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How Your Partner Could Be Unexpectedly Undermining Your Sleep

Your partner may look like an angel, dreaming away (unless you’ve got a sprawled out, mouth-wide-open snoozer on your hands)—but the reality may be far from heavenly, when it comes to shut-eye habits.

According to a study conducted by Eight, a sleep technology company that sells smart mattresses and trackers, there are certain characteristics (some unconscious, others not) that can actually be taking away from quality slumber—and it’s not just about whether you’re a snorer.

The people with the worst sleep? Those who share a bedroom but are sleeping alone, the study shows.

Surprisingly, those who bunk up with someone else get more sleep than those who doze solo—with an average of eight hours and four minutes a night, versus seven hours and 46 minutes, according to the study (based on data collected from 5,570 Eight product users).

But the people with the worst sleep? They’re in couples, too—it’s those who share a bedroom but are sleeping alone, the study shows.

And there are also lots of other ways that sleeping with someone else may not be such a delight—and they may be why you wake up more tired than you were when you hit the sack.

Keep reading to see the 4 ways your partner could be messing with your sleep.

1. A not-so-in-sync schedule

Those middle-of-the-night bathroom breaks? Collapsing into bed right when you were about to fall asleep? These disruptions, and more, can mess with your rest. Different bedtimes and frequent interruptions over the course of the night lead to you to wake up over and over again.

2. Turbulent sleeping

Whether you’re a deep snoozer or are easily woken up, sleeping with someone who’s always tossing and turning is an annoyance that can make you wake up feeling drowsy (and in dire need of a coffee-avocado smoothie).

3. Different preferences

Some people can’t fall asleep unless the TV is on, or if there’s some sort of background noise. Others prefer total silence (or at least a white noise machine)—and would sooner give up a front-row seat at SoulCycle than put a television in the bedroom. If you have opposing ideas of the perfect bedroom environment, that can lead to big-time disagreements and less-than-great rest.

4. Climate clashing

Ice-cold, versus cozy and warm—the eternal couple argument. According to the study, women in general prefer a higher temperature than men do. But if you can’t find a comfortable middle ground (hint: a hygge blanket might help!), you may not have the most peaceful night. Different strokes for different folks, but bedtime is sacred—so maybe add some zzz-related qualifications on your Tinder account.

There are also ways to improve your partner time when you’re, you know, awake. In fact, this one wellness habit can transform your relationship. And this is what to eat to spice up your time in between the sheets. 


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