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12 Unmistakable Signs It’s Time To Kiss A Girl

Are you dating a girl who you are waiting to kiss, but are confused about whether or not it is the right time? The fact that you are showing hesitation shows that you don’t want to mess things up. A kiss, while being the most magical thing to begin your relationship, can also be the cause for the doom of your dating timeline.

So you need to know when she is ready to be kissed to avoid messing things up. But the million-dollar question remains: how to know if a girl wants to kiss you? One way, of course, is to ask her up front. However, a straight-forward approach may not necessarily pan out favorably. What if you end up making things awkward? What if she’s not quite ready to take the leap but doesn’t know how to say so?

What if she wants to kiss you but is hesitant about expressing her desires? That’s why before making a move, you must look for and read the signs a girl wants to kiss you. From her body language to her behavior, there will be a lot of indicators pointing to her readiness for that much-awaited lip-lock. Let’s explore these signs to help you understand how to know when to kiss a girl.

12 Unmistakable Kissing Signals A Girl Gives

When to kiss a girl is a common dilemma you have to wrestle with when you begin dating someone new. Should you kiss her at the end of the first date if things go well? Would the ‘to kiss or not to kiss’ conundrum heighten your first date nerves? Should you wait a while before making this move? Well, there are no right and wrong answers to when to kiss a girl for the first time.

The only prerequisite is that you should both be on the same page. Move in too soon, and you’re bound to end up having a “I tried to kiss a girl and she moved away” moment. That’s not pleasant for either of you, and certainly, casts a shadow on how things will progress from there on.

At the same time, it can be difficult to determine whether she wants you to kiss her. What is a shy girl wants you to kiss her but you miss out on the subtle hints she may be dropping? Or worse, what if you assume that she wants to be kissed but she isn’t ready yet? It is, therefore, important that both of you are on the same page. Kissing her at the wrong moment can have these probable outcomes:

  • She pulls away and says I’ll call you (which we know she never will)
  • Says goodnight and disappears
  • It becomes awkward and embarrassing for both of you
  • She walks away without saying a word

So, if you do not want to be called the creep she went out with or that pervert who could not wait to stick his tongue down her throat, look out for the signs she wants to kiss you. Here are the questions you should ask yourself:

  • How to know if a girl wants to kiss you
  • When should you kiss a girl
  • How do you kiss a girl on a date
  • How do you know when to lean in for a kiss

Just look out for the right signs a girl wants to kiss you and you will have all your answers. What are these signs, you ask? Let’s take a look to help you understand how to know if a girl wants to kiss you:

1. She glances dreamily at you

While you are having a conversation with her, is she looking into your eyes dreamily? Well, she could just be paying attention. This is your time to pay attention to detail. Look whether she is staring at you while tilting her neck or playing with her hair. If it is so, she is definitely into you and could want more than just a cup of coffee.

These dreamy glances are often not a conscious choice but an involuntary expression of her interest in you. So, even if you’re looking for the signs that a shy girl wants you to kiss her, this ought to work. Before you decide to make a go for her lips, pay attention to how she looks at you.

2. She gives it away through her body language

How to know when to kiss a girl? Well, the female body language signs of attraction can be a dead giveaway, so pay attention to how she reacts to your presence and proximity. If she laughs at your jokes, leans in to show a deeper interest in your conversations, she is interested in you.

If she sits more freely than guarding her posture, it means she is comfortable. A bit of brushing of hands could mean that she doesn’t mind having physical contact. If her body posture is open and inviting, it is among the surefire signs a girl wants to kiss you.

3. The triangle effect

“I tried to kiss a girl and she moved away” is a fiasco you’d want to avoid at all costs. That’s where ‘the triangle effect’ – where she looks into your eyes, then goes on to look at your lips before looking into your eyes again – can come to your rescue.

Eyes are called the mirror of the soul for a reason. Eyes don’t lie. They reflect our truest desires and feelings. That’s why this is a clear sign she wants you to kiss her. You can bank on this to make your move.

4. She flicks her hair

In the middle of your date, if she gently puts her hair to one side, exposing her neck, it is because she wants you to see it. Exposing her neck and tilting it slightly means she wants you to be romantic with her. This is also, often, a subconscious expression of her interest and desire, so she won’t be able to hide or control it.

If you’re racking your brains over how to know if a girl wants to kiss you, this quiet invitation may be the answer. So, pay attention and don’t let these subtle signs of her interest in taking things forward slip through the cracks.

5. Nervous lip biting

If you notice her sucking and biting her lip nervously, it means that she has been thinking of kissing you but just doesn’t know how to let you know. This is among the bankable signs a girl wants to kiss you, provided there is a palpable chemistry there and you can sense that she is into you.

If not, then she could just be nervous about something else altogether. Perhaps, she’s dreading that this is going to be another addition to her worst date stories and figuring out a way to get out. Maybe she’s nervous about what kind of impression she’s making and whether there’s enough spark and chemistry to lead to a second date.

6. She seems comfortable with you

Her touching you frequently or gently pressing your arm means she is comfortable with you. She may let you rest your arm on her shoulder or not mind you holding her hand. These signs indicate she is ready to get past the awkwardness and is open to having something more.

If you already share a rapport with her and see her warming up to your presence more and more, she’s probably waiting for you to initiate that first kiss. Swoop in, and you won’t end up with the “I tried to kiss a girl and she moved away” regret.

7. She gets flirty

She could be the bold one and be open with how she feels. The signs of her flirting may give hints of anticipating a kiss or she might just say, “Will you just kiss me?” Be subtle about it and don’t jump to conclusions without making sure she is serious.

If the girl you’re with is upfront about what she wants, you won’t have to wrestle with how to know if a girl wants to kiss you for too long. Count your blessings, and lean in!

8. She rushes for a quick touch-up

If she slips into the washroom for a quick touch-up even after the date is over, it is because she is expecting to have close facial contact. She wants to look her best and a quick touch-up of a li[stick and powder helps her do that. If she doesn’t have any other plans, you know you are the one she is doing it for.

So, stop overthinking how to know when to kiss a girl and just make your move. It’s clearly what you both want, then why put it off and make the anticipation simmer.

9. Prolongs the date

Your date is over but you haven’t kissed yet. Does she ask you to walk her home instead of dropping her in a cab? Or she does not get out of the car even after reaching home and keeps talking to you. She may even ask you to take a short drive with her. It is because she is looking for ways to prolong the date so that you get a chance to kiss her.

About time that you read her actions for what they are – signs a girl wants to kiss you, and lock lips with her. You’d leave her disappointed if you don’t, and later, beat yourself over not making a move when you had the chance.

10. A goodbye hug will tell you if she wants to be kissed

How to know if a girl wants to kiss you? If you haven’t been able to spot any clear signs and cannot decide whether or not to kiss her, the goodbye hug will do the job for you. When you hug her, see whether she pulls back in seconds or lingers. She may also draw you closer and brush her hand downwards. A hug isn’t enough now, the girl wants you to kiss her. The ball is in your court now, play it right.

11. Invites you in

After the date, she invites you to her house when there are a dozen places you can go to. She is comfortable with sharing her personal life with you. She says she wants you to read her blog or wants you to see her collection of books. These signs indicate she wants to take this to the next level.

After those initial warm conversations, slow down and kiss her. There are more chances of her reciprocating because she is in her comfort zone. Given the setting, there is a good chance that things could escalate beyond a kiss but don’t count on it to happen and let her take the lead.

12. Ask before you kiss a girl

Even though you now know all about how to know if a girl wants to kiss you, it is still best to seek her consent. Asking her whether you can kiss her shows how much you respect her consent and shows strength of character too. Moreover, you can be relaxed when kissing her, without any second thoughts about whether or not you did the right thing, and truly savor the moment.

When you spot a handful of signs a girl wants to kiss you, be a gentleman and ask her if you can. The chances of her saying no at this point are next to none. Even so, she’ll appreciate the gesture. Once she nods or says yes, you can share a passionate, hair-rising kiss that will leave you both wanting more.

Tips to make the first kiss special

The first kiss has to be special because it is an image she will remember throughout the time you are dating. It isn’t just a kiss. It is the first step to your romance and intimacy as a couple. The pressure is on you, as you do not want her telling her friends, “Ah, I’ve had better”. If you are kissing a girl for the first time, make sure you know what you are doing. Here are a few tips to get it right:

  1. Check your breath: You do not want onion breath to ruin your first kiss. Pop some mouth freshener or peppermints to be on the safe side
  2. Avoid noisy public places: Make sure to kiss her somewhere in private where you both can feel the moment without distractions
  3. Don’t talk in between: Express love with gestures. Do not ruin the moment by talking in between
  4. Take it slow: You don’t want to be rushing into things with your first kiss. Kiss her slowly and romantically
  5. Don’t let the hands wander too much: You may hold her neck and caress her back. Do not go down to her buttocks. It will make you look like a pervert
  6. Pull back in a few minutes: You want to keep the sexual tension going. Go for multiple short kisses if she leans in but doesn’t give away too much

A kiss is a very important determiner in a relationship, and thus it is important to look for the perfect moment to make it magical. At the same time, do not ignore the signs that your girlfriend may be giving you, or else she could think you are a wuss, or worse, gay. Kissing someone for the first time is a moment that stays etched in the memory forever, so take it slow, make it special, and make it count – and do this at the right moment.

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