combination that will serve you well when it comes to catching a rich man. Here is our guide on How to be mysterious.

 A Final note

Now you know 11 things rich men look for in a woman. All you have to do is go out in the world and be the charming, beautiful woman any man would be happy to have in his life.

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