Blog Post

Understanding the “Two Week” Rule: Jamie Chung and Her Husband’s Secret for Maintaining a Strong Relationship

Welcome to My Morning Routine, where Jamie Chung and other good-life gurus share their personal (frequently surprising, often healthy) morning rituals—to help you make your a.m.’s more awesome. 

Jamie Chung
Actress, lifestyle blogger, and partner on the Transitions Good Light Project

First thing I do when I wake up is try to not grab for my phone. It’s a horrible habit I—and so many people—need to break. Then I’ll usually grab a cup of coffee. My husband and I have just redone our place in New York, and one thing we made sure to have is a coffee machine. It’s nice to not have to leave the house and make it at home.

It’s tough having an apartment in Brooklyn and a house in Los Angeles, on top of both of [my husband and I] traveling all the time—we always seem to get separated because of work. It’s hard to see each other, so we have a “two week” rule where we make the effort [every other] weekend to see each other, no matter what.

In the morning I like to run outdoors. When I’m in LA, Brian [my husband] and I live by the Hollywood sign and it’s a perfect place to log three-and-a-half miles. Or I’ll take a class at Barry’s Bootcamp or Sweat Garage, which incorporate weights and the treadmill. If I’m crunched on time, I’ll just do a vinyasa yoga flow. Sometimes I’ll do 21 steps of sun salutations at home or I’ll go to YogaWorks or CorePower Yoga. There are a lot of studios near my house.

My breakfast doesn’t really change much. I’ll either have Greek yogurt with granola or a breakfast sandwich I make at home, or sometimes a veggie scramble. It sounds pretty boring but it’s my favorite meal of the day and I never get sick of it. Growing up, my breakfast was very unconventional but quite common in Korean and Hawaiian culture. You just have Spam, rice, and eggs—it’s so good. I’ll still have it sometimes, of course!

Usually between breakfast and lunch I’ll grab a green juice. I feel like I have a harder time digesting veggies—it’s more of an effort for me to include my greens in those two meals, so I make sure to drink it if I don’t eat it.

For more ways to spice up your love life, this is the one wellness habit that can transform a relationship. And here’s how to bring the excitement back into a long-term relationship.

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