Blog Post

Body Dysmorphic Disorder: How her Relationships Suffered because of BDD

As my kids grew older, the void in my life began to grow. The children became independent and moved out. My husband got busier with his business and social work, with very little time for me. He was the unromantic kind and I was becoming more and more desperate to hear that he loved me. The void and my husband’s attitude started taking a toll on my mental health. But little did I know then it was actually my undiagnosed BDD that was affecting our relationship.

What it’s like to suffer daily with body dysmorphic disorder (BDD)?<

Every time I looked into the mirror, I started disliking how my nose looked. It was big, not in shape and needed surgery to be fixed. My day started with this thought and ended with it. I was obsessed with my nose not being perfect. So I began my research on rhinoplasty. My younger son tried to explain to me that a surgery at this age to fix looks was not needed. I snapped at him and called him names. My older son wanted me to attend social gatherings, take care of his daughters, etc.

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