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Tips for discovering and enticing a man of high value

The ultimate guide to meeting your new man

You have made the decision; you want to find and attract a high-value man. This decision has the potential to change the course of your life. Congratulations.

What does it take to attract a high-value man?

You might be eager to start, to make a plan, and to spring into action. In this guide, I lay out everything you need to know.

If you want to start the search right away, scroll down and you will have my complete roadmap on “How to find a high-value man.”

For the rest of us, let’s first take a look at what it takes to attract a high-value man.

Let’s work towards sharpening those qualities a high-value man looks for, and most of all, let’s have a lot of fun on the journey.

Self-improvement, done right, is such a thrilling, fulfilling ride. Don’t forget to lean back and feel the wind in your hair.

1. Radiate confidence

Confidence is the single most important quality when you are looking to attract a high-value man.

People who are truly confident are always attractive, regardless of their physical looks.

The great thing about your confidence is that it can be improved.

Give yourself a confidence score

Whatever your confidence is at this moment, it can be a lot higher six months from now.

Give yourself a confidence score (a bit brutal, I know). Afterward, ask yourself what you need to do to improve that score over the next six months.

How confident are you on a 1-10 scale?

What would take you up one or two points?

Treat yourself as a dear friend

I cannot get into all the ways how to improve your confidence in this article, but do check out my guide on How to be more charismatic as a woman.

The shortest way to improve your confidence is to treat yourself as you would treat a dear friend and to do this in all areas of life. When you treat yourself as worthy, you will feel worthy.

2. Have a healthy mental landscape

Yes, this is similar to working on your confidence, but when it comes to attraction, this is such an important and often overlooked aspect that it deserved its own headline.

Because how you talk to yourself has an effect on how other people experience you.

You might not show any of your negative self-talk towards other people, but I can assure you that they sense it, and as a result, they pull away. It’s a subconscious mechanism few people are aware of.

Get rid of toxic thoughts

People often come to me and ask why they have problems attracting the things they yearn for; a new job, new friends, or a new man.

One of the biggest reasons is that they have a toxic inner landscape. They often criticize themselves, beat themselves up, and are not pleased with themselves.

Imagine if a friend would treat you like that. You wouldn’t keep the friendship and still, we do this to ourselves.

Always bring yourself up

To attract the high-value man of your dreams you have to clean up your mental landscape. Ban any form of self-criticism and you will become 100 percent more attractive.

3. Be authentic

Authenticity is a quality that is hard to describe, but when we experience it, we like it and we appreciate it.

You know when you experience an authentic restaurant, it’s a place with a soul and a personality. It’s a place that is unapologetically itself.

It is for those exact reasons you want to cultivate being an authentic person. You want other people to experience you for you.

What makes a person authentic?

An authentic person is someone who has a strong sense of self and, at the same time, is warm and humble when meeting other people. Just like that restaurant.

Have your own will, your own ideas and your own passions and you will become a more authentic person.

Get to know yourself on a deep level

Authenticity doesn’t happen by itself. You have to first get to know yourself and develop the relationship you have with yourself.

The relationship you have with yourself is a real relationship. If you don’t know who you are, you don’t know what you have to offer and you come across as a paler, less attractive version of yourself. (Kind of like an un-spired run-of-the-mill restaurant.)

To attract a high-value man, you need to find your authentic self.

4. Be present

In today’s fast-paced social media-driven world, true presence is a rare gift.

Everyone is hunched over their phone, looking for that next artificial dopamine hit. Instead of connection, there are likes.

In the current day society, your presence is the best gift you can give to another human being. Most human beings crave presence from another human and when someone is able to give that to us, it’s very attractive.

Be present with yourself

A high-value man will naturally respond positively to you being fully present in the moment. Turn your phone off, explore meditation, strive toward being more mindful.

Ask yourself in what ways you are not being present. What are your favorite ways of checking out? How do you react to stress?

Try to give yourself comfort and presence in healthy ways, such as reading, meditating, and being still. To attract the next high-value man you come across, you want to radiate an inner peace.

People can always sense if you are truly present

The more present you are able to be with yourself, the more present you will be able to be with other people. For a high-value man, presence is immensely attractive.

5. Be successful

Yes, I’m going to go there. You need to hear it.

Most successful people are attracted to other successful people. Also, the more successful you become, the more opportunities you get to meet other successful people. When you ask how to attract a high-value man, there is no way around that your success will help you in your mission.

Make a plan for how you can become more successful

Your future success is in your hands. Also, remember that success is not about money. It’s about how happy and inspired you are with all the different areas of your life.

Different forms of success

You can be a successful teacher; it all comes down to the passion and joy you bring to the calling. Being successful is being in line with your personality needs and also being brave enough to follow your dreams.

Finding your own form of success will take a fair amount of soul-searching. Do take the time to figure out what you want to achieve with your life.

A high-value man is not going to settle for someone who is unhappy with their career and life.

6. Have fun

So far, we have covered some pretty heavy points in your pursuit of your next amazing man. Now is the time to remember to be lighthearted and to actually enjoy this strange ride that is life.

The ability to enjoy a wide array of different situations is going to make you stand out from the competition. Check out our guide on How to be classy, but still fun.

Life is supposed to be fun.

Embrace happiness

Every man wants a woman who is happy. Taking responsibility for your own happiness and actually creating happiness will lead to your company being a gift.

When you find some good candidates, make sure you charm them with your fun-loving happy nature. A woman’s smile is an aphrodisiac for most men, and a happy woman is particularly important for a high-value man.

How can you give yourself the gift of happiness?

Ask yourself what takes away from your general happiness and try to fix those problems. Ask yourself what you need to be happy and promptly give that to yourself.

7. Be hard to get

This specific quality is often what takes your charm and charisma to the next level.

High-value men are used to working for things. They probably worked hard on their education, their personality and on their career. Now they want to work hard to win you over. Don’t rob them of that chance.

It is simple psychology that we appreciate the things we have to work for.

You have an exciting life

You should be hard to get since you are always busy doing things you love and pursuing exciting opportunities. I don’t mean that you always need to run around, in fact, being present with yourself is equally important. Doing nothing is an art form.

Be mindful of your time

You should not give your time and attention to just anyone. Both of those things are the most valuable recourses you have. A high-value woman instinctively realizes how valuable her time is.

How to find a high-value man

Sport and Exercise

One thing all high-value men have in common is that they are fit.

There is no exception to this rule because a fit and healthy body is a priority for anyone who truly values themselves. (Harsh, I know, but you want the truth now, right?)

Find him where he is

You can use this knowledge to your advantage when you are wondering how to find a high-value man. Any form of sport class or fitness center will be a magnet for high-value men.

Other examples are running clubs, walking clubs, tennis courts, and all martial arts sports centers. The list is really endless. Do a bit of brainstorming and sign up for your favorite activities.

Not all men you find in these places are high-value men, but all these places are frequented by high-value men.

Team sports

Most high-value men participate in some form of team sport. High-value men know that team sports are a great way to connect with other people and you know, just pure fun.

Check out things like football and volleyball practice. There is also lacrosse and rugby.

Individual sports

High-value men also love individual sports such as marathons, golf, and tennis. They might spend the weekend at the local kayak club, or they are big fans of CrossFit.

The great outdoors

Spending time in nature is as important as being fit and healthy.

A high-value man will instinctively know this. He will have his own way of connecting with nature. This way can be something like surfing or rock-climbing or exploring nature by long treks. Any form of skiing and ice skating will attract a lot of high-value men.

Make sure you add an outdoor activity to your schedule.

Creative areas

High-value men are also good at frequenting different cultural events. Check your local museum and library for lectures and courses. There are also concerts and art -exhibitions to take into consideration.

A lot of colleges have evening courses that are a bit easier and informal.

Don’t sign up for something that will only attract females, such as knitting. Instead, consider architecture or any form of music creation.


Many people find each other through common spiritual practice. High-value men are often more present in these communities since high-value men take their beliefs seriously.

If you are not religious, it can still be worth checking out meditation courses and Tai Chi.

High-value men are especially interested in ice baths and similar extreme forms of self-development.


A lot of high-value men are very interested in entrepreneurship, and many of them have their own businesses. Since entrepreneurship can be a bit lonely, there are usually a lot of ways for entrepreneurs to connect. Attend networking events, masterminds and any form of lectures and you will spot the high-value man in action.

Lectures and courses

High-value men are always looking to expand their knowledge. Thus, any course or lecture will attract a fair share of high-value men. For example, courses to learn a new language or a new skill.

Make sure you sign up for the chance to learn something new. This will also lead to easy conversation starters. A high-value man will appreciate hearing about the last course you signed up for.


Sure, any dance class will have a lot of women signing up. But getting new female friends is another great idea when you search for the one.

All those women know men; they have friends and brothers and colleagues. By spending time with other women, you will naturally meet men. This is especially true if you spend time with other single women.

If you love dancing, this is a great way to get out and extend your circle of friends.

A Final Note

High-value men are everywhere, but it doesn’t hurt to add a couple of these activities to your schedule.

High-value men know how to live a well-rounded, enjoyable life. Thus, joining them in the activities they love will enrich your life and increase your chances of falling in love with one very special man. 

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