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A Comprehensive Guide: 15 Essential Tips for Dating a Nerd

Say the word ‘nerd’ and the image of a socially awkward bookworm pops up in your head. So, it comes as no surprise that dating a nerd can feel bewildering to some people. Sometimes these people, who barely make eye contact, seem so into their books that they come off as boring. But boy, is that wrong!

Do not be deceived by their demure demeanors. Once comfortable in your presence, they can blossom into the coolest friends and the most amazing romantic partners. I guarantee that you will end up saying, “He’s a nerd, but I like him.” Curious about what it feels like dating a geeky guy? We did a little research on nerds for you to take advantage of before you go out on a date with them. Here are a few things you should know before you step into their world of magic.

15 Things To Know When Dating A Nerd

The 80s and 90s media stereotyped geeks as men and women with pasty-looking skin, thick black glasses, and braces. You don’t have to look too hard to find out exactly how far away from the truth that stereotype is. Think Henry Cavill, Margot Robbie, Anne Hathaway, and Joe Manganiello. But what really makes them so special is not their looks but their personalities. Here are some things you should know before you think of dating a nerdy man/woman.

Things To Know When You Are Trying To Get A Nerd’s Attention

Trying to get a nerd’s attention? Here are some tips to help you understand what their mainstream pursuits are and how they would like to be approached:

1. They like staying in

Many nerds tend to be introverted. They are more likely to stay at home and play video games or read manga than go out partying all night long. While there is no denying that for a lot of people, this is not the definition of fun, to those who have outgrown the nightclub scene, dating nerds is a welcome relief.

Imagine curling up on the couch together with a glass of wine, you’re reading A Tale of Two Cities and he’s reading One Piece. Or you’re happily indulging in a self-care routine while he plays Dungeons and Dragons. Paints quite the picture, doesn’t it? One of the biggest perks of dating a nerd is while he is okay going out, he will be equally content staying in and spending quality time with you.

2. They are not superficial

Let’s be honest, we all like looking good and seeing good-looking people. There is nothing wrong with that. But when a relationship is built on the foundations of mere appearances, it becomes a superficial relationship. This is not a problem you will face when you are dating a nerd.

You might catch them staring at you in awe with hearts in their eyes, marveling at your beauty, and wondering how they got so lucky to have landed you but that’s not the only answer to your ‘what do nerdy guys find attractive’ query. They will be equally interested in what you think about the Cold War or the possibility of time travel. Your opinion and your thoughts will matter to them.

3. They are intelligent

There’s one thing that you can safely assume when dating a nerd. That your geeky person is smart. Nerds are known for having a high IQ. They have spent the majority of their life focused on acquiring in-depth knowledge of things that they like. Along with being intelligent, they are also hard-working and give their best in their chosen field.

When you are dating a nerdy man or woman, you get to build intellectual intimacy in the relationship. He will not only tell you about the stars in the sky, but he will also point out the constellations and tell you the romantic story behind the names of each of the constellations. This is one of the biggest perks of dating a nerd, you will learn something new every day.

4. They do not have a playbook

Are nerds loyal? Geeky guys and girls love playing all kinds of games, on their phones, on their computers, on their TV. But there is one thing that they never play with, and that is someone’s feelings. If you are having thoughts like “He is a nerd but I like him so much,” then you’ll do well to choose him for his loyalty.

Along with being sensitive, nerds happen to be very empathetic. So, the chances of them not appreciating your love and cheating on you are rare. Nerds know when they have something beautiful going and appreciate it from the bottom of their hearts.

5. They are passionate

Nancy always found Bret to be the timid guy who stayed calm and avoided confrontations. It was this quality of his that made Bret seem extremely cool and mysterious. He was a sweetheart who loved his comic books and superheroes. Nancy liked him a lot but assumed that there would never be any fireworks between them. Until the day The Avengers: Endgame hit the screens.

Nancy had never seen Bret like this. He was so excited, he could barely sit still on the way to the movie. All through the way, he kept talking about all the characters. That was the first time she caught a glimpse of how passionate Bret was about the things he liked. And later that night, she experienced the rest of it. It was all the fireworks she had hoped for but thought she would never share with Bret.

One of the best pro tips for dating a nerdy guy/girl that pop culture gets right: Dressing up as Princess Leia from Star Wars will definitely have him drooling all over you, and could even pave the way for unconditional love.

6. They can hold conversations well

This is surprising, isn’t it? There is a wide misconception that nerdy guys/girls are introverts. That makes them bad conversationalists. However, it’s just a stereotype and don’t let this generalization fool you. While some geeks could be introverts, they are open enough to actively partake in conversations that interest them. From small talk to engaging conversations, they are good at everything.

Just like the nerds from the famous sitcom The Big Bang Theory, nerds tend to be very smart and their insights will blow your mind for sure. If you are trying to date a geek, then get a guy’s attention first by talking about things like:

  • Comic con 
  • Video game consoles, Dungeons and Dragons, and Star Trek 
  • Other guys who are smart like Bill Gates
  • Puzzles and brainteasers (that you can also play with your boo)

7. They have a great sense of humor

Just like Leonard from The Big Bang Theory, nerdy guys have a great sense of humor. Most guys who are nerds have been humorous all their lives. It’s only you who has failed to notice their sarcasm because you just thought of them as “overly emotional nerdy men who are antisocial and whose body language is weird.”  

They are extremely funny once they are comfortable around you. Their wit, sarcasm, and lack of restraint can make anyone laugh. Furthermore, they don’t mind becoming the butt of someone else’s jokes as well. They can take a joke and deliver a joke with the same zest. 

Things To Know When You Are In A Relationship With A Nerd

If you just started dating a nerd. then you are going to have the time of your life. The love they shower you with will make you feel like royalty. Now, here are some things you need to know when dating a nerd:

8. You can be sure of their loyalty

Loyalty in a relationship is an essential aspect of any relationship, be it between lovers or friends. So, are nerds loyal? One of the biggest perks of dating a nerdy guy/girl is that they are loyal to the core. You will rarely find a more loyal and reliable friend or partner than them. They aren’t like those who do serial dating for fun.

Books like The Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter, where good overcomes evil, rightly portray how loyal nerds can be. Even games like Mario where the little Italian guy goes to save his princess. They have this innate urge to stand up for what is good and right. So, if you are dating an awkward nerd, then know for sure that they have a knight inside them who is willing to fight dragons to save you.

9. Genuine to the core

Nerds are quite aware of the fact that they are considered geeky. They are also aware of the social stigma that comes with being called a geek but they try not to let that affect them. When you are dating a nerd, you will realize that they are actually quite self-aware; they have accepted themselves and love themselves just the way they are.

However, you might even wonder what nerds find attractive in a person. The answer is, a person who is genuine. Nerds cannot fake their feelings or emotions. They are honest with everyone around them. They expect and appreciate the same from their partners as well.

10. You will be loved

One of the best perks of dating a nerd is that you will receive unconditional love from them. Nerds can be very strange, as a result, they are also very accepting of other people’s individuality. You do not need to shy away from such a person. When you are dating a nerd, you are given enough space mentally and physically to be your authentic self.

Being vulnerable in front of someone can be very difficult for a person. Your nerdy partner understands that. And will love you in spite of all your weirdness. Nerds will make you feel secure, understood, and valued.

11. They can be sensitive

Along with high IQ, nerds also have a high EQ. Nerds can be very perceptive and will pick up on your moods in an instant. They might have been bullied a lot in their teen years. This trauma has unfortunately made them learn how to be observant and recognize other people’s moods early on. As a result, they also end up being very compassionate and empathetic in their relationships.

So if you are dating a nerd, your feelings will be heard and your emotions will be validated. Nerds appreciate vulnerability, and you and your emotions will be given their due worth.

12. Chances of a stable future are high

Nerds are essentially very hard-working people. They tend to give every subject its due importance during childhood; all that effort and hard work pays off in their adult years. In today’s time where machines play such an important role, it is these nerds who have a steady and regular income and are able to excel and do well for themselves in their adult life.

13. They are full of surprises

Talking to a nerd can never be boring. Their interests are so varied and so deep-rooted that you can delve into any subject at any time and have deep and meaningful conversations. They might often come off as socially awkward or anxious but they can also be very romantic and display their affection through little meaningful, romantic gestures. Their self-awareness and the willingness to grow and develop as a person make them mature, smart, and kind.

Dating a nerdy man/woman can be a very exciting experience. Not only are they smart and sensitive, but they also accept you and all your imperfections. They are capable of making the most mundane days interesting and fun.

14. They aren’t equipped to play mind games 

Nerdy guys/gals don’t know a lot about hot-and-cold behavior, push-and-pull attitude, and they don’t know how to chase someone. If they like you, they like you. It’s as direct and simple as that. They aren’t your average people who like a good game of chase. Nerdy men/women won’t try to make it complicated. Their honesty and loyalty will surprise you. They won’t give you subtle hints that they are mad at you or that you did something to hurt them.

They are loyal to their friends just as they will be honest with their significant other. These down-to-earth nerdy guys/girls will make sure you are looked after and will prioritize your mental health as well. When you are having a difficult time, they will make sure they are around you to ease your difficulties.

15. They take relationships seriously 

Unlike your previous partner who dumped you because you gained a few pounds, nerds take relationships more seriously. They won’t care about what others have to say about you either. Most geeks march to the beat of their own drum. They value relationships a lot and won’t break your heart if they truly love you.

Their love is one of a kind and once you fall in love with their nerdy side, you will realize that nerds make the best partners. You will think why you wasted your entire life dating all these weirdos from your gym and the self-obsessed folks you met at the pub. 

How To Ensure A Strong Relationship With A Nerd

When you are dating a nerd, most people take them for granted and let the relationship become stagnant. In order to prevent that, here are some things you can do to keep the relationship alive:

  • Partake in their interests
  • Find out what their love language is and base your actions around it
  • Try to learn about the things that fascinate them. For example, if the person you are dating loves physics, then learn which hypothesis they are working on
  • Give them geeky gifts like a cartoon box set, encyclopedia, or any other gifts for science nerds. Surprise them with the things they like
  • Have a good time with them by taking them to comic con and other science events they are interested in

Key Pointers

  • Dating a nerd guy can be fun and exciting. It will be a unique experience and you will learn a lot from them
  • One of the things you need to know while trying to get a nerd’s attention is that they are great conversationalists and they have an opinion on everything. Their conversations will keep you entertained
  • A few other things you need to keep in mind while dating a nerd is that they value relationships a lot and they won’t play mind games with you

No relationship is perfect and every relationship requires effort and time. If there is anyone out there who is willing to invest time and effort to make a relationship work, there is a high chance it is going to be your geeky partner. So, what are you waiting for? Ask out that sweet human who keeps looking at you but is too shy to make a move, and get ready to have an adventure of a lifetime.

This article has been updated in March 2023.


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