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The Outcome of Her Experience with Online Dating Advice

The maze of relationships is getting harder to navigate, as the dynamics, rules and norms change at a lightning-fast pace. With more and more people turning to apps and the internet to find love, the good old-fashioned real-life crushes manifesting into relationships are fast becoming a rarity. So, what do you do when you find yourself in such a situation with no one around to help? Well, it’s online dating advice to the rescue.

Thankfully, the internet is replete with articles, blogs, personal narratives, discussion forums where matters of the heart – of every nature – are addressed. Advice, solutions, tips – you name it, and there will be an online dating advice blog or 10 that have already addressed it.

When your love life is stuck in second gear, these online dating tips can truly save the day. Just the way they did for this woman.

Using Online Dating Advice To Win Over a Crush

In this age of Bumble, Tinder, hookups, casual dating, friends with benefits, dating but not together, together but not exclusive dynamics, anyone nursing a drink in a corner of a bar, wondering how to make a move on a guy can come across as a bit of a relic of the past.

If such a person were to turn around for help, even the most well-meaning friends would come up empty on the advice front. So then, how do you devise a strategy to win over the person making your heart skip a beat? Well, if only there was a manual of online dating tips for women that you could read up and follow.

Turns out, there is! There is enough solid online dating advice out there that can help you make the right moves at the right time, and place yourself firmly in the heart and mind of the object of your desire. This real-life account is proof of how beneficial online dating advice for ladies can be.

She had a serious crush and didn’t know how to make a move

I’ve known Niki for years now. She’s one of the bubbliest and most spirited humans I’ve ever seen. The kind of person who lights up the room just by coming in. She is a ray of sunlight that touches every heart and everyone loves her.

After finishing her design course, she joined a company as an intern. Everybody at the office adored her and her bosses loved her work. Soon she rose through the ranks and got a permanent job. She’s happy with her job and she loves working in the design industry. Colors, glamour, and fashion: these things suit her.

Niki is usually the life of any party. She would come up with out-of-the-world party games, rope everyone in, sing karaoke at the top of her voice and dance around till midnight. So it was unusual, to say the least, to see Niki sitting in the corner at a party.

I was both shocked and a bit curious, and just had to ask her what was wrong. I guess she wanted to talk to someone but just didn’t know how to start. When I nudged her, she opened up about what was going on in her mind.

He’s just so perfect but I can’t say a word!

“I think I am in love. I mean it could be simply a crush, but I am obsessed with this guy Sanket. He is so sexy and smart. Oh, man! The way he dresses: It seems like his clothes are sewn for him, otherwise you can’t explain the perfect fitting. And his top button is always trying to come off but holding on by some magic.

I thought I could talk to anybody. But that is a thing of the past, because every time I see Sanket, I am at a loss for words. I don’t know what I am talking about and do all sorts of stupid, weird, awkward things.

I don’t think I will ever be able to tell him how I feel and he will always think of me as a girl who messes everything up. My life is a mess, FML.”

Online dating advice would help, I told her

I was seriously concerned about her, though her story made me smile. I didn’t know how to help her and she was looking genuinely down. So I told her she should look up online dating advice blogs for tips. I told her she might find some inspired solution to her current crisis.

The next time I met Niki was in a coffee shop. She was back to her old self and was actually on a date with Sanket. She introduced us, and I asked her how this had happened when Sanket went to the counter for something.

“I’ll tell you everything later. It is actually a funny story. I did follow your suggestion and have found the best online dating advice that got us together. More on it later.”

So, I waited expectantly and within a week’s time she came to my apartment to tell me ‘everything’.

Online dating tips really helped my cause

“I took your suggestion and looked through online articles. They really do have ingenious solutions to unfathomable situations. I tried my luck with some of them. Actually, I tried a lot of them. And a few of them worked. Sanket started noticing me. I soon started talking to him on a regular basis.

“There were dedicated articles on online dating advice for ladies that touched upon every little aspect from how to dress to get noticed, how to flirt subtly so that you get the message across without raising eyebrows, how to text a guy you’re interested in, complete with hacks on keeping the conversation going.

“Of course, not all of these tips fit the context of my situation, but I developed a knack for taking out the best online dating advice from a wide array of tips and guides on winning over someone. From making changes in the way I dressed to finally approaching him casually for a conversation, I also practiced these online dating tips to the T.

“Soon, we exchanged numbers and were texting all the time. It was going really well and he asked me out over the weekend. Let me tell you, by this time I was already deep into online dating advice articles and was quoting them all the time to my friends and family. I was a bit obsessed, I must confess. It was working for me: so I obviously wanted everybody to try it,” she stopped to catch a breath.

While I was amazed that how well a casual suggestion from me had worked out for her, there was more to her story.

He caught me repeating online dating advice

So I went for this date: a dinner at a classy restaurant and we started talking. Suddenly I repeated something I read recently, and Sanket looked at me weirdly. He asked me, “Did you read that somewhere?”

You know how online articles say that you can’t lie to the person you have a crush on. I couldn’t either. I confessed everything and he started laughing. Confused, I didn’t know how to react. I sat there tensely, waiting for him to explain himself.

When he finally stopped laughing, he said that while he was studying management, he was hard up for money but he couldn’t get a job, as it would compromise his studies. So he used to pick up odd freelance jobs to sustain himself. One of these assignments was writing for an online relationship website and he was not very good at it. And to think, so many years later he would land up in a relationship because of those relationship websites…. He called us a relationship!”

A lot of online dating advice is often dismissed as fluff, but if you look at the right resources and put these tips and suggestions in the right context before adopting them IRL, it can truly work wonders.

(As told to Stotropama Mukherjee)


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