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Ways for Women to Enhance Their Charisma

We give you all the tips on how to develop a magnetic personality

Let me start by saying, I just love this question. I’m so glad you asked. How to be a more charismatic woman is a great starting point for self-improvement and pursuing an amazing life.

When you know how to be mesmerizing to the people around you, your life will be full of opportunities and you will get to know a lot of inspiring people.

You become more charismatic as a woman by following these steps:

1. Laugh at your own jokes.

2. Ask questions and listen to the answer.

3. Spend time with yourself.

4. Be generous.

5. Believe in yourself.

6. Steal shamelessly.

Below, I will explain exactly how to improve in all these areas.

We all have the ability to become more charismatic than we are right now.

Be charismatic by being generous

A lot of people go through life and expect and demand things from the people around them. They want attention, love and admiration. They generally also want to have a lot of services provided for them.

Few people twist the question around and ask themselves what they can give to the people around them.

Being charismatic is about being generous towards other people, putting the spotlight on them and being curious about who they are.

1. Laugh at your own jokes

Someone who seems to enjoy their own company is a person who is very pleasant to be around.

So, to become more charismatic as a woman, start by being more charismatic to yourself.

We are all our first audience and, in some ways, our first love.

So go ahead and charm yourself. Make jokes to yourself. Make plenty of witty comments that you are bound to enjoy.

The way you laugh shows your confidence

Laughing is enthralling.

If you have a weird, quirky laugh, it’s even better. Charismatic people often have an unusual laugh, and they use it a lot. It’s the kind of laugh that makes other people want to laugh with them.

To be able to laugh takes a certain kind of confidence. Check out a video of Jeff Bezos for an example. Be a person who laughs a lot and is confident enough to laugh at your own jokes.

Of course, you should also be laughing at other people’s jokes.

2. Ask questions and listen to the answer

Being charismatic isn’t about putting yourself in an imaginary spotlight.

Being charismatic is about making the people around you feel special.

You achieve this by being genuinely interested in who they are and what they have to say.

Practice mindfulness

Try to be more mindful when you listen to someone, be present. Don’t allow your thoughts to wander. Give them your undivided attention. They will feel it.

When you do listen, make sure the other person feels heard by using non-verbal clues such as a well-placed smile, a small laugh that means that you understand exactly what they are saying, and raised eyebrows.

Take the conversation deeper than the surface level

Being charismatic is about asking the right questions.

Without the right questions, a conversation easily gets stuck on a surface level. Exchanging facts rather than feelings. And the thing with those conversations is that they are not particularly memorable.

Find out what is unique about the other person

Ask something unexpected and you will find out something unexpected about the person in front of you. As a result, both of you will feel closer to each other.

Being charismatic is about forming a bond with the other person. This bonding occurs when the two of you find out unique things about each other.

3. Spend time with yourself

Before we can go out in the world and be our true charismatic selves, we have to make sure that we have spent enough time with ourselves.

So don’t feel bad or guilty for doing the things that are important to you. Take the time necessary to eat healthily, get enough sleep and exercise. Spreading love and charisma to the rest of the world starts with you being in a good place.

Focus on educating yourself

To take this one step future, make sure you constantly keep educating yourself, learn new skills and do deep dives into new ways of thinking.

Keep up with what’s going on around you and in society as a whole. This way, you always have new things that excite you to bring up when you do go out in the world and meet people.

Be smart and savvy by being well-informed

Being well-read and well-educated is also a good way to have thought-provoking questions for the people around you.

Most people enjoy intellectual discussions, and most people don’t have enough of them. Be sure you tell the people around you about the latest book you read or the newest documentary you watched.

Ask them for their opinion.

Don’t get stuck in the past when you want to be charismatic

Old people stuck in the 1950s, with an “everything was better in the old days” attitude, are hardly charismatic.

Embrace change because change is the only way forward.

You don’t have to like every single way society is changing. But you do have to keep challenging yourself and embrace the newness of the exact time we are living in right now.

To be able to offer people new perspectives and stimulating conversations, you have to keep exercising your brain by learning new things.

4. Be Generous

Being generous takes a certain kind of strength. T

here are about a million ways to be generous to the people around you.

Cook for people; giving people food is caring about them.

When you are invited somewhere, show up with an unexpected and thoughtful gift.

When you are doing something fun, invite another person to come along and join you. This is especially true for people whom you wouldn’t naturally invite.

Give without expecting anything in return

It’s important that you display your generosity from a position of strength and calmness. You are not trying to buy anyone’s love. You are displaying your joy for everything that makes life great.

Being charismatic is about putting in that extra effort. Being charismatic is about having lots of energy.

When you are generous towards people, accept that you may never receive the same sweet treatment back and be OK with this outcome. You are generous because you want the world to be a generous place.

5. Believe in yourself

Self-doubt is exhausting for the people around you.

Every time you mention something you don’t like about yourself or some form of problem, you force the person listening to carry a bit of your burden.

They will sympathize with what you say and adjust their mood accordingly. If you do this too often, people will naturally withdraw from you. An interaction with you will leave them a little bit less happy.

Be proud and vulnerable

To become more charismatic as a woman, believe in yourself. Don’t talk down to yourself. Don’t second-guess your decisions.

Be proud of your achievements and who you are. People who are safe in themselves are people who are easy to be around.

Having that said, don’t be afraid to tell people things about yourself that are personal and that might not paint you in the best light.

Share your struggles

It’s something liberating with a person who can realize their faults, bring them out in the daylight, and be a bit self-deprecating and display a certain amount of humor about them. We can relate to those people because we all have struggles.

Here is our article on How to be more emotionally available.

6. Steel shamelessly

To increase your charisma as a woman, think about people who you consider being charismatic.

What about them draws you in? Why do you consider them to be charismatic? Is it their humor? Is it the way they tilt their head or give you a cheeky smile?

Or is their charisma more connected to how passionate they seem to be about certain topics?

You will change; make the change a good one

Whatever the answer, don’t be afraid of imitating them. Children learn behaviors by imitating and so can you.

Don’t think of your personality and the way you interact with the world as something fixed.

You can change. During your life, you probably will change a lot and it’s up to you what kind of changes we are talking about. If your goal is to become more charismatic, you have years and years to practice and to keep developing this side of you.

Figure out what charisma is

By analyzing other people’s charisma, you will get a better sense of what charisma is. By trying out different versions of charisma, you are more likely to find the version that fits your personality.

Watch other people being witty

You don’t have to limit your stealing to people you know. Make it a habit to watch a comedy show once a week. This will help you develop your humor and your ability to sharply observe the society around us.

When you meet up with friends, you can try telling interesting stories and funny jokes, just like your favorite comedian.

Embrace your newly learned wittiness.

Nothing wrong with your act being a bit rehearsed. People who are funny and charismatic as their job actually train beforehand.

Some additional tips on how to be more charismatic as a woman

Let’s look at a couple of quick tips that will increase your magnetism. Be more open to the world around you and yes, by this, I mean don’t look at your phone or your Laptop.

You know how irritating it is to have a conversation with someone who seems to be more captivated by their phone.

Be careful with how you phrase things. Words are more important than what you think.

Don’t be negative towards other people. Instead, be understanding and emphatic even if this person manages to piss you off.

If you want to be more charismatic as a woman, also check out our article about How to appear more attractive as a woman.

Make other people feel important

Charisma is about making other people important around you.

You can achieve this by remembering things about them and things that are important to them and asking follow-up questions about these subjects. Never underestimate people’s love for talking about themselves.

Check out our article about How to get someone to open up emotionally?

Charismatic and Introverted

Don’t think you can’t be charismatic because you are an introvert.

Let’s be honest; extroverted people are not the best listeners. And being charismatic is about human connection. You can improve your charisma by active listening. Introverted people are generally good at making other people feel special.

Work on both of your sides

I would also recommend writing down your strong sides when it comes to being charismatic as a woman, also write down your weak sides.

When you know where you stand, you can put in the effort to improve your weak sides, while at the same take advantage of your strong sides.

Don’t think that people are always the same. A person in showbiz might have a persona that they become in the public spotlight.

Charisma is not totally natural

At home, on their own, they might be less magnetic and even pretty introverted. To be charismatic for most people take a certain kind of effort. It is not completely natural.

A Final Note

Don’t make the mistake of thinking that charisma is an innate quality. By working on yourself, you will be able to greatly improve your charisma.

You know what, this project will also be a lot of fun. Becoming more charismatic is also about you having fun, with yourself and with the people around you.

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