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How To Meet People Without Dating Apps

In the era of swiping and online dating, here you are asking how to meet people without dating apps. I am sure you are fed up with either being catfished or ghosted or you just want to try the good old fashioned way of meeting someone without the interference of mechanical algorithms and dating websites. You are not alone. Many people are sick of online dating forums and are asking, “Is online dating the only way to meet people?” 

To find out more about how to meet people without dating apps and if online dating is the only way to meet people, we reached out to dating coach Geetarsh Kaur, founder of The Skill School, who specializes in building stronger relationships. She says, “No. Online dating is not the only way to meet people.

“You do a lot of networking. You go to your friends’ places. You go to parties, conferences and school or university related events. There are multiple ways to meet people in real life.” If the dating apps have let you down, then don’t mope around thinking you are the problem or that you are undateable. It’s time to put yourself out there again and find the perfect one for you without asking digital platforms to help you out. Below are some of the answers to how to meet people without dating apps. 

Is It Possible To Meet People Without Dating Apps?

Organic dating might sound like an age-old concept to millennials, but it’s actually one of the best ways to meet someone naturally. Of course it’s possible to start dating without an app. After all, that’s how our parents and the generations before them have been meeting people. All of us want to meet someone in real life who would love us just the way we are. Get ready to put yourself back in the dating pool and find out how to meet people without dating apps. 

Online dating apps give you the advantage of getting to know what a person is like before going on a date with them but there are many major disadvantages of online dating as well. But there’s a certain mystery in meeting someone in real life whom you’ve never DM’ed or interacted with before. You don’t know if they like the same things as you or if they are the complete opposite of you. This mystery makes organic dating so much better than swiping left and right.

Geetarsh shares, “If you are an extrovert, then it will be much easier for you. You can initiate a conversation anywhere. It could be a restaurant, a pub or at the gym. If you find someone attractive, then you can approach them and start a conversation with them. But make sure they reciprocate your interest before getting too friendly and creeping them out.” It doesn’t matter if you are an extrovert or an introvert. The tips we’ve shared below will help everyone wondering how to meet people without dating apps.

How To Meet People Without Dating Apps

While trying to find love organically, you will discover many things about yourself. Like what quality of yours attracts people the most or what trait of you turns people off. You know, some people are good behind a screen but are horrible in real life. Whereas some are terrible at the texting game but extremely charming in real life.

You can find out which one you are by ditching online dating websites and start dating without an app. If you are asking ‘is online dating the only way to meet someone’, then you couldn’t be more wrong. Below are some of the answers to how to meet people without dating apps.  

1. Get out of your comfort zone

You think dating apps are comfortable because you sit in the comfort of your house without having to do any work by yourself. Your fingers are doing all the work for you. You see someone’s profile and you swipe right and try to get dates on Tinder. Then, you strike a conversation with them. Yes, it’s as easy as that. But how often has that conversation turned into a real thing? Very rarely. You need to get out of your comfort zone and find ways to meet someone naturally.

A comfort zone is where your abilities aren’t being tested. You are happy with whatever it is you have and think there’s nothing in life you can complain about. You think you are happy this way and don’t have to try new things. Eventually, you will get bored of the rut you have created and you will feel there is something missing. Organic dating will help you fill all the missing aspects of your life. 

Geetarsh says, “We have made social media as antidepressant. We have created a safe because of it and it has become a comfort zone for ourselves which we find very difficult to get out of. How to get out of this comfort zone is by taking out the fear of judgment that’s stopping you from going out and meeting new people. Do not hesitate while making the first move. Get out of your comfort zone and everything else will gradually fall into place slowly and steadily.” 

2. Ask a trusted member to set you up with someone

Now that you’ve gotten out of your comfort zone, here is one of the best answers to how to meet people without dating apps: Ask any of your loved ones to set you up on a date. Learn a few dating tips and etiquettes before you go on a date if you are new to dating. This is how I found my current partner. I asked my sister who also happens to be my best friend to set me up after a bad breakup. Let your friends or siblings be the cupid on your quest to find love organically. 

Geetarsh says, “A person who is close to you knows your dating preferences. They know your beliefs and values. The benefit of meeting someone through your friend or sister’s recommendation is that there is a trust factor involved. You can be assured that they won’t throw you in harm’s way. All you have to do is let the people in your life know that you are on the lookout to meet someone in real life.”

 3. Head to a coffee shop or a bar

This is one of the most classic ways of how to meet people without dating apps. Coffee date is one of the best date ideas and I have lost count of the movies and books which have the same meet-cute plot where the main lead approaches the other lead at a bar or a coffee shop. That’s because art imitates life. Channel your most happening energy and be respectful and courteous if you find someone you like.

Also, be open to being hit on. If somebody approaches you, don’t drive them away with one word answers. One word replies are the most off putting thing about someone. Be confident and keep the conversation flowing. But don’t try too hard and make yourself look like the desperate guy wanting to buy every girl a drink or a desperate girl flirting with every guy out there.

4. Develop or pursue your long lost hobbies and interests

She shares, “One of the drawbacks of meeting people online is that you don’t know if your hobbies and interests align. Not that it’s one of the core facets of a healthy relationship but still, it’s a nice thing to share your favorite hobby with someone you like and it’s one of the encouraging early signs of a good relationship. You might find people online who are attractive, but finding someone with the same interests as you can happen only when you meet someone in real life.”

Let’s say you love to attend workshops or you love to participate in open-mic events. You might find someone who is attracted to you and vice versa once you widen your horizons and get back to your interests and hobbies. Even if you don’t have any interesting hobbies, then it’s never too late to develop one.

The digital life has made all of us so lazy. Instead of going to the theaters to watch a movie, we prefer all the OTT platforms such as Netflix, that are out there. Go watch a movie in the theater and who knows, you might even find your soulmate there. The possibilities are endless, dear readers.

5. Attend your faith related events 

Some people believe sharing the same religious beliefs are important in having a healthy relationship. If you are someone who is religious and passionate about your value systems and core beliefs, then this is one of the best answers to your question about how to meet people without dating apps.  

Attend your faith related events to find someone interesting. You can use your belief as an icebreaker and conversation starter. Stir up a conversation that revolves around religion. If you regard religion as important, then there’s nothing better than finding love in the house of God. 

6. How to meet people without dating apps? Try speed dating

She says, “Speed dating is never a bad idea to meet someone in real life. At least you are clear about what you want. You can try attending speed dating events. This is honestly one of the cooler ways to meet someone in real life.” If you are asking ‘is it still possible to meet someone organically’, then the answer is ‘Yes’. There are various types of speed dating events that take place, but the basic idea of speed dating is that you will be given a set amount of time. Say somewhere between 3-8 minutes to speak to someone. Once your time is up, you will change spots to talk to someone else.

The group sizes tend to vary, but you will get a chance to talk to at least five different people. prepare some ice breaker questions to start a conversation. At the end of the event, you will have to write down the names of the people you found interesting. If the person you liked reciprocates your feelings, then contact details of each other can be shared for further meet-ups. 

7. Attend alumni events

Attending alumni events is one of the best ways on how to meet people without dating apps. If you had a huge crush on someone back in school but didn’t get a chance to ask them out, then alumni events are the perfect opportunity to try your luck once again. The bonus factor here is that the two of you have attended the same educational institution for years. There could be many things to talk about with your crush. Now that’s a powerful connection nobody can deny.

Even if you don’t know the fellow alum you are about to run into, you will already have something in common to chat about. By being in the same environment for so long, you both might even share the same core values and interests. You can have a laugh or two about the funny professors or the two of you can go down memory lane and bring up nostalgic events which happened during those good ole days. 

8. Attend meet-up groups

She says, “You don’t have to think you are a dating an old soul just because you met them in real life. Modern day dating is no less of a task than job hunting. To save you from the boring swipes and lines, there are many meet-up events which take place. Find out if there are such events happening near you and attend one of them to find love organically.”

There are many meet-up events that are organized for singles so they can meet people in real life. The sole purpose of those events is to find love organically. It can be a little awkward to attend an event like this but you will be surprised to know how many people turn up to such events because they wish to start dating without an app.

9. Going to the gym is the answer to how to meet people without dating apps

Geetarsh says, “Going to the gym will help you meet a lot of new people, but how open and comfortable are you in having a conversation with others at the gym? There are many do’s and don’ts of flirting at the gym. If you are a confident person, then it’s not a difficult task for you to mingle with people at your gym. But if you are an introvert, then take baby steps toward getting to know someone you like at the gym.

“Start from hello. Ask them how their day was. Little things like that will help you be a confident man or woman.” Many gym freaks have tried and tested this way of organic dating. Even if you aren’t a gym person, you can try yoga if that suits you. Just don’t try your luck with the gym trainers or staff members. There’s Zumba, hiking clubs, swimming and so many other things to try your hands at. 

You can always go to marathon events or a badminton game to meet someone in real life. And if there’s a specific sport you love like running, cycling, playing badminton or golf, then look out for local events that promote these sports. These are some great ways on how to meet people without dating apps. 

10. Volunteer for a cause 

If you want to know how to meet people without dating apps, then try volunteering for a cause. It’s one of the best places to meet men and women. It can be anything ranging from an environmental cause or a ‘save the water’ campaign. If you are already doing this, then kudos to you for thinking about others and the planet. Volunteering for a cause you are passionate about ignites and increases kindness in you, and it will be evident to everyone around you.

The same kindness can be expected from meeting someone through a local cause. This is how you can meet someone organically and honestly I don’t think there is any other quality which is more attractive than altruism. It is one of the qualities that make a man attractive. Likewise, even men find it very charming when a woman shows altruism. That will subtly let you know that the person you are interested in has a kind heart. 

There are so many people who want to start dating without an app. It’s great that so many people are trying to find love organically without asking our phones to help us out. If you are asking is it still possible to meet someone organically, then all these points we detailed above will help you in deciding your answer. Hope the above examples work out for you and you meet someone special. Good luck!

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