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Decoding His Love: Unveiling the Secrets of His Body Language

Like women, men don’t always say exactly what they feel and guys actually don’t have to say much to show what they are thinking. That’s because unconscious body language gestures might give you a hint or more about the extent to which he is into you. You can understand in his body language that he loves you. The way he looks, the way he leans in when he talks or the way he holds your hands says a lot about how much he loves you. All you need to do is read his body language signs and understand how much he loves you.

Know How Much He Loves You Through His Body Language

Let’s see how much your guy is into you. A man in love with you will always show it through his body language. You just have to know how to read that body language. We tell you ways to do that.

1.  He locks his eyes with your face, not only eyes

You might think that a guy who is totally charmed by you will find it hard to peel his eyes away. But now that everyone is used to being glued to their phones, non-stop eye contact make people feel really uncomfortable. So, here is the new rule: if he spends about 70-80% of your conversation looking from your eyes to your nose and to your lips, understand that he is totally into you.

2. He holds your hand and presses his palms against yours

This kind of full-fledged hand holding determines a significant desire to connect and trust me even you will have that intimate feeling when the guy does so. It’s a heady feeling and you would instantly feel how much he is into you. This an absolute body language sign a guy is into you.

Related reading: Body language and its role in healthy relationship

3. He walks beside you

Most men like to pace their walk to match with their women; isn’t the walk more enjoyable with the loved one right beside you? If your man is constantly walking two steps ahead of you and you are huffing and puffing, probably it is not the best sign. However, if your man adjusts his pace to match yours, girl he is a keeper! How to tell if he loves you body language? This is it.

4. He pays attention to how you look

When a man notices how you look, he might comment on your dress or hair or he might give a subtle nod or smile. But if he has gentle ways of letting you know when you look good (or not) that tells you a little about how he is feeling about you and also indicates his appreciation towards you, go get this guy!

Related reading: Every couple does these cliche things when in love

5. A cuddle bug

How does he act when you are just lazing around and sitting on the couch? Does he pull you close? Does he act as an adorable cuddle bug; the proof is in the pudding. It’s written on the wall, this man’s heart has been stolen. This is an absolute body language sign that he is into you.

6. Kisses your forehead

It has been said that a kiss on the forehead means just one thing; he wants to keep you forever and ever!!! It’s an endearing gesture that is respectful and caring and when he has reached this level of sweetness, you have won his heart!

7. He does everything possible to make you comfortable

Does he offer you his jacket/blazer? Does he get an extra blanket when you are feeling too cold? If he is being extra thoughtful of your level of comfort, do not let him go away, do not! This guy is the one who will surely tumble for you!

More often than not, men don’t say what they are thinking and feeling. If you learn how to pay attention to their body language, you can figure out whether you should get to know them or kick them away.

Take the time to use these few pointers to figure out whether or not a guy really loves you!

How To Know If He Loves You Or Lusts For You

12 Signs He Is Using You As a Trophy Girlfriend

Personality Of Men According to their Zodiac Sign

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