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Surprise Your Man Every Day with 75 Adorable Notes for Him

The most romantic way to tell your man that you love him is by writing cute notes for him. Leaving a post-it note in your hubby’s office bag, on his lunch box, or inside your boyfriend’s laptop bag is a great way to connect with him. These romantic love notes will lift his spirits and he will feel lucky to have you in his life.

Keeping the romance alive after marriage is a difficult business. Juggling your career, household management, raising the kids, investing for retirement, and taking care of aging parents, romance takes a backseat as we don’t find the time to plan surprises for each other. This is where the post-it notes come in handy.

To plan the surprise, you don’t have to do something really elaborate. Just leaving a post-it note here and there throughout the house could be a great way of expressing affection. It has a nice personal touch and takes less than a minute. You might be thinking, what can I write in a cute note to my boyfriend or husband? Check out these 75 cute notes for him that we have compiled just for you.

75 Cute Notes For Him That Would Surprise Him

When Ivan (name changed) was in high school, he was madly in love with someone in his class. They were both dating. While this person was returning from school on their bike, they saw Ivan walking with his friends and held out a note for him. Ivan took the note and his heart melted.

The note read: Everything I do, I do it for you. (A Bryan Adams song)

It’s been 30 years, their high school love didn’t survive the test of time. But to date, Ivan feels that was the most romantic gesture from someone he’s dated since then.

Cheesy Cute Notes For Boyfriend

So, how do you melt a guy’s heart with just a little note? You can jot down a song, a few words, or an intimate secret that belongs to the two of you and leave these as cute post-it notes for him. Where should you leave such cheese cute notes? Allow us to tell you.

1. Life is 10x easier with you by my side

You can leave such cute post-it notes for him on the refrigerator. When he wakes up and stumbles into the kitchen groggily, this is the first thing he’ll spot. Coffee is a good start to the day, but a surprise note for boyfriend is even better. Doing little things like these is how you build healthy relationships.

2. You are my sunshine, my only sunshine

Yes, these beautiful lyrics by Johnny Cash make for a dollop of cheese. He’ll hum this song all day, and think of you. The perfect place to leave this would be the window of your room. Let him know that you feel so loved with him and that you are forever thankful to have him in your life.

3. I’d trade the world for you

Here’s one of the best love notes for him from the heart. How wonderful he would feel when he learns that you prioritize him over the world. This note is something you can stick to his planner. It will be a lovely message to read before he dives into his work for the day. This is one of the cute notes for him that’s cheesy and will do a great job of putting a smile on his face.

4. I can’t imagine starting my mornings without you

You wake up in each other’s arms, listening to the other’s heartbeats. That’s why you love mornings so much and just the thought of him not being in your life scares you. Let your love be known with such cute notes for him. Stick this note on the tray as you bring him a steaming mug of coffee. Your morning will become special in a moment when this romantic gesture catches his eye.

5. Roses are red, and the stars shine bright; do me a favor and hug me tight

Corny yet poetic. Now the ideal place to leave this note would be the wardrobe. The correct time would be somewhere before bed. What will start off as a sweet embrace is bound to escalate into something hotter. Notes like these never let boredom in your relationship. You can leave such cute notes in his lunchbox or just text him to brighten up his work day.

6. I can’t believe I get to come home to you

If your boyfriend leaves for work before you do, you could attach this note on the countertop before you go to work. It would be a lovely thing for him to come home to. The stress of the day would vaporize. He might call or text you to tell you he loves you after seeing this note, or give you a tight hug when you come back home.

7. You make my world go round

This is a personal favorite in surprise notes. This is one of the cute notes to put in your boyfriend’s lunch, especially when he is carrying a round-shaped dessert or meal. Funny and sweet, this gesture will show him how much he means to you. You can also drop such funny love notes between the pages of a book he’s reading, and remind him of the most important story there is – your love story.

8. You’re the whole package

Something as simple as this can be the highlight of your man’s day. He’ll feel quite flattered, and compliments are quite appreciated by men too. He might even blush on receiving this note or text. However he reacts, I promise it’ll make an impression.

9. You leave me tongue-tied

This is one of my personal favorite cute post-it notes for him. Set the romantic vibe by sticking it to the remote before watching a romantic movie with him. He sees the note as he picks up the remote, looks at you watching him, and pulls you in for a kiss. This would be the perfect note for any special occasion.

10. How are you not tired? You’ve been running through my mind all day

Life is so much better with the presence of our partner. This note is a great way of telling him how much he means to you. Place it on top of his clothes in his gym bag. He’ll be thinking about you as he runs on that treadmill.

11. I love every little thing about you. You are just perfect in my eyes

Don’t know how to appreciate your boyfriend? Here is a cute note you can stick on his laptop. Or stick this on the mirror and watch the look on his face as he reads it.

12. You are just the most handsome man I have ever laid my eyes upon

Sincere physical compliments can do wonders. He will be surprised to find a note like this in his lunch bag.

13. I have eyes for no one other than you

This would be a great note to keep on the passenger seat of the car before he leaves home, especially if you’ve both been rocked by a rough phase in your relationship recently. Cute notes like these might help you reconnect. Make sure you sign the note, so he doesn’t get creeped out at a random note like this in his car.

14. You are so cute even when you are angry. Let bygones be bygones, please? *puppy face*

If the two of you had a fight last night and you are looking for cheesy ways to kiss and makeup, then this cute little note will do the trick.

15. I feel so safe in your arms 

A relationship is supposed to make you feel safe and protected. If that’s how he makes you feel, then don’t shy away from informing him that he is your Prince Charming who helps you sail through all the troubles of your life.

16. I still get butterflies when you look at me with your piercing eyes

If his gaze still makes your heart beat faster after years of being together, these are the words you have to use to tell him about it. Leave the note on his work desk at home.

17. You’ve shown me what love is 

If he is the reason you believe in love, then this is the perfect cheesy note to write on a note and toss it in his backpack.

18. You are the cheese to my macaroni 

Literally the cheesiest note you can write for him. Tell him the two of you go together as perfectly as cheese goes with macaroni. Stick it to the cheese packet in the fridge and ask him to hand it to you as you both cook together in the kitchen.

19. That smile of yours takes away all my sadness

It’s true what they say. One smile from the person you love is enough to turn that frown upside down. Write this text and paste it on his water bottle. 

20. You are to me what Earth is to the Moon

Meaning, he is the center of your universe. Yup, cheesy and smart at the same time. Have a window in the house from where you can see the moon? That’s the perfect place for it.

Naughty Sticky Notes For Boyfriend

Want to get your boyfriend in the mood for some naughty time? With the help of these notes, he will be all over you.

21. What was that thing you did last night? My heart is still skipping a beat

After a steamy night of lovemaking, you feel completely satisfied and you are head over heels in love with this guy. Imagine the look on his face when he finds such naughty notes in bathroom mirror. He’ll spend the rest of the day trying to wipe the silly grin off his face. Post-sex love notes are in a different league altogether.

22. I will never let you leave the house hungry or horny

Looking for some naughty notes for your boyfriend? This one will definitely excite him. If he is away from you, then send this as a text/email/letter and he will fall asleep thinking of you. He will be dying to come home and make love to you.

23. Can’t take my eyes off you, hon

He’s going to whistle when he reads this one, I promise. Keep this note on the car bonnet so he can find it as he steps out of the house. Complimenting someone on their attractiveness is a very good way of making sure they think of you.

24. Butt, where are you?

Where to leave this? Keep it in his intimate-wear drawer for full effect. This is one of the wittiest creative notes for a boyfriend that I’ve come across. It’s the right mix of goofy and sexy. Imagine his surprise when he pulls out the note from the drawer.

25. Oops, you’re in the wrong place … come to me right away

No matter where you keep this note, it will do the trick. He will come rushing to you when he reads this note, and scoop you into his arms. Cute notes like these make the recipe for picture-perfect moments.

26. You’re on my mind at any given time of the day

When we love someone deeply, we’re always thinking of them in some way or the other. And it’s quite lovely to tell them so every now and then. Who wouldn’t like to hear they’re this important to you? Such cute sticky notes will make him cherish you forever.

27. That mark on my neck is turning blue. Can you make some fresh ones?

This fun note to write is filled with passion and excitement. Notes like these can turn a night into a dream. You know that by now, don’t you?

28. Ice, ice baby!

This old song by Vanilla Ice might just be one of the cute notes for him that you can leave inside the freezer. When he goes to get some ice for your drinks, he will know how hot you are feeling. Do we need to say the rest?

29. I feel your kisses all day long

This is one of the cute notes for him that will make his heart do a somersault. He feels your kisses too when you are not around. So, when he is with you, no points for guessing how he feels.

30. Can’t wait to be in bed with you

A good place to leave this note would be the front door. He’ll walk into the house, close the door, and read how you love being in bed with him. This is one of the best surprise notes you can leave for him.

Short Love Notes For Boyfriend

Want to convey the deepest feelings of your heart but not able to come up with the right words? Listed below are some short yet deep love notes for him.

31. I can never stop loving you

If you are thinking about how to melt a guy’s heart with your words, then this is the perfect answer. Getting a surprise note like this with a lunch box would be amazing. Cute lunch notes are always winners.

32. Have a day as bright as your smile

So ridiculously cute! If “Have a good day” is too plain and done with, here is a unique style of saying the same thing. It’s a sweet way of showing someone you care. You can stick this note on his phone case for a ‘wow’ moment.

33. I think you’re the biggest blessing of my life

A sure-shot way to flatter a man is by throwing the divine into the mix. Plus, this super sweet note will leave him with red cheeks. I think an ideal place to stick this post-it would be on his tea/coffee mug.

34. You’re the human version of the heart emoji

This is such a Gen-Z thing to say. You can always incorporate some text message lingo in these creative notes. It can be abbreviations like ‘lysm’ (love you so much), or emoji references like this one.

35. You are my last thought at night and first thought when I wake up

If you are thinking of long love notes for him from the heart, this is really romantic. This does happen when you deeply love a person, so you should let your partner know that. Good communication is key to being a better girlfriend/partner, after all. Tell him that you fall asleep feeling happy that he’s in your life and wake up looking forward to meet or call him.

36. You drive me crazy with your smile

This right here is one of the cutest lines you’ll come across. And words like these make for wonderful love notes for him from the heart. Write this down on a little chit, and keep it in his coat pocket. The best surprise? I think so.

37. All I wanna do is hold you in my arms

Sweet and simple, this note conveys unconditional love. It will melt the reader’s heart in one go. Keep this note somewhere around the house, and he will have an ‘awwww’ moment when he finds it.

38. Each day is better than the last one with you

Because love is a journey, and you’re in the passenger seat of the ride you both are taking. Love notes for him from the heart will tell him how much you cherish your time together.

39. All I need is a hug from you

Hugs are the absolute best. And telling someone you need a hug from them specifically is even better. Drop this note in his wallet, and wait till he embraces you.

40. No one can match up to you

I know they say that comparisons are a no-no, but calling your partner the best is one of the most romantic things to say to him. He’s a class apart from everyone, and reading this note will give him a self-esteem boost.

41. I love you. Truly, madly, deeply, totally, and completely 

Aren’t you crazy about this man whose laughter echoes in your mind long after you part ways after a date? If that’s the case, write this short love note and keep it in his bag before he leaves.

42. We are a match made in heaven

He is the yin to your yang. The Ryan Gosling to your Eva Mendes. The chips to your fish. The fries to your burger. The ketchup to your fries. Tell him the two of you are a match made in heaven. Leave the note next to the salt and pepper shakers.

43. I need you like a sunflower needs the sun. You add so much meaning to my life 

Does it get more romantic than this? I think not. You have poured your heart out here. He will love you even more if you leave around such cute notes for him.

44. Meeting you at the coffee shop was the best thing that ever happened to me

Stick it to the coffee pot. This isn’t just one of the sticky notes to make him smile. This is also a sweet way to remember the first time the two of you met. Make him a little nostalgic and let him know how much you love him. 

45. You are a constant in my life

People may come and go but he is your rock. He hasn’t left you during your bad days and you’ve done the same for him. Make sure he knows you want him in your life forever by writing romantic little notes like these.

46. I love you with every fiber of my being

Your heart, bones, nerves, and even tissues. That’s how much you love him and it’s time to remind him of this. Maybe make it a little funny by keeping it next to his favorite fiber-rich food item.

47. I love loving you and being loved by you. Cross my heart, it’s the greatest thing I’ve ever felt

To love and be loved. How romantic and poetic! He will come running to you if you keep leaving such sticky notes for the love of your life all day on his birthday.

48. I am content and happy when I am with you. Nothing else matters. It’s us against the world

Tell him his love is enough to keep you happy and content, you don’t need him to be famous or wealthy. This is one of the notes to put in your husband’s lunchbox and tell him you can’t imagine life without him. 

49. I am yours and you are mine

Such a small sentence but has the greatest impact. Your heart beats for him and his for yours. Seal that love with romantic love notes like this one. 

50. Just a little note to let you know that you set my soul on fire 

This is a great note for him to read after a night of passionate sex. It’s important for partners to know how sexy they find each other even after years of togetherness.

Flirty Lunch Notes For Husband

They say love dies when you are married to someone for a long time. This only happens when both the partners let stagnancy ruin the relationship. To keep your relationship alive even amidst the ordinary, use these flirty notes to put in your boyfriend’s lunch or husband’s lunch and nourish the love you have for one another.

51. I was thinking of love notes for my husband and then I thought I’ll just stick them on my body

You should keep this note under his plate when you both sit down to dinner. You’ll get a close-up view of his reaction! We’re sure he can’t wait to unwrap the notes you wrote for him.

52. Being with you is the best part of my day

Honest and loving. I approve. While we all lead busy lives, our partners are the ones we come home to. And the time we spend with them is the best part of our day. Tell your boo how important those hours are with this love note.

53. I’m a huge fan of the shirt you’re wearing

Simple compliments like these can have such a big impact. Don’t be surprised if you see him wear that shirt more often after reading your note, or if he tells you to take it off that night.

54. You are my happy place so I always come along with you

If you are looking for caring words for him, this will do the trick. If he finds a note like this in his office bag, he would be in the best mood throughout the day.

55. Thank you for loving me without makeup and with my love handles

When he gets ready for work in the morning, if he spots a note like this stuck to the mirror, his heart would do a happy dance. How do you melt a guy’s heart with words? Like this.

56. I have been alone with you inside my mind…

If you are thinking of flirting with him by leaving beautiful notes for him, then a line from this cult song by Lionel Richie is always a good idea. When you’re thinking of writing cute notes for him, you can often leave love songs inside them.

57. Check your watch. It’s kiss me ‘o’ clock!

This note is quite funny and adorable. It’s the sort of message that would make him giggle.

58. Tell me before you go for a shower so I can join you

Imagine the impact of these few words. A lot can happen in the shower. Did the note work?

59. Hey, hottie. Ready to have some fun tonight?

Ooo mama! That’s a hot note right here. You’re building up to the moment when you’ll be together. He’ll get excited at the prospect of going home quickly.

60. You keep me coming for ya…

These lyrics from the hit song Senorita are a surefire way to win his heart. Trust Camila Cabello to come to the rescue when you’re aiming for flirting and romance.

Encouraging Sticky Notes For Boyfriend

A person who truly loves their man would never leave him alone in times of distress. If he is going through difficult times, then you can use these notes to put in your husband’s lunch or boyfriend’s lunch to let him know that you will stand by him like a rock and that you are his biggest cheerleader.

61. Go forth and conquer (just like you’ve conquered my heart)

This note accomplishes two things in one go; it motivates and romances. Your man will feel like he can take over the world, but he’ll also blush at the thought of conquering your heart. Stick this note on his coffee mug for an early morning cute moment.

62. You’re my number one

FAVORITE! We all love knowing that we are someone’s number one priority. You can tell your man what he means to you through this.

63. Relax, you got this!

In the middle of a hectic day, he will open this note and get that much-needed reassurance. You believe in him, and he is in control of things. He deserves to read such beautifully supportive and cute little notes for him.

64. Don’t know what I’d do without you…

Most of the loving couples don’t know how they’d get through life without each other’s presence. Being with each other physically is not a must, but even the fact that they are present in your life means a lot. Tell this to your boyfriend with a sweet note.

65. The person reading this will achieve his dreams one day

If someone wrote me a note like this, I’d be thankful for them. It’s that cute and encouraging. This is one of the most creative notes that compliments him and lets him know that you will always support him.

66. We will power through this. Don’t worry!

If the two of you are going through a rough patch at the moment, then such cute post-it notes for him will motivate him to not lose hope. It takes two people to successfully run a relationship. Just ask him to not give up on you so soon.

67. There’s nothing you can’t do, love

Love notes for him from the heart can do a very nice job of motivating him. They can give him just the push he needs. So hand him this note as he’s about to leave for work, and he’ll feel on top of the world. The best creative notes are the ones where you keep it simple and sincere.

68. Everything you desire will come to you when the time is right

This is a very short note with a very big impact. You can leave cute little notes for him like this one on his desk; it will be a superb start to his routine. He has ambitions and he needs your support to accomplish them.

69. I believe in you!

Words of affirmation are priceless gems. More so when they come from partners. He’ll be so happy to know that you place faith in him and his capability. Very wholesome and lovely.

70. Life is difficult but you are strong enough to fight your battles. I’m here to fight them with you

Life is never easy. Remind him of his strengths and ask him to never lose hope. Be there for him and promise to hold his hand forever.

Quirky Love Notes For Him 

Want to convey your love in the most unique and quirky way? We’ve got your back. Go through the list below and find the one that you love the most and use it to express your feelings.

71. Do you know the full form of love? L – Love you, O – Only you, V – Very much, E – Every second of every day

This is one of the unique and quirky sticky notes for boyfriend to make him feel like the luckiest man on earth. 

72. You’re my honeybunch, sugar plum. Pumpy-umpy-umpkin. You’re my sweetie pie

You’re my cuppycake, gumdrop. Snoogums, boogums, you’re the apple of my eye. How can we write a list of cute notes for him without mentioning this legendary song? Go ahead and send this to him over text.

73. My love for you > All the stars in the sky

Want to remind your boyfriend how much you love him and that he is the only guy you would go to the edge of the world with? Use these romantic words.

74. I want to be your teddy bear forever 

He is your squishy yet strong teddy bear you want to snuggle with for the rest of your life. This is one of the naughty notes for boyfriend that will make him laugh out loud.

75. If I could rearrange the alphabet, I’d put U and I together 

Simple yet quirky enough to make him smile. That’s how you keep the spark alive in relationships. 

You have been thinking, what can I write in a cute note to my boyfriend/husband? Hope you got your answer. Try these beautiful words that would melt his heart. Let us know how he reacted!

This article was updated in February 2023.

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