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How to Move On From a Serious Relationship – 10 Steps to Guide You

Lord Alfred Tennyson had once said that it is better to have loved and lost than not be in love at all. Love can make your life be the most beautiful you have ever seen or rain down hellfire on you as well. It is this dual quality that makes it so irresistible. But there is nothing more painful than a broken heart. If you have come here to find out how to move on from a serious relationship, this is the right place. 

I have researched a lot, read a lot of heartbreak books, seen a lot of tear-inducing films, and also gotten our own hearts broken. That is how this list has come up in order to help you move on after a breakup when you are still in love. 

The question here is – how to move on from a serious relationship? I understand that heartbreaks are tough but I know that you are a fighter as well. I can help you get to the point where you are an expert in how to move on from a serious relationship. This list is only suggestive; the real material action has to be taken by you. 

But before we reach that stage, let me start with a confession. I have had my heart broken once as well and I used one of these options to move on fast. I hope you can guess which one by the end of it. Till then, keep your heartstrings strong because this list will definitely tug at them. And it will also answer the question – of how to move on from a serious relationship?

How Do You Accept That A Relationship Is Over And Move On?

The acceptance that your relationship is over is a heart-rending one. After all, it was the thing that might have kept you going in difficult times. But don’t worry. This is the time to rebuild your self-confidence and look at the brighter side of things. Imagine yourself at the center of your life and take the reins in your own hand. You will learn to move on fast and I can help you with that.

Remember to focus on your strengths and ignore your weaknesses because, at this time, your mind tends to make you feel desolate. The mind is a curious object – it can heal but at the same time, it can impede progress as well by constantly reminding you of your failed relationship. This attitude would help you maintain positivity when everything is crumbling around you. That is how you get over a long-term relationship.

How to move on and be happy? This article would help you in exactly that and more. If you are confused and heartbroken, these are the 10 things that will help you to break away from your relationship and move on fast. 

10 Steps To Help You Move On From A Serious Relationship

Worried that you might never find true love again? Worried that you don’t know how to get over a long-term relationship? Flustered that you cannot move on from a serious relationship without closure? Don’t fret, Bonobology is here to guide you out of this problematic situation. Here are 10 steps to help you do that.

1. Start a new hobby

How to move on from a serious relationship? This is the most important step post-breakup if you wish to know how to move on and be happy. Everybody has a secret gift, something that they can do much better than others. It can be painting, singing, reading novels, writing, or even horse-riding (yes, that is a legitimate passion). When you dive nose-deep into that passion, it can help you move on fast. 

Think about it like this – you have never had the time to learn anything new. After all, you owe it to yourself to rise and shine. This is the best way to get over a long-term relationship. And today it is easier than ever. There are multiple online marketplaces available that can help you satisfy your inner urge to learn pottery, write poems, commit to gardening, and do other similar things.

2. Hang out with your friends and try to have fun

Do you want to move on from a very serious relationship? You can’t do it by feeling sorry for yourself. You should kindle the bond you share with your old pals and see how therapeutic that is. Call up your friends and let them know you need them to move on fast. 

Friends prove to be better than counselors and heart-break healers. They would push your limits, expand your horizons and help you get over a long-term relationship. Friends have also known your ins and outs so there is no chance that they would judge you. They can totally empathize with your viewpoint and never let you down. They can be your pal in everything crazy and might also teach you how to move on from a serious relationship without closure.

3. Adopt an animal

If you want to move on from a very serious relationship, you should adopt a pet animal. It doesn’t matter if it’s a dog, cat, or a tiger (yes, they allow that in some countries). A pet would not only provide unconditional love and affection but also help you to understand how to move on and be happy. If you do not have the adequate provisions for adopting and taking care of your pet, then you can volunteer at a pet shelter or look after the cute fluffy friends that are there with your known folks.

How to move on from a serious relationship? It is often said that pets can assume the mental status of their owner and change it. Research studies have shown that pets can form a deep connection with you and absorb all the negativity that surrounds their friend/owner. The connection you feel with your pet animal is that of spiritual love and that is beyond quantification. The pet can be your cuddle buddy when you are missing your partner. This can help you get over a long-term relationship without suffering any pernicious outcomes.

4. Push yourself to work

I know that this is a controversial way to move on from a serious relationship but hear me out. In this world of fickle-minded romance and ever-increasing inflation, a fat paycheque always keeps extra worries out. The personal and the professional often do not mix well but in some instances, one can complement the other’s absence very well. You want a feeling of being accomplished when you are down and out and work can very easily give you that.

That basically means you get to enjoy being successful even if you have to move on from a serious relationship without closure. Learn to embrace your inner work spirit and ride the way to a successful work-life balance. In the short term, it can prove to be the impetus you need to move on fast.

5. Start a new romance

How to move on from a serious relationship? Albeit, more controversially. Yes, I followed the last idea with an even more controversial one. Come on, everyone knows that the magic potion that cures all ailments is newfound love and there is nothing ethically or literally wrong with starting a new whirlwind romance to move on from a serious relationship without closure. In fact, if you didn’t get closure in your previous relationship, this is the best way to move on. 

There is nothing wrong with falling in love as many times as you need to make yourself comfortable and happy. But remember – consent is the building block of all relationships. So once you have that part taken care of, there’s no need to pay heed to what society says.

6. Stop stalking your ex

There, I said it. If you are trying to move on from a serious relationship without closure, the worst thing you can do is stay immersed in the maybes. It would definitely impede your progress and mental state. Moreover, it will dredge up old memories which can cause a lot more damage than is needed.

The time that you have spent with your partner is memorable and might make you teary-eyed but going through their Instagram or Facebook profiles will worsen the situation. And it will also make you look a tad bit over-possessive and that is never a good sign. It will only dampen your current state of mind. I know it is harrowing to move on after a breakup when you are still in love but you should do it because ultimately, you are worth it.

7. Remind yourself of the reason you broke up

Do you want to know the best way to move on from a serious relationship? If you are thinking about casual relationships, I have covered that too. But there is something better. You just have to make yourself remember the exact reason why you took this step. It won’t work if you have been dumped but I can cover that in our later points. Listen to your mind and try to excavate the reason why you felt you need to step away. Remind yourself of that decision-making process and voila, you would be cured of this ailment and you would get over any long-term relationship.

You must have had an amazingly lucid reason to move on fast if you can just reminisce how you must have felt at a point when you decided to end it. Maybe your partner was careless, maybe they cheated on you, maybe you just fell out of love – don’t worry, just think of the opportunities that lie before you rather than what lay behind you.

8. Go for a vacation

If you want the short answer to how to move on and be happy, I have one word for you – vacation. A much-needed and long-awaited can take your mind off your relationship woes, open up newer avenues of self and happiness and help you move on fast. It is the Lois Lane to your Superman.

The vacation needn’t be in an exorbitant and exotic place. It can be a place that soothes your mind and embalms your body. Go for a quick dip in the sea or a sweat-inducing hike to the mountains and you will come back energized and full of oxytocin, the love hormone. It is much needed to get over a long-term relationship.

9. Try making new friends

How to move on from a serious relationship? Do you want an answer to this question? While point 2 spoke about the importance of talking to existing friends, I also know that sometimes, you trust strangers more. I am not suggesting you pour your heart out to a stranger to move on from a serious relationship but rather you befriend them. A new friend is all that you need to rehash all that has happened. The new friend can be a savior in that world. I remember my friend went through the same period of loneliness and desolation post-breakup but he found refurbished happiness once he started a community of tech enthusiasts. That group helped him find his feet in troubled water.

If you are one that is trying to move on after a breakup when you are still in love, and you share common friends with your ex-partner, it might be difficult for you to confide in them. This is the best option for you in that case. You get to explore more through networking and you alleviate your heartaches for a while.

10. Don’t move on yet

How to move on from a serious relationship? If you have been stuck till now, this one will save you further trouble. I saved this for the last since that’s probably not what you want to hear right now. But listen to me. Often relationships break not because people did not love or care for each other but because of misunderstandings, lack of communication, and ego issues. If that is the case, if you are deciding to move on from a very serious relationship, because of certain things that can be amended, please take the chance to do so.

How Long Does It Take To Get Over A Serious Relationship?

Congratulations on sticking out so far. It wasn’t easy, I know but it is truly a step toward the correct decision. It is often difficult to move on from a very serious relationship due to latent commitment and other associated issues. Research says that it might take somebody close to 3-to 4 months to recover from the heart malaise but remember, you are your best friend in this situation.

Before I get to the conclusion, another piece of advice. Do not let anybody dictate what should be there in your life and what should not. Nobody knows your struggles, your dreams, and your aspirations as well as you do. That is your prerogative and even if things didn’t work out with somebody, do not be bogged down by that fact.

Love is a rare thing in a world torn by meaningless strife. If you had that kind of relationship with your partner, don’t let him go. Understand that this is one unicorn-ish case where your partner does not abuse or hurt you. In that case, please move on fast.
So there were different answers to the question – how to move on from a serious relationship?. I hope this list finds you at a time when you need it the most and helps you get over a long-term relationship without damaging your heart anymore. Let me leave you with a thought by Ralph Waldo Emerson: “What lies behind you and what lies in front of you, pales in comparison to what lies inside of you.” By now, I hope you got the answer to how to move on from a serious relationship.

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