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Identifying the Indications: Is He Merely Utilizing You as a Trophy Girlfriend?

All of us want to feed our egos and feel better about ourselves. Women may shop or colour their hair to get that ‘feel-good factor’. Similarly, men need something to feed their egos too. While some men indulge in shopping for fancy technology and accessories like watches, some like to attract attention in other ways. And what better way to boost one’s self-image than to flaunt a beautiful, attractive girlfriend?

So while he gives you attention and gifts, don’t mistakenly assume that he loves you – it is all for his benefit. It can be quite heartbreaking to know that you are just a trophy girlfriend for someone who you have fallen in love with. The only reason your man keeps you around is your beauty, and you need to figure out if you are happy being flaunted around like a prized possession.

The only reason your man keeps you around is so they can use you for an ego boost. Are you happy with him flaunting you around as a prized possession?

What is a trophy girlfriend?

Trophy girlfriend is the name given to an extremely beautiful, young, very attractive girl who is so pretty that she is considered as a prize. These are the girls who are considered as a status symbol by their boyfriends, who are often older and unattractive, but usually wealthy.

They are mostly the girlfriends of rich and successful old people and usually act as a symbol of a person’s social position. Men usually want a trophy girlfriend just to show the world how successful they are in life. Men also flaunt trophy girlfriends to their peers and give their ego a boost.

What does it mean when someone calls you a trophy? 

It means that they are basically trying to insinuate that your so-called boyfriend is using you for attention. There are chances that he’s using you as an ego boost because of your attractiveness. Treating someone like a possession or like a “trophy” is not right. Especially if the other person has feelings for you. 

This behaviour from your boyfriend can make you feel like you’re an object with no personality. But this is not true! If you feel like your partner is disrespecting you by using you as a trophy, look out for these signs. 

12 signs he is using you as a trophy girlfriend

It can be very unfortunate to find out that you are treated like a trophy girlfriend. If you have asked yourself the question, “Am I a trophy girlfriend?”,  you may feel used and cheated, and that may break your heart. Because men treat trophy girlfriends with much care and pamper them, it may be difficult to know that you are being just arm candy. Are you a trophy girlfriend? We have 12 signs to know whether he is using you as a trophy or not.

1. You receive extravagant gifts for no reason from him

Whenever he meets you he loads you with expensive gifts and diamond jewellery. You’ll always receive these gifts in front of his friends. He expects you to you tell other people about them. That way he gains the status of being rich and successful.

2. There are no discussions about the future

If the guy genuinely loves you, he will talk about the future. This does not mean talking about marriage, per se. It could simply be short-term plans like travelling together or making plans for the next weekend.

But someone for whom you are just a prized possession will never bring these equations into the relationship. He doesn’t see you as someone he will commit to in the long term. He’s simply using you for attention.

3. He hardly cares to know about your personal life

If he loves you, he will be interested in knowing every minute detail about you. But if he is very casual about you and just treats you as an ego boost, he will be hardly interested in getting to know you better. He is only fond of how you look, not what you are as a person.

4. Trophy girlfriends get compliments only for their looks

Whenever he meets you, he only talks about your outer beauty. His compliments are only based on your looks, your clothes and hair and basically anything related to your appearance. He never appreciates you for your inner qualities and attributes; it’s because he doesn’t pay attention to those or hardly cares about them.

You will never see him appreciating you for your professional success or your intelligence or productivity or even other qualities like your kindness and creativity.

5. He loves himself more than you

Even when you’re together you’re not really together. There’s an air of disinterest around him. He never asks you about how your day was or how you feel. He just enjoys you sitting beside him and is hardly interested in talking to you. But when it comes to talking about himself or his success, he can go on and on. You could also coin him as a narcissist.

6. Love and Respect

Love and respect are the pillars of a healthy relationship. If he just wants you by his side to flaunt you as his trophy girlfriend and does not respect you, he does not deserve you. He doesn’t care about you; rather, he cares about how you add to his image. You might as well be an accessory to him i.e. the quintessential trophy girlfriend.

7. You see him only when he wants

He always seems to decide where when and how you meet. You will be told in advance if you’re to go out to a party or to meet his friends and might even get appropriate new clothes or jewellery that you are to wear to these events. He will always be eager to have you meet his friends and his social circle. You never get seem to spend any quality time with him like going to the movies or simply taking a walk. If you suggest spending alone time with him, he just brushes you off.

8. He always talks about your beauty

He always tells his friends about how beautiful his girlfriend is and takes you to his friend’s place just to show off. You are a prized possession that he wants to flaunt and show you off.

9. He always wants you to look good

One of the signs that he treats you as a trophy girlfriend is that he wants you to look good all the time. And no, he doesn’t think your natural beauty is enough. Your hair and makeup should be on point and you must be nicely dressed. You might even get chided by him for not being appropriately done up for one of his events. He treats you like an accessory, almost like his Rolex watch.

10. You feel no personal connection

When you are close with someone, you talk about personal and serious topics like marriage, friends and family. Two people in a happy relationship share their problems and depend on each other in tough times. But with him, you do not feel like he has anything to share and neither does he seem interested in your problems. You barely ever communicate. You are a prized possession that he wants to flaunt and show you off. He’s using you for an ego boost.

11. Your opinion does not matter to him

In a relationship, we should respect and listen to each other’s opinion. But if you feel that he hardly cares about your opinion, it may be because he does not respect you. He’s using you as a trophy girlfriend and does not actually care for you.

12. You never have to worry about money

He will hardly question you about how much you spend. All he wants is for you to be dressed all prim and proper whenever you’re with him. You don’t have to look at price tags while shopping and your credit card bills are paid by him. He may even give you his credit card.

What should you do if you are treated as a trophy girlfriend?

  • Ask him to love you for who you are: When you find out that that he treats you as a trophy girlfriend, confront him. Ask him to love you for who you are and appreciate you for your inner beauty and attributes as well. Tell him that you’re not a doll he can keep dressing up the way he likes all the time
  • Be firm with him: It’s important that you are unmoving about what you want from him. He will try to get his way and dissuade you but you must hold your ground. Don’t get carried away by sweet talk
  • Privacy: Ask him to not to publicise you and your relationship in front of other people just for the sake of showing off
  • Talk to him about the future: Even if he is not interested in talking about the future, you should insist on it. Ask him where he sees himself and this relationship in five years. Take the initiative to find out whether he is serious about you or not. If he isn’t, consider breaking up with him
  • Spend time with him: Ask him to spend time with you and only you. This way you both will be able to get to know each other properly. Maybe when you start spending time together, he may start actually liking you and caring for you – for the person you are, and not only for your beauty
  • Leave him if he is not serious about you: Even after your repeated efforts if he is still not serious about you and just wants you for your beauty, break up with him. His love will fade away with when you refuse to meet his terms or when someone more beautiful comes by. So, leave him and be with someone who genuinely loves and cares about you as a person

Not everyone is in a relationship for the right reasons. You may be in it for love, but not everyone shares these romantic ideals. It is important to pick your partners with the utmost care. Otherwise, you may end up with someone who only cares about your outer beauty and not for who you are as a person. These people will use you for attention and treat you like an object. So listen to us when we tell you that you deserve so much better. Sometimes letting go is better than holding on to something that does not make you happy.

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