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Discover the Unique Ways Each Zodiac Sign Expresses Love

Not everyone expresses their emotions in the same way. While some people wear their hearts on their sleeve, others tend to become too self-aware when consumed by feelings of love. If you believe in astrology, you’ll relate to how these behaviour patterns may be governed by the sign a person is born under. Next time you’re confused about how someone feels about you, look for answers in how each zodiac sign shows love.

How Each Zodiac Sign Shows Love

Affection and expressions of love look different on different people. This difference is the result of our inherent personality traits, which can, in turn, be linked to our zodiac signs. If you’re expecting chocolates and poems from a Leo, you’re sure to be disappointed. Similarly, if you expect subtlety in expressions of love from a Piscean, you have another thing coming. Understanding how each zodiac sign shows love can make decoding these veiled messages so much easier.

Let’s interpret different zodiac signs in love and how they communicate these feelings without saying it in as many words:

1. Aries (March 21 to April 19) – Most admiring zodiac sign in love

When an Aries falls in love, those feelings originated from a place of inspiration and admiration. Aries like to think of themselves as the wisest, smartest, most intelligent or talented. They’re usually right in that assessment.

4. Cancer (June 21 to July 22) – Most affectionate zodiac sign

Cancers are by character confident and self-assured. However, when they first realise that they’re falling in love, they tend to become too self-aware of their emotions and may act somewhat awkward around their love interest. This is usually the first indicator of them being in love.

Want to know how does a Virgo woman show affection? Besides doing all of the above, her feelings will also manifest in physical gestures of love. She’ll hug you more often and a little longer, lean on you, touch you playfully while talking. She’ll let you know how she feels without having to say a word.

7. Libra (September 23 to October 22) – Zodiac sign that’ll cast a spell on you

Despite being old-school romantics, Libras are extremely apprehensive of showing their feelings unless they’re sure that their love will be reciprocated. A Libra is truly a class apart when you look at how each zodiac sign shows love. Instead of making their own feelings known, they’ll focus all their energy on charming you.

10. Capricorn (December 22 to January 19) – Most cautious in love

Capricorns are typically introverts who take their time to trust other people and open up. It’s no different when they’re in love. They are not affectionate or romantic, and may take a while to warm up to you, even if they’re in love. Their expressions of love shine through considerate and thoughtful gestures.

They’re also extremely creative people. So don’t be surprised if a Piscean uses artistic expression to convey their love to you. From a song to a poem, painting or even fairytale dedicated to the two of you – they are unabashedly expressive among all the zodiac signs in love.

The next time you’re caught in the love-me-love-me-not dilemma, don’t lose your mind over the uncertainty. Just revisit how each zodiac sign shows love and look for these tell-tale giveaways in your person’s behaviour toward you.

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