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What qualities can make a woman unforgettable to a man?

Your guide to having a true impact; lots of advanced secret strategies revealed

We all want to be memorable; we want to make a real impact on other people’s lives. This is especially true if you meet a man you like. You want to be truly memorable to him. To achieve this goal, let’s go on a journey and find out what makes a woman memorable to a man.

Let’s analyze what we remember and what we forget and let’s use that deep psychological knowledge to make you memorable.

1. Him being of value in your life

We remember the people we have helped; this mechanism is especially strong when it comes to men. They like to be a savior in your life.

The connection between two people happens when both of you acknowledge the unique value you have brought to each other lives.

Let him know that he has made a difference

Thus, to be memorable to a man, make sure he knows how much he has affected you. Make sure he knows that he is an important part of who you are as a person and that your life changed because of him.

Allow him to bring value to your life and make sure he knows how much you appreciate him.

A man thinks a woman is memorable when he makes an impact in her life. We all want to be important and special. If you can make him feel those two things, he will remember you.

2. You being of value in his life

We remember people who have made an impact on us.

This is also true the other way around; if you manage to bring something unique and valuable into his life, he will remember you.

In fact, if you like him, you are bringing value to his life. But you can also be of value in other ways, by supporting him and listening to him.

Find out his secrets

Many men have secrets that they don’t often share. If you can make him tell you something e hasn’t told anyone, you will be memorable to him. Check out this article with a memorable woman telling the world exactly how she does it; How to make a man cry in bed.

Bring out his suppressed traits

You can also allow him to bring out a side with you that he often represses, and thus make yourself unique in his eyes.

For example, if he is a serious career-driven guy, make sure you bring out his playful side.

If he is all fun and jokes, ask about his passion and bring out the man who actually wants to achieve something.

See him as no one else sees him.

3. You being passionate

When is a human being most attractive and memorable?

When they are engaged in something they love doing. Have you ever seen an ordinary person blossom and become magnetic when they start dancing or singing? If you are really skillful at something, you will be the most beautiful version of yourself when you are engaged in this activity.

The more passion you can bring into your life, the more memorable you will be.

Make sure he sees you in your element

If you have a special talent, make sure your special man sees you performing.

You should also try to bring passion and joy into all areas of your life. The more joy you can bring into things that normally are not considered joyful, the more memorable you will be.

Any man enjoys watching a woman do what she truly loves doing.

4. You being present with him

In today’s fast-paced society, with people rushing to meetings, changing careers often and posting about all their victories on social media, true presence has become a rare quality. Use this knowledge to your advantage by being fully present when you spend time with this man.

If you just want to become more memorable to men in general, even better, I salute you, because by cultivating this quality, you will become an appreciated part of many people’s lives.

Presence is intriguing

The more present you can be, the more the people around you will feel naturally drawn to and intrigued by you.

You become more present by meditating and by practicing mindfulness in all sorts of situations. Try it; you will be surprised by the result.

5. You cultivating opposite traits

This is such a good secret strategy I’m going to share with you; pay attention.

A person who has many different sides to their personality is intriguing and memorable.

This is especially true if those traits are somewhat in opposition to each other. For example, a woman who is a sweet, caring mother and, at the same time, a fierce martial arts expert. A beautiful woman who is also funny and goofy is equally memorable.

The unexpected is memorable

It’s all about the unexpected. We all put our fellow humans in boxes, we have expectations and when those expectations are overturned, we are intrigued. Every man is looking for a woman who has a unique set of traits. When you ask what makes a woman memorable to a man, it is her uniqueness.

You are already multifaced

I’m sure you already have lots of opposing traits. Now all you have to do is to cultivate them and make sure your man sees all of these different sides of you. Don’t repress traits that are opposite each other; instead embrace them. Be proud of your different sides; you can be both fierce and sweet.

6. You being successful and fit

As women, we are drawn to successful men.

They are memorable to us, especially if they are also fit. This goes back to our basic human survival needs.

We all, on a deep psychological level, want to increase our chances of survival. We achieve this by pairing up with the best possible mate. And the best possible mate is someone who is fit and successful. It is really that simple.

Those two qualities are important for men as well

Sure, this is not as important when men are attracted to women, but don’t kid yourself and think that it doesn’t matter all that much.

It does. Men also remember successful and fit women. We are all impressed with human accomplishment. The good thing is that you can improve these two areas; they are not set in stone—quite the opposite.

You will also find a lot of enjoyment by getting these two areas under control. 

For more tips on how to increase your attractiveness, check out How to appear more attractive as a woman.

7. Be engaged in society

A lot of people who are memorable and inspiring have sacrificed themselves for human progress. Think about the likes of Nelson Mandela and Mother Teresa.

You don’t have to spend 27 years in prison, but a strong passion for improving society will make you memorable. The right man will appreciate your altruistic nature and since many people are not involved in helping others, you will stand out. 

Become famous

Famous people are also memorable, so you should seriously consider becoming famous in one of the areas you are passionate about.

8. Going through a trauma

The human mind is much stronger imprinted when trauma is present.

It’s this mechanism that makes people connect strongly if they go through a traumatic event together. They form a bond that’s unique compared to everything else they have in their life.

In general, negative emotions imprint us strongly because our subconscious wants to protect us against such things. 

Be there for him during a traumatic time

Sure, this can be hard to manufacture on demand, but to fully answer your question, “what makes a woman memorable to a man” this aspect is crucial. For example, you can be there for a man when he goes through a hard time.

You can also ask a man about painful memories and about the most traumatic periods of his life.

If he feels comfortable sharing this with you, you will be memorable to him.

9. What makes people memorable to you?

Now it is my turn to put the spotlight on you. Think about the people who have made the biggest impact in your life.

Whom, of everyone you meet, are the most memorable to you?

Which men have stuck with you through all these years, and why?

Take a moment and reflect on your past and what makes someone memorable to you. Journal about those questions and you will find plenty of golden nuggets on how you, as a woman, can be memorable to a man.

You might need to dig deep to come up with the answer and you might be surprised by the answers you do come up with.

Make a list.

The next step is to cultivate those qualities in your own life.

A final note

As humans, we are naturally memorable to each other. When someone likes us, we remember that person, even if the feelings are not mutual.

We all have a deep longing to be seen.

When you are aware of this simple truth, you will become better at seeing men for their uniqueness. And thus, you will become more memorable to all men.

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