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5 Effective Tips for Engaging in Conversation with an Attractive Girl

All good things start with a cup of coffee and a great conversation. But you already knew that, didn’t you? What you don’t know is how to talk to that amazingly attractive girl next door, and that’s all right. Perhaps one of the hardest things guys ever had to do was to simply talk to an attractive girl. Even if you might have asked her out already, you realize that your mouth and mind start to suffer from a disconnect when you have to actually talk to a beautiful girl.

Even the best of orators, fluent in talking non-stop, can tend to go through a brain freeze when they have to talk to an attractive woman. You know you need to bring on your A-game, but nervousness and intimidation may get the better of you.

It feels like you’ve suddenly forgotten every language you know as you’re struggling to put your thoughts into words. While that may feel true, the fact that you feel incredibly good after talking to an attractive woman makes it all the more thrilling. We’re here to tell you that you can talk to an attractive girl with ease, it really isn’t as hard as you might make it out to be!

5 Simple Tips To Talk To An Attractive Girl

Drop your late-night mirror rehearsals, tear down those song lyrics and press the delete button on all those movie dialogues you have mugged up. None of those is going to work out. And just so you know, women on average take about 3 minutes to decide what they think of a man – so you have just 180 seconds to seal the deal. (Source)

Don’t let the pressure of performing in that slim time frame get to you, though! However, if your idea of flirting is sending memes or awkwardly saying “your face is nice”, perhaps you should read this article word to word. While searching for the answer to “how to talk to a pretty girl”, don’t ask your extremely attractive friends for advice. Nothing they say will work, they don’t realize it takes overthinkers two and a half business days to figure out how to text a girl.

To talk to a beautiful woman, all you really need is confidence. But if you’re the nervous kind, you might’ve convinced yourself you’ll need two showers, a dash of cologne, a Ph.D. in thermodynamics, a noble peace prize, and copious amounts of alcohol before you can make your move. Trust us, all you really need is confidence, and you can talk to a pretty girl with ease.

Still not convinced? Go through these 5 tips on how to talk to an attractive girl. By the time you come to the end of this article, you’ll start feeling as if you were born to do this.

1. Look into her eyes

The first important tip for any good conversation is to maintain eye contact with your partner. Making eye contact with an attractive girl sends all sorts of positive signals her way. First, you are giving her a really good first impression that you are not intimidated by her (no matter how much you are sweating within). You’re conveying that you are confident and sure about yourself.

Second, it’ll show her that you aren’t one of those jerks talking to her just to get in her pants. To be able to take the conversation further, it’s vital you don’t come across as a creep, desperate for action. Do not make your eyes wander – a girl is quick to notice these small things even if it is for a second.

Third, by looking her in the eyes and holding that gaze, you are non-verbally communicating , “You have my attention”. And she is definitely going to return your attention. Confidently looking into her eyes while talking to her is one of the best ways to impress an attractive girl. Plus, you might be able to flirt with your eyes too. If you need practice, ask your female friends for help. But you both know you’re just going to end up laughing at each other.

The stronger the eye contact, the better. In fact, studies have shown that strong eye contact has the potential to set up even two strangers on the path love. This is the best way to start talking to a beautiful girl.

2. Try to connect with her

Gorgeous, beautiful girls are not different from anybody else; they are humans like all of us. They are tired of people trying to impress them with their achievement medals, celebrity pals, 6-pack abs, or 6-figure paychecks. They want someone to connect with them on an intellectual as well as on an emotional level, much like most of us. But most men look at them as eye candies and talk only about themselves to create a good impression. Needless to say, that’s not going to work.

When you are talking to an attractive woman, make it a conversation, not a resume-reading activity. A gorgeous girl is already tired of men trying to impress her, rather than connect with her. Keep your high-profile job and 6-digit salary aside, and connect with her on a personal level. Talk to her like a friend, give her your full attention and make her feel she has a friend in you too.

What they are looking for is someone with whom they can talk and develop a real, personal connection. Try being that person who makes her laugh, tell her a funny childhood incident. Whatever you talk about, make sure you are honest. Once you make her smile, you become attractive to her.

3. Be a good listener

In the process of doing all the talking, don’t forget that you have to be a listener as well. Speaking to a beautiful girl is fine but you have to listen too. Try not to talk about yourself all the time, your past, your likes, your dislikes. While it is natural to talk about yourself and to let her know what you have in life, it’s not the best way to connect. Your motive is not to brag about yourself, but to make her feel special in your company.

If you’re wondering “why is it so difficult to talk to an attractive girl?” you need to change your approach altogether. Stop talking, start listening! Ask her engaging questions about herself and genuinely show an interest in her. Once you do, even if you talk to a beautiful girl for the first time, things will go smoothly.

Bring the focus to her. This is your golden opportunity to know everything you have ever wanted to know about this beautiful girl. Show her that she has all your attention and you are willing to listen to her. She will feel good, and the more you make her feel good, the better the chances she will like you more and not the guy who’s wearing sunglasses in the bar, trying to talk to this girl any chance he gets.

4. Ask the right questions

When you start asking about her, make sure you don’t go into full-on interviewer mode or too interrogative — that could set her mood off big-time. Try asking meaningful questions like, “What is the one thing in the world that you cannot live without?”, “What is your biggest achievement to date?” “If you were given one superpower what would that be?” This will definitely keep her hooked to you.

Most guys start with the same surface questions – where do you work, where do you live, what did you study. These are pretty boring and not at all interesting. If you have to ask her questions, ask her ones that reveal her personality. This may seem intimidating, but it will help you connect on an intimate and personal level. Plus, you get to know her much better.

Don’t go about asking her pin code on the first conversation though. How to talk to a pretty girl will be the least of your worries when you’ll be talking to the cops instead, explaining why you were inquiring for personal information from a stranger!

5. Build points of similarity

Everyone develops an instant liking for someone who shares similar interests with them. If you really want her to show an interest in you, show her how much you have in common. Within no time, you’ll go from being a stranger to a potential friend. However, if the only similarity you can find is that you both like pizza, you need to dig deeper. Everybody likes pizza.

You do not have to fake your similarity. Just do not forget to say, ‘Oh I too like this’ or ‘me too’ when some point of similarity comes up in your conversation. In this way, she will develop a sense of belonging and will feel a little more comfortable talking with you. Also, the next time you can have a whole new range of topics to talk about from these points of similarity

5 Things Not To Say To Girls During A Conversation

While it is always useful to know all the right things to say to a girl, it is equally important to keep a note on what ‘not’ to say. Saying the wrong things while you talk to a beautiful woman might just make you the victim of the infamous drink-splash-on-the-face. You don’t want this turning into a scene from a comedy movie, do you?

Read on to find out exactly what you shouldn’t say while you’re trying to impress an attractive girl.

1. “You are so attractive; I don’t understand how you’re single”

You lose all the brownie points that you may have gathered in your conversation till now by saying this line. Being single is a good thing. A pretty girl can be single out of choice – and you might just tick her off by implying that she’s doing something wrong by not being in a relationship and she should be in one. So definitely strike this off your list — if you think you’re giving her a compliment, believe me, you’re not.

2. “Can you guess how much money I make?”

When you try and brag about the amount of money you make to impress an attractive girl, the only person you’ll be impressing is the bartender who’s now going to serve you the most expensive drinks. Avoid this at all costs, bragging about what car you drive won’t do you any good when you’re driving back home in it all alone.

A common misconception guys have regarding women who are beautiful and independent is that they are gold diggers. They only talk to men who talk the language of money. What a stereotype! Try winning her heart with something more substantial than your bank account.

3. “My friends are always trying to hook up with me”

Her immediate response would be “So why don’t you then and leave me alone?”. Bragging about your sexcapades will just make you seem like a jerk who’s doing whatever it takes to get in her pants.

If you wish to make yourself more desirable, try being more honest with your girl. Tell her enjoy her company and wish to get to know her better.

4. “You look just like my mom!”

And the next thing you know she has blocked you forever from her life, thinking you to be some creepy dude with an Oedipal complex. Women don’t like to be compared to your mothers. If there’s something about her that reminds you of your mother, pick out that one thing instead of making the comparison. For example, maybe she has really lovely and kind eyes, like your mom. Now instead of saying, Your eyes are just like my mom’s!”, how about a direct and simple, “Your eyes are so lovely — they sparkle with kindness!” There! Job done — and you didn’t even need to bring your mom into the picture!

5. “So, your place or mine?”

Once she starts getting comfortable and opening up to you, you may start to feel that you have nailed it. Now that she has started laughing, smiling, and sharing snippets from her life, she is sending these green signals that she likes you. And she is definitely ready for ‘it’. Well, ask her this question and you’ll never see her ever again.

Good conversation is also like an artform — you need to practice it to perfect it. And once you keep in mind the necessary tips and gain mastery over them, every attractive girl would want to have that cup of coffee with you.

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