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Get ready, ladies, and protect yourself from toxic relationships with “bad boys”!

Here be dragons/HC SVNT DRACONES

Legend says ancient maps came with such warnings as “hc svnt dracones” which means there would be dragons there. These warning meant you need to steer clear of that area or you might as well be walking towards your death. In our modern times we have come to disbelieve in dragons and ignore those threats. But the danger is not gone. They come into your life as your boyfriend and cause a series of unfortunate events.

Women are generally drawn to bad boys. Not only to love them but also to make it their life’s mission to improve them into acceptable human beings. But these toxic masculine cisgender Neanderthals have a long lasting bad effect on you and your personality. They fill you up with negative feelings when you look up to them for validation. They make you doubt yourself by gaslighting. And they destroy your passion or emotions by playing with them. They are the modern day dragons that you need to be scared of and steer clear of.

But dragons are not easy to handle. Many brave warriors from the legends have died trying to vanquish these appalling beasts. Even the brave Knights of the Round Table have been baffled by the threat of dragons. They come for riches and destroy everything, even pastoral and pristine, in their path.

Accordingly, you need a clear strategy and the help of good friends to destroy these modern day dragons.

Related reading: 8 reasons why you keep falling for the wrong guy

Build a fence

Dragons are devious in nature; they will charm you and lure you into relationships and no sooner than you are trapped in their hold, they’ll reveal their true self and you will have nowhere to run. Don’t just consider how he behaves with you. Observe how he behaves with everybody else. Is he rude to the menial staff? Does he flirt with everyone given a chance? Is he too proud that every girl just falls for him?

Tighten your security

Beware of the sleazy guys who try to get your attention by making you jealous: they like it when girls fight over them. Never fall for compliments like, “you are not like other girls”: maybe he says that to everybody and by that one statement he is denigrating every member of your gender. Don’t fall for men who bad mouth their exes: Remember you might be in that situation, too.

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