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Tips on attracting a guy who seems beyond your reach

The 7 most important strategies and mind frames

He is hot. Like movie star-women turn their heads-kind of hot. His body shows that he likes working out and that he knows what he is doing. Surprisingly, he is also incredibly nice and charming. And as if this was not enough, he is successful, and he seems to have a great exciting life. He also seems to be interested in you, so the situation begs the question, “How to get a guy who is out of your league?”

Let’s make him yours

  1. Assume no one is out of your league.
  2. Be incredibly funny.
  3. Become an expert at creating connections.
  4. Be unexpected.
  5. Meet him where he is at.
  6. Have an amazing well-rounded life.
  7. Don’t put him on a pedestal.

How do you know he is out of your league?

Whatever league you have put yourself in to end up with the result that this guy is out of your league is probably not true. Not true at all.

Remember this simple principle as we go through the strategies of how to get a guy who is out of your league; you think he is out of your league, but he is not.

To some extent, our perception of reality creates our reality.

So if you get too stuck on you being inferior to him, you are not going to get him.

He might be thinking that he is out of your league

Most people suffer from a lack of self-esteem and a negatively distorted view of their value when it comes to charm and intelligence. Basically, you are much more of a catch than you think you are. Thus, this guy might be thinking you are out of his league.

If that argument doesn’t have you convinced, leagues are not a measurement of romantic compatibilities.

Love and attraction are about a deep connection. Not about how good-looking and successful someone is.

1. Assume no one is out of your league

The first and most important rule of getting a guy who is out of your league is to forget this stupid idea of leagues and operate as if everyone is in your league.

Since you are intelligent and funny, anyone should be happy to be your boyfriend.

The biggest turn-on for most men is a woman with confidence. Googling “How to get a guy who is out of your league” is not exactly the behavior of a confident person. 

You want honest advice

You might protest; you didn’t come here for advice your old sweet auntie could have given you.

You know you are cool and cute, but you also know that this guy is something extra. By watching other women interact with him, you can tell he is something extra. You need to know how to get a guy who is out of your league.

Don’t worry, I will tell you.

2. Be incredibly funny

Most people are actually nice, so being nice is not something that’s going to make you stand out from the competition.

Instead, make him see you as a unique opportunity by making him laugh. When it comes to creating attraction, laughing together is a powerful tool.

Make sure you tease him

Tease him and make jokes with him. To better develop this side of you, read our article How to tease your crush. Teasing is one of the best ways to create fireworks with this guy. (And with any guy.)

If you strike on something that can be an inside joke between the two of you, keep using it.

To develop into a funnier version of yourself, you have to be brave and vulnerable since good jokes are often about uncomfortable truths and self-deprivations.

Learn by watching stand-up comedy

Watch a couple of stand-up comedians at work and analyze the way they are joking. this will help you understand more about humor and how humor connects people.

Everyone wants to have fun in life.

The more fun the two of you can have when you are doing mundane things, the more he will see you as someone worth falling in love with.

When are you funny?

To further develop your humor, ask yourself, “When am I the funniest version of myself?

Use whatever answer you come up with and try to channel that person when you spend time with him. Even if your interactions are very short, make them count by making him smile.

Be present to be funny

Most people are funny when they are content and relaxed and have their energy aimed outwards and with the main focus on enjoying themselves and the situation.

The more present you can be in this playful state of mind, the more likely you will manage to get a guy who is out of your league.

3. Become an expert at creating a connection

Connection is the strongest glue that binds two humans together.

You can easily catch a guy who is seemingly out of your league by being a master at creating connections.

Connection is that magical spark. Connection is also that thing you have with your closest friends.

Make him think about his passions

We, as humans, walk around with a strong secret desire to be seen and understood. We also long to be appreciated. You can charm your guy by being able to connect with him in a way few people do. Find things the two of you have in common.

Ask questions that make him talk about the things he is passionate about. Give him a well-aimed compliment on something truly unique to him.

Stay present and practice

To become better at creating a connection, practice this skill with all people you come across. Be present in the interaction and keep your thoughts focused on them and on expanding the connection.

You create a strong connection by being open with who you are and also by seeing and appreciating the other person for who they really are.

For a more in-depth guide, check out How to get someone to open up emotionally.

4. Be unexpected

We notice and remember the unexpected. That’s part of our survival instinct as humans.

The more unusual something is, the more it will capture us and demand our brain capacity.

If you want him to notice you, read our article How to get a guy to notice you.

Show him the autnetic you

To get a guy who is out of your league, you have to push yourself. You have to come up with a way to do something that is both truly unexpected and authentically you. Think about the things that set you apart from other people. Is there a special talent or passion?

Show this side of you to the guy in question.

Show him the unexpected sides of you

Are you a great singer or really good at playing an instrument? Whatever makes you glow, you want him to experience you like that. Thus getting the sensation of being surprised and impressed by you.

Show him that you are brave

If this hidden passion also makes you a bit vulnerable, even better. So many people walk around with a mask, without taking risks and only making conventional choices.

Show him that you are afraid but that you also know how to conquer your fear.

5. Meet him where he is at

You should also find out what makes him truly unique and what makes him stand apart from most other people. We all have things that are unusual about us.

This passion of his must be something original that most people don’t subscribe to. Just ask him about something most people wouldn’t know about him or something about him that would surprise most people, and hopefully, you get something you can work on.

Learn more about the things he is passionate about

Maybe he likes true-crime podcasts or Greek history?

Whatever his secret passion is, make sure that you can meet him there and discuss and enjoy the subject together.

Do your homework so that the opinions you bring to the table are truly original and thought-provoking.

This move can work extremely well when you are wondering about how to get a guy who is out of your league. Or it can come off as stalking; tread carefully.

6. Have an amazing well-rounded life

None of the above tips are going to work unless you are genuinely happy and satisfied with your life.

This is especially true if you consider him to be out of your league because he seems to have so many good things present in his life. Someone with an amazing life will be impressed by someone who also has their shit under control.

Be passionate about your life

One of the surefire ways to get someone who is out of your league is to be genuinely stoked about your life and your accomplishments and genuinely enjoy everything you have managed to create for yourself.

Go ahead and dream up and create your dream life. This step will benefit you regardless of what happens with mister Perfect.

If this step seems too big and daunting, work on improving the small areas of your life where you might be lacking.

7. Don’t put him on a pedestal

Successful and beautiful people are used to being admired.

So you doing the same thing will not make you stand out. Instead, regard him as just another human being, one who is also insecure from time to time, and focus on trying to connect with him.

Challenge him

Sure, be nice and sweet, but don’t bend over backward in your admiration. Most people who have a lot of things going for them enjoy a bit of resistance. Don’t be afraid to playfully disagree with him or challenge him a bit.

If you wonder how to become enticing to other people, read our article How to appear more attractive as a woman.

A Final Note

If he acts like he is a bit interested in you, he is not out of your league. Most likely, you have more things to offer than you think. Also, imagine him naked, or pooping, or popping naked, whatever it takes to make you less nervous and more real in your interaction with him.

Go get him, tiger

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