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The Empathic Tendencies of these 6 Zodiac Signs

If you’re someone who can easily read the “vibe” of a room or pick up on other people’s energy, there’s a possibility you’re an empath—or an empathetic person. Indeed, empaths and empathetic people are similar, but different. What are the signs of an empath? “A true empath is a person who is sensitive and highly aware of the feelings of others around them to the point of taking the pain and agonies of others as their own,” board-certified psychiatrist Nereida Gonzales-Berrios, MD, told Well+Good. Some star signs are known for their power of empathy—and, as it turns out, empath zodiac signs make up half of the zodiac wheel.

The water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces), for one, are a textbook symbol of an empath. “Think about the properties of water,” says astrologer Maria Sofia Marmanides. “It becomes easy to see why [they are empath zodiac signs], as this is an element that physically dissolves boundaries, pouring and absorbing itself into any environment—and then becoming part of it.”

While the water signs are natural empath zodiac signs, they aren’t the only ones that are especially attuned to the emotions and energy of others. Below, Marmanides breaks down what six signs are empaths, or in other words, all in their feelings—and everyone else’s.

  • Maria Sofia Marmanides, astrologer, tarot reader, and intuitive
  • Nereida Gonzalez-Berrios, MD, board-certified psychiatrist based in Texas

The 6 empath zodiac signs, according to an astrologer

1. Cancer

Cancer is ruled by the moon, the planet of emotions, making Cancers not only natural empaths but also empathetic. The sign “can read the energy of the room very easily,” says Marmanides. A highly empathetic nature is one of Cancer’s primary personality traits, and it can be both a strength and a weakness. “These cardinal water energies can have a more difficult time maintaining boundaries about which emotions are their own and which ones they are picking up from other people.”

According to Marmanides, Cancer moons might be even more empathetic than other signs in the zodiac wheel—and with their reputation as nurturers, they might also be one of the most compassionate signs to boot. “Fiercely protective and as the natural ruler of the moon, which governs our emotions in astrology, Cancer moons are naturally born as nurturers,” she says. “This zodiac sign’s energy is amplified when it lands in a moon placement. Feelings are deep and seep into the subconscious. People with this placement often need some type of psychic protection. They’re more likely to absorb the energy of their family and loved ones.”

2. Leo

Key among the Leo’s traits is their love of the spotlight, which might imply “me-first” energy, but the lion is more empathetic and attuned to people’s emotions and energies than this generalization suggests. If you’ve ever been so lucky to bask in the lion’s warm glow, you’ll know that the zodiac sign is more than happy to share the shine. “Because Leo rules the heart, they will perform great acts of generosity, kindness, and give of their own energy like the sun that rules them, if it means they can help somebody they love,” says Marmanides. “It all comes from a warm, heart-centered place for them.”

3. Virgo

An impeccable attention to detail is among Virgo’s most distinguishing personality traits, and as Marmanides says, no detail is too small for the ever-perceptive and discerning Virgo—including changes in the demeanor and energy of those around them. “They’ll register subtle shifts, like a change in tone or inflection, or something as quick as an eyebrow flash,” she says. Virgo isn’t one to ignore these signals either. “As a sign of service-based healing, Virgo will want to come up with remedies and cures as a way to care for the people they love,” she says. “They will even go to great lengths to anticipate their loved one’s needs before the other person can even verbalize it.”

4. Libra

Libra is all about keeping peace and harmony—it is symbolized by the scales, after all—and that means making sure that the energies around this sign are in balance and that everyone gets what they’re owed. Given this, “they are the embodiment of the idea of putting yourself in someone else’s shoes,” says Marmanides, making them not only highly empathic, but also one of the most compassionate zodiac signs. Libras have a tendency to placate others, which can sometimes get them accused of being indecisive, but “it is the very trait of Libra that speaks to their deep capacity for empathy,” she says. “This cardinal air sign has an innate desire for peace, harmony, and mutual understanding. A Libra will always consider the thoughts, feelings, and wishes of another person and give it equal weight to their own respective desires.” However, it’s important that they distinguish between empathy and people-pleasing, the latter of which is a tendency of the sign in their quest to avoid conflict.

5. Scorpio

An observant eye and a desire for truth are among Scorpio’s personality traits, so it makes sense that the sign has earned a reputation of being the detective of the zodiac—and though they want to know everything about those around them, it isn’t because they want to use this information to their own advantage as a dark empath might. On the contrary, Scorpio uses their keen intuition to empathize and make sincere connections with other people. “As the emotional detectives of the zodiac, Scorpio is a sign that will plumb any depths in their quest for true, soul-centered intimacy,” says Marmanides. However, “in their search for understanding, Scorpio recognizes the emotions and vulnerabilities of other people, which can lead them to become easily overwhelmed by the intensity of their own feelings as well as of others. It can lead them to become quite rigid about personal boundaries as well.”

6. Pisces

As an emotional water sign, Pisces is deeply attached with their emotions, which, in turn, allows the sign to develop a natural empathy for others—and sometimes, to the point of taking on the problems of others as if it were their own. “As a result, Pisces will be extra sensitive to all kinds of energetic fields, and as emotional processors, Pisces can easily use their powers of perception to tune into their various environments, sensing what is said or unsaid, seen or unseen, by the people around them,” says Marmanides, which has earned Pisces the reputation of being spiritual empaths. Since a borderline-psychic emotional intuition is key among Pisces’ personality traits, it’s important that Pisces sun and Pisces moon signs learn to set boundaries—if left unchecked, Pisces can submerge themselves in their feelings and those of others.

Frequently asked questions

Which of the zodiac signs are empaths?

According to Marmanides, the zodiac signs that are most likely to be empaths are the water signs Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. She mentions that Leo, Virgo, and Libra also have naturally empathic abilities, but they might show it different ways from the signs under the water element.

She also says a person might also have natural empathic abilities if they have some water in their natal chart.

Which zodiac signs are super empaths?

“Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces are considered the most emotionally attuned [of the zodiac signs],” says Marmanides, making them the “super empaths” of the zodiac wheel.

Which zodiac sign has intuitive powers?

The water signs are also most likely to have intuitive powers, says Marmanides, particularly spiritual empath Pisces because of its associations with the 12th house, which is linked to the subconscious, as well as its association with the “spiritual realm, imagination, and dreams.”

Which zodiac signs are highly sensitive?

There are many ways in which you can interpret the word “sensitive,” and in terms of emotional sensitivity, Marmanides says that the water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces) are likely to be the most sensitive of all the signs in the zodiac wheel. Typically, the water signs, especially Pisces, are also spiritual empaths, which means they also have “sensitivities in terms of psychic sensitivities or sensitivities to what’s unseen,” she says.

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