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7 Kinds of Partners in Relationships

Do you remember the famous scene from Pyaar Ka Punchnama where Rajat gives this elaborate five-minute rant on what girlfriends are like? Well, he’s not the only one out there. We’ve all come across different types of men in our lives, be it the sexist Romeo (we’ll talk about types of boyfriends to avoid too), the chivalrous one opening the door, or the chill dude who gives you too much space.

Being in a relationship is a voyage of discovery. So why not understand the nature of your fellow co-passenger to make the journey pleasanter, heading towards that sweet, final destination. The more you know your partner, the easier it will be to lead a more informed life with them. This is our take on the 7 types of boyfriends out there, waiting to pamper us, love us and well, hurt us at times.

While a perfect categorization is never possible, we can always group them on the basis of common traits. You’ll be rolling with laughter and cringing in embarrassment as you look back to these types of boyfriends you’ve dated. Maybe reading this will give you a picture of the one you want to date. After all, we all have a type…

7 Types Of Boyfriends

There are different boyfriend types. The funny one, the serious one, the one who can get unnecessarily romantic or the kind that Sonali Kulkarni had in the film Dil Chahta Hai, who became etched in our mind because of the big bore that he was. 

These archetypes are quite common when you really think about them. Ask your girlfriends about the prominent traits of their exes and you’ll see a lot of similarities between the generic pool. It is a lot of fun to talk about the types of boyfriends that exist and we will give you a fair idea of the type there are.

At the same time, you’ll also learn what does not work for you (no one wants to be stuck with a personality that’s radically incompatible with their own). And finally, you’ll get a peek into the future with the types of boyfriends you’ll have. So what are you waiting for? Read on! Here’s presenting the 7 types of boyfriends most commonly seen.

1. The king of sappy romance – he rules the boyfriend types!

This kind of boyfriend is someone who has leapt out of a romance novel. A telephonic conversation often opens with him saying, “Hello beautiful!” which leaves you feeling like a pile of mush. He likes holding hands while taking a walk, and plants kisses on your forehead randomly. Flowers, gifts, and dinner dates are the norm in your relationship.

You are often showered with cheesy romantic lines and he brings you chocolate when you are down. He doesn’t refrain from springing hugs and whispering things like “Stay with me”. Besides complimenting you, he sends good morning texts or affirmations that keep you going. You often think, wow this is just the type of boyfriend I want.

It rains ‘I love yous’ when you’re together, and even momentary distance makes him miss you a LOT. You will never admit this, but you sometimes think he’s overdoing it. Just sometimes. Like maybe don’t make SUCH a big deal out of a second first-kiss anniversary.

In a nutshell, this is the guy who personifies sappy movies. I met his sort on Tinder once and he got me a bouquet of white roses on our first date. Yes, you read that right. First date!

2. The repressed dude

Repression of any kind is a ticking time bomb. This kind of boyfriend rarely points out the things that bother him, and/or rarely shows affection. Days, weeks, and months of repressed emotions finally blow up like Mount Vesuvius. Whatever pisses or ticks him off about his relationship or life in a general, will suddenly comes out in the ugliest of ways. And it’s not just anger.

He is the kind who will seduce and woo you in the most romantic of ways. But this happens once in a blue moon. It’s not that he is emotionally unavailable and won’t engage in PDA, but his emotions are somewhat caged and that’s just how he’s built. In plain words, he is a Mr. Darcy who will stand in the rain professing how much he “ardently” loves you.

Good or bad – he will remember all the insignificant things you have said, but is incapable of indulging in romantic gestures all the time. This is the difficult-to-deal-with-boyfriend type, because you won’t know which way the mood swings. Dating this guy can get exhausting in the absence of affection, but he’s not bad at heart . Just bad at expression.

3. The jerk (you better be alert)

Out of all the different types of boyfriends there are, the jerk is the worst type. We have all known someone, or worse, dated someone, who belongs to this category. He is perhaps an emotionally needy individual, but what he desires most is a validation of his ego. I mean self-conceit begins and ends with him. He is certainly one of the types of boyfriends to avoid.

Narcissistic as he is, he maintains this aura of himself that’s so grand, only a handful of people know the other side of him. He craves attention from anyone and everyone. He is flirtatious, which bothers you a bit – but he might be doing it unconsciously as a mechanism to make everybody like him. You should ask yourself if you’re dating someone with a god complex.

A relationship with this type of boyfriend can be best looked upon as a learning experience for you; you cannot be with them forever because they will drain you emotionally. You’re bound to eventually call it quits with him. A few warning signs of a jerk are them being rude to waiters and cashiers, yelling at other drivers on the road, cutting people off mid-sentence, always getting their way and anger issues.

4. The logical one – types of boyfriends you’ll have eventually

For him, everything should be meted out with reason and logic. He is the kind who is most willing to have discussions about your relationship. He rarely gets agitated for petty issues, remains calm and does not get irrational, irritated, angry or abusive. A mature adult, his motto is “Follow the mind, not the heart”.

As he is the reasonable one, loving hard is not on his list. Because of his nature, he cannot love at the intensity that is expected. Your fights with him are reasoned out with logic, never emotions. Among the different types of boyfriends, this one is easy to get along with, because you can talk to them and resolve conflicts readily. There are no communication mistakes or problems.

However, you can’t expect any surprising gestures from him. My friend Janie dated a Mr. Logical, and in her words, “We never really ‘fought’ you know, because he had solutions to everything. Literally everything. But there were moments where I wanted to shake him by the shoulders and yell ‘GET ME ROSES.’” Okay Janie, we hear you.

5. The green-eyed one comes first in types of boyfriends to avoid

Incapable of understanding the concept of trust, he becomes over-possessive about his girlfriend’s daily schedule. Usually coupled with paranoia and insecurities of his own, he simply cannot trust anyone. If you laugh at someone else’s joke, he fears that’s the end of your relationship (that’s the insecurity talking).

He also cannot fathom why you are online at 2 in the morning talking to your best friend (who happens to be a guy) and sharing things with him. In his world, people and their intentions are not to be trusted. When in public, even a casual glance from a random pedestrian in his girlfriend’s direction can make his mood go south.

He’s controlling and second-guesses a lot of what you say. I’m pretty sure you’ve had fights about this many times. This guy so tops the list of types of boyfriends to avoid. He isn’t good for your mental health, trust me. The relationship can get toxic very quickly when he starts breaching your boundaries.

6. The over-accommodating one

He is the most accommodating among the boyfriends. Too accommodating. He is so accommodating of his partner that he no longer appears to have a personality of his own. He is always making sacrifices in his life and running ‘errands’ for his girlfriend. Unfortunately, he’s one of the types of boyfriend most commonly seen.

Usually dropping his girl off and picking her up from her place of work, he’s always making compromises. This kind of boyfriend bends his ways and is often in a relationship with a girl who is more dominating. He might end up neglecting the friends he’s had for a long time even before he was in the relationship.

This kind of boyfriend exists solely for his girlfriend (yes, that’s not a typo), and has no exclusive separate life of his own. Sometimes these boyfriends become the standby boyfriend without realizing so. These types of boyfriends get hurt because of their tendency to go along with everything the girl says. We can even go so far as to call them pushovers.

7. The bestie forever is one of the sweetest boyfriend types

Usually, you have known this guy for a long time. He is not just your boyfriend; he is nothing short of a best friend. Before he was in a relationship, he was friends with his girlfriend. He switched from being the best friend to the boyfriend, and people might mistake them for being ‘just friends’.

You cannot point out the difference when this transition happens, but it’s there. He isn’t just available for the hand-holding romantic stuff, but also other hurdles. As the friendship was the starting point of their relationship, more often than not, they communicate like friends do and often prioritize the friendship more than the relationship.

This type of boyfriend knows his girlfriend inside out – what ticks her off, can read her silence, knows exactly what to say to keep her from freaking out, and can often finish her sentences. He is the kind of boyfriend you would love having around even if you are having a massive fight with him. I mean, this is the type of boyfriend I want for sure!

Whew! That was one heck of a comprehensive guide, right? I hope you got what you were looking for. Maybe you’ve realized that you’re dating one of these different types of boyfriends and are taken aback by the apt description. Or maybe you’ve seen an ex in here somewhere. Or, or, or you’ve exclaimed, “This is just the type of boyfriend I want!” Either way, we’re glad we gave you some food for thought.

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