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How to flirt with a man

Improve your game and become a natural-born charmer

Some women are naturals in the art of flirting. They move through life, charming all the people around them. They create fireworks of sexual chemistry. All sorts of men fall in love with them. Strangers go out of their way to please them. Even your old grumpy auntie keeps talking about that time you brought over your delightful friend. If you learn how to flirt with a man, you can become one of those people.

The crash course

Flirt by using your body language, invite him into your personal space and touch him lightly when suitable.

Flirt with your words by telling him something unexpected about yourself.

Show him that you notice him by giving him an original compliment.

Don’t be afraid to playfully disagree with something he says.

Be a bit mysterious to intrigue him.

Everyone can learn how to flirt

Except for those charmers, the rest of us are all pretty bad at flirting.

We need a bit of help.

No, scrap that. We need a lot of help.

If you are googling how to flirt with a man, you probably realize that your charm doesn’t stand up to the competition with the yucca palm standing next to you.

Yes, that includes you

No need to despair. Everyone can flirt. Most of us chose not to. That’s right. We make a conscious choice not to flirt. The main reason you don’t flirt is that you are afraid of creating desire in men.

Learn not to fear rejection

When you flirt, you have to create desire in those men by showing them that you have a desire for them. Showing desire means the possibility of getting rejected. Humans are, generally speaking, very afraid of sexual rejection.

Once you realize exactly why you’re not flirting with men, you will have an easier time overcoming your fear.

How to flirt with men is something that can be learned. Just like tennis or swimming or piano, whatever your level is right now, you can become better.

To learn how to flirt with a man you only need these 3 things

  • The technical know-how, which I’m going to give you in this article.
  • A lot of practice. Don’t disappoint me on this one; go out there, make mistakes, and improve. Rome wasn’t built in one day, and neither will your flirting skill.
  • A charming dose of bravery. Flirting means taking the risk of not being liked, being ridiculed, and rejected. Sexual rejection is terrifying for a lot of people, so I expect you to be brave.

The wrong side of flirting

There is a caricature of a flirty woman. Lots of mascara, a deep decolletage, an eye-catching red dress, and a penetrating laugh that has no problem reaching everyone around.

And we all, quite frankly, think that those women lack self-esteem. She is a manipulative, attention-seeking man-eater. We don’t want to be her. We want to learn how to flirt with men, not how to manipulate men.

A simple exchange?

The natural-born flirts move through life, flirting with all sorts of people (or at the very least, all sorts of men.) When they flirt, they give something; the possibility and promise of sex. But it is also a form of exchange. In return, they expect attention and desire.

On a side note; if you want to know how to create more sexual chemistry with men, check out How to appear more attractive as a woman.

You want to be straightforward and honest

When you put the question about how to flirt with men in this context, it makes complete sense that you are afraid of flirting and not very good at flirting.

One of the main reasons behind this is that you are a genuine, straightforward person. When you want something from another person, you simply ask.

You don’t like to coax the thing you want from them. You have no intention of tricking them.

Train yourself to become better at flirting

And that’s great. Only one little problem, when the right person enters your life, your flirting muscle is completely untrained. It’s like you are trying to sing without ever haven taken a tone. Or getting asked to climb Kilimanjaro without a map and without spending months at the gym first.

Good luck

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