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Discover the 15 Secrets to Forever Lasting Love

Falling in love is one thing and making that love last forever is another thing. We all want a love that will last, but how? Apart from wondering how to make money, this is the other question that’s asked again and again without any perfect answer. You see, falling in love is one part but making that precious love last, now that’s where the real work begins and don’t let them tell you any differently – it is work. The best kind of work maybe, but it’s real work and there’s no getting around it.

A friend of mine went through heartbreak after a prolonged courtship. Then she met her now-husband. She was unsure, broken, insecure. “Little by little with his gestures and understanding he made me see what love really is. Then when he proposed and we married I vowed that I would make this relationship last forever. It’s been hard work, there have been ups and downs but it’s 25 years now and I am sure I now know how to make a relationship last a lifetime,” she said.     

How To Make Love Last Forever

It is said when it comes to love “forever” is an illusion. But if you ask couples who have been happily together for ages they would say that love transforms from the euphoric to the mundane with the passage of time but if you keep working on it you can make a relationship last forever. 

So how to make love last forever? If you follow these 15 tips then you your relationship will always be enveloped in love.

1.Build trust in a relationship

Trust in a relationship is a process. We tend to burn ourselves and most people at the stake when doubt creeps in, but we must remember that doubt is only a form of fear, and fear is an instinct that’s supposed to warn us and protect us. We must heed and respect the warning and not let it drive the relationship.

Trusting someone takes time and vulnerability, but in love, that’s the only way to go forward. If you want your love to last forever then you have to have trust for each other and never let an iota of doubt creep in. 

2. Physical intimacy is sacred

Physical intimacy is a very important, almost sacred part of most romantic relationships. Unless you are asexual, in which case skip this point and move to the next one (No judgement, everyone’s welcome to love.) Belly to belly compatibility, as I like to call it, can sometimes take time and is something worth investing in.

Having great sex is a way of communication in a relationship, no matter what age the people are. It keeps the relationship alive. You need to keep working on physical intimacy to make a relationship last forever. 

3. Nurture respect to make your love last forever

This is a cornerstone of long-lasting love. Without respect, there’s no integrity in the relationship. You may not agree with each other’s politics, morals, ideas, but if you don’t respect them, there’s no balance in that relationship and it becomes a vacant dead thing. Respecting someone you love means treating them in a way that makes them feel good about themselves, that means validating their choices.

Constant criticism, even if you think it is for your own good, can have a negative impact. Your words, your actions, everything about your way of engaging with your love has to be layered with respect.

4. Honesty is the driving force

Believe it or not, you don’t have to be honest all the time in a relationship. It’s about knowing when to lie. I’m talking about white lies, of course. When you know your partner is not looking great but you tell them they’re killing it, you win. You might not be honest or telling the truth, but that’s okay as long as it’s not harmful.

White lies make the world of love go around and they’re important for every relationship. White lies are fine. Every couple uses those but if you want your love to last forever make sure that you are never dishonest in a harmful way. That is terrible for a relationship. 

5. Have shared goals

The idea of falling in love for procreation is so last season that we don’t even want to talk about it. Yes, people keep procreating, but that cannot be the main reason behind love any more. What’s the main reason then? Shared goals. People want to build empires together. Whether that’s a business, an ideology, or anything else. For couples today, the big fat Indian family isn’t a goal.

12. Talking about the past

You will see much in love couples are always happy to talk about their love story. How they met, when they decided to marry and all the small details. They would regale their children and even grandchildren with these happy anecdotes of love and friendship. 

If you want to make a relationship last forever talk about the small things in your relationship that make you tick, that make the love blossom even after years of marriage. 

13. Kissing often

This does not need any effort but this is just an act of intimacy that shows how much you care for each other. Kissing your partner as you leave home and kissing when you meet again after work are things that keep a relationship going.

A great way to make love last forever in your relationship is steal kisses when you are watching a romantic film or scene. This has nothing to do with your age, it just shows how you feel about each other. 

14. Have your own private jokes 

If both partners have a sense of humour it makes a relationship last longer. And it’s the private jokes, the leg pulling and the fun they have with each other that makes a relationship a success.   

Ask any couple who have been together for long, about their private jokes, and they would come up with a bag full of them. Also some couple have the funniest nick names for each other which keeps changing with the times but these cute names have something in them to make a relationship last forever. 

15. Be ready for an adventure

When you are in it for a long haul the relationship often gets boring. So to keep the zing alive you should have some adventures often, both small and big.

You heard about a new cosy restaurant at the other end of town and you are ready to take the train and the bus to reach that place. It’s the mini adventure of finding that place with your partner that you just love. Then how about trying out snorkelling and even scuba diving together on a holiday? Or you could plan all your life for that hot-air balloon adventure. Sometimes talking about the things you want to do together can make your relationship work

How do you make love last? There is no hard and fast answer to that. But you can make your love last forever if you follow some simple rules of love.

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