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Introducing Luciano: The Brilliant Mind Behind Hidden Identity

When filmmaker Luciano Podcaminsky discovered One Love’s content, he decided to do all he could to amplify our mission. With the help of film industry titans such as Robert Yeoman, best known for his cinematography for Wes Anderson, he created Hidden Identity. The minute-long film focuses on “turning the lights on” relationship abuse, an issue that thrives when hidden from view. Check out this powerful film below and read on to find out why Luciano says we need compassion and love to change this issue.


1. Tell us who you are and what you do.

My name is Luciano Podcaminsky and I’m a film director and photographer from Argentina based in Punta del Este, Uruguay.

2. How were you introduced to One Love?

I was watching the Creativity Adage website and found some of One Love’s previous spots. I thought it was a good idea to share my video with One Love.

3. Tell us about your film Hidden Identity, what inspired you to create it?

I really felt attracted to those hidden identity videos and the fact that you don’t know the identity of the person behind the shadows, I liked the metaphor and the simple idea that this is exactly the way a victim of domestic violence feels, even when the lights turn on. They live under a continuous shadow.

Image of Luciano Podcaminsky


4. Relationship abuse is a public health epidemic that thrives when hidden from view. How did this inform the concept of the film?

Yes, that was exactly the concept, the idea that violence goes underneath the surface and beyond the light, it could happen in any form and any way, even if it’s hidden or not only physical abuse.

5. What was the process to create this film and how long did it take?

I had the idea and the concept and called my friend the cinematographer Robert Yeoman that is famous for being the director of photography of all the Wes Anderson films, he really loved the idea and then we found some friends that collaborate with Angie, my wife, and we found Allana Matheis, the actress, she was really amazing. We shot it in one day in Los Angeles and then took some months to edit and post-production.

6. Was it difficult to get people involved in the project? Or did people immediately want to help?

I found it very simple because they were friends and they loved to collaborate for a good cause.

7. What do you hope people will take away from this project?

I hope this could help a little and give some light on the subject, people need to understand that victims are everywhere and we need to have compassion and love in order to change this reality.

Check out Hidden Identity here.

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