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Planning an Exotic Couples Trip: Helpful Tips for Two Travelers

Even the most perfect relationships need a dose of excitement and novelty every once in a while to remain so. What could be a better way to keep that excitement sizzling than planning a couples trip to somewhere unique. Be it an extravagant holiday or a quick weekend getaway, a change of scene always does you good.

Sit down and plan a trip together, choosing something you can both agree on and enjoy to the fullest. Make the best of your trip and create beautiful memories for a lifetime.

Plan A Romantic Getaway Together

Your first vacation as a couple can pose some serious challenges if you’re not prepared. In this third of a 5-part series of helpful tips on travel for two, we take you through the nuances of planning that first getaway. Planning a couples trip can be a lot of work, but it is also very rewarding. It’s just the two of you, and you have all the liberty to decide on what you want to do.

You’ve always had your heart set on navigating Mayan ruins together or checking out the ancient pyramids while holding each other’s hands. Are you sure you’re equipped to make the experience memorable for all the right reasons?

It shouldn’t be the case that in the quest for excitement, your relationship with your significant other gets strained because of unnecessary tension between you two. We’ve gathered some simple tips for you to follow to avoid the pitfalls of stress that can potentially unravel even the best-laid couple holiday plans.

1. Study before leaving

Every exotic destination will seem a bit overwhelming with the wealth of information at our fingertips these days. Use the internet to research your destination much before you actually book your tickets.

You don’t want to land there and be disappointed because you didn’t count on having to deal with a culture that doesn’t resonate with your beliefs or personality as a couple. There are plenty of couples trip ideas out there, so do your research and pick the one that is most suited to your likes and preferences.

2. Tell each other stories

Neither of you can possibly learn everything there is to know about the place you’re traveling, so divide the load. Perhaps one of you can read up on the historical aspects while the other gets a grasp of the current political situation of that country.

This way you can educate and fascinate one another during the trip, and each will have something interesting to share with the other.

3. Respect and reverence

History is a record of the strife, triumphs and progress of people who lived in another era. Try and understand what they must have gone through and how they lived to get a better understanding of what you are witnessing.

Often it will occur to you that they too experienced the same struggles that we face in the modern age. That can renew your perspective on things you take for granted in today’s world, and sharing in this will strengthen the bond between you two as well.

4. Marvel at the magical

Without the advances in scientific technology, machinery or the internet, ancient people managed to accomplished some pretty darn impressive things. When you’re planning travel for two, make sure to squeeze in as many of these unique experiences your destination has to offer.

Take note of these to comprehend how truly magnificent these prehistoric civilizations were. And to be grateful that you can share this moment together. All the effort that goes into planning a couples trip is worth it once you experience the magic of visiting a new destination.

5. Time travel

Exploring the Old World is like taking a trip in a time machine. Don’t forget how cool this is and to be grateful that modern transport systems have made it possible for us to see many different examples of other cultures within a single lifetime.

Linger in old marketplaces, shop for eclectic souvenirs to help retell the stories back home, and take plenty of photos to capture these special moments for posterity. You will be thankful when you get older and can no longer physically travel to such exotic locales.

6. Role play

What fun to imagine you are a couple living in those ancient times! Going to a place that is not as fast-paced as the city life will really let the two of you unwind and take a break from the bustle of everyday life. Some must-do places for when you plan your next vacation could include going to hill stations, spending time on an island or visiting ruins of old cities and towns.

Maybe you can pretend what your life would have been like had you two met back then. What would your courtship have been like? How would you have lived together? It can be fascinating to switch personalities and maybe even names while playing this exercise.

Who says role-play is exciting only in the bedroom?

7. Learn the lingo

Even if it is just a few words, try and pick up some basic words in the local language. Use these as your secret code in public when you return home as a unique and fun way of remembering your holiday. It can be an excellent idea to preserve the excitement you felt while traveling, long after the jet lag has worn off.

8. Cultural immersion

Traveling to exotic environments and the best holiday places makes absolutely no sense if you hide in your 5-star hotel, eat only at the touristy places and hang out only with other tourists and your guide.

Make friends with the locals, chat with shopkeepers and become regulars at certain restaurants (and tip generously) so the staff warm up to you and give you insider tips on the food, or the truly good sightseeing spots to check out.

Feeling like you’re off the charted course can help you two rekindle the spirit of adventure that gets dulled with time between two people. Planning a couples trip will help bring the intimacy back in your relationship.

Banning the boring already sets you apart as a couple and ensures your relationship will never be a dull one. Just make sure that these tips equip you to enjoy the exotic so that your adventures together will only serve to help you treasure each other forever.

Try some of these fun trips for couples and revive the spark in your relationship!


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