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What qualities ignite a man’s interest in a woman?

We help you amp up the charm and mystery

First of all, I want to say that you can absolutely become more intriguing to a man. All you have to do is understand what makes a woman intriguing to a man.

Attract the right man

Now that you have the knowledge, you have to start applying these new strategies when you meet men.

You will have a lot of fun, and you will attract more men.

The 7 top qualities that make a woman intriguing to a man are;

1. Sself-confidence

2. Vulnerability

3. Being mysterious

4. Sex appeal being passionate

5. Being present

6. Being funny

1. Self-confidence

The main ingredient when you ask yourself what makes a woman intriguing to a man is confidence. Confidence is the quality that stands behind all other qualities and makes them sing.

The good thing about confidence is that you can absolutely improve your confidence. Doing so will even be fun. It will absolutely be worthwhile.

Clean your mental landscape

Most of us have a lot of negative thoughts; those are poison for our confidence.

Don’t believe your negative thoughts, and work towards having fewer negative thoughts. The way to do this is to have a daily routine where you journal about everything you did right that day or things you are grateful for.

This way, you shift your mental landscape towards being more focused on positive things. You should feel positive about yourself and the direction your life is going in.

Be warm and generous 

Men love a confident woman because it’s very relaxing and inspiring to be with someone who is truly confident. A confident person has a lot of things to give in terms of energy and support.

The beautiful thing is that by being confident, they manage to give this from a non-demanding place.

Be present

Confident people give without expecting anything back. They also give without draining their own resources.

Confident people are also generally more present at the moment and thus more fun to be around. A confident woman is the most intriguing thing to a man, and you can be that woman.

2. Vulnerability

We all want to have an impact on other people’s lives; we want to be special and significant to them.

To have a unique connection with a woman is something most men long for. Therefore, when you ask yourself what makes a woman intriguing to a man, it’s not only who you are; it’s also about the connection you manage to create between the two of you.

Who did you find intriguing?

Think back to people who you found intriguing in your past; was it them? Or was it the connection you felt between the two of you?

Become a master at creating a connection

Most of the time, it’s a mix, but you can absolutely become better at connecting with the people around you. The way to do this is to be more vulnerable and allow people to get to know you. 

Your vulnerability needs to come from a place of confidence; otherwise, it is neediness.

Practice letting people see you for who you truly are

It takes courage to share your truth and to let other people see who you truly are. Practice being more honest and open, and vulnerable than you would normally be and see if this has an effect on your relationships.

You can also check out this article about How to appear vulnerable to a man.

Ask for help

You can also ask men for help with different things, even if it is just having him recommend you his favorite book or his favorite album.

Men like to feel that they can make a difference in a woman’s life.

We want to be seen by other humans. The connection happens when you let someone experience who you truly are. At the same time, you should be open to letting them share things about themselves.

3. Being mysterious

When you ask what makes a woman intriguing to a man, don’t underestimate the quality of being mysterious.

We are all intrigued by a good mystery. We like to try and figure things out; we want to be our own version of Sherlock Holmes. This is especially true for m; most men love a mysterious woman.

Here at Her Brilliant Friend, we wrote a whole article about being mysterious.

How to become more mysterious

The main way to be mysterious is to have different sides to your personality.

For example, being very kind and caring and at the same time being a Marital Arts expert. We all have opposite traits, so just ask yourself how you can embrace this duality that you already have.

Allow your different sides to flourish in your personality.

Be brave and take on challenges

Challenge yourself and do things that are more original and adventurous than what you would normally do. This works particularly well in a career context. Take on unusual tasks and challenges in your profession.

If you are already an impressive woman when it comes to achievement, embrace your sweet side and do something completely opposite.

Don’t give away too much information

Another way to be mysterious is to be a bit coy when it comes to questions.

When you are on a date, don’t share too much about yourself too soon. Do a bit of deflection and don’t answer all his questions; you will automatically come across as more mysterious and thus, more intriguing.

Being a bit different from most people is also a way to be mysterious, so if you have something that’s different about you, don’t be afraid to embrace this side and let it flourish.

4. Sex appeal

If there is one thing men find intriguing, it is sex.

Thus, if you ask what makes a woman intriguing to a man, you cannot overlook sex appeal.

It’s not always the case that the most beautiful woman has the most sex appeal. On top of that, you can’t change your looks, but you can improve your sex appeal. In fact, it’s relatively easy since all you have to do is get in contact with your sensual side.

Think about sex

Yes, it is really that easy. If you are a person who doesn’t like to think about sex, you are not as sexy as you could be.

Sex appeal is mainly about being more comfortable with the presence of sex.

Embrace your femininity

When you are close to a man you like, be brave enough to be flirty.

Hold eye contact for a couple of seconds too long. Let your eyes linger on different parts of his body. Think dirty thoughts and let them show on your face.

To be feminine, especially to a man, is far from rocket science. Dress nicely, smell nice, and give him a well-aimed compliment.

Lean in closer and gently stroke his arm. You got this.

Don’t fear rejection

Having sex appeal is something we all naturally have. But most of us fear rejection, so we are afraid to show our sexual desire. Thus we self-sabotage, and as a result, we get the sex appeal of stale bread.

5. Being passionate

Life can be pretty dull and boring. We have all been there; a boring party or a boring date and no way to escape.

But the thing is that we are the ones that bring passion to different situations. It’s never the situation itself that determines the experience, it’s the joy, happiness, and passion you bring to the situation.

Be relaxed and have fun

This is the secret behind being an intriguing feminine woman; joy and passion is the magic ingredient.

The way you love your life, and your interests, is ultimately what makes you intriguing to a man.

Stay positive

This is also about being positive. You might have had challenges in your life. We all have had them, but if you are constantly whining and criticizing, you are not intriguing. You are predictable.

A person who can stay upbeat and positive in the face of challenges is intriguing.

6. Being present

People can always sense if you are miles away. Being distant is, needless to say, not a good quality when you want to be intriguing.

The same goes for men; subconsciously, they can always tell if you are worried or uncomfortable. The remedy for this is to be as present as possible. When you are present, people naturally like to be around you.

They feel like they have your undivided attention and that’s a rare treat in today’s fast-paced world.

The least intriguing woman is a woman who keeps looking at her phone all the time.

Be mindful

Mindfulness is the art of being fully present in whatever you are doing. Focus on your sensations and clear your thoughts and be fully aware of smell and sensations. When you feel your thoughts drift away, bring them back to the present moment.

Be spontaneous

Another good way of being present is to be spontaneous and open. A spontaneous woman is also more mysterious and thus more intriguing. Practice becoming more spontaneous and your life will be more fun.

7. Being funny

Yes, I might have saved this one for last, but humor is such an important part of being a well-rounded intriguing woman.

Humor is not only the jokes you make; it is the joy you have for life. It is also you truly appreciating his wit and charm.

Often men have the burden of being the entertainment. They like this, but they also like when a woman can contribute and make him laugh and have a good time.

Watch comedy

Improving your sense of humor is actually surprisingly easy.

You just have to watch more stand-up comedy and read things that you find funny. Humor is about being a sharp observer, humor is also about being brave. Not every joke or fun observation is well-received, make sure you push yourself a bit to actually be funny.

A woman who can laugh about things and who makes her own jokes is immensely intriguing to a man.

A Final note

Women are naturally intriguing to men.

When a man likes a woman, she is always very intriguing. So the only thing you have to do is to be your own intriguing self.

If you, in addition to being yourself, follow my strategies above, you will be more intriguing than most women and you will, for sure, be the most intriguing version of yourself.

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