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Top 12 Tips for Girls to Have an Amazing First Date

First dates can be nerve-wracking. And if you are here looking for first date tips for girls, then it is safe to assume you have worked yourself into a tizzy with questions: What to expect on a first date? What to do on a first date with a guy? What would be a good conversation topic for a first-date conversation? What place to go on a first date? And the most common, “What should I wear?”

Yes, we hear you. We also understand why you’re going into this overthinking spiral. Fret not. All you need is a lowdown on some great first date ideas and a positive attitude, and you will be that confident gal who knows how to knock someone’s socks off on the very first meeting.

Firsts are always special. Be it the first date or the first kiss or the first lovemaking session, every tiny detail of the experience remains etched in your mind. And when that great guy on whom you have been crushing on forever asks you out, you want to make a good first impression and turn that first date into a second date. Fortunately, we can help with that. To that end, let’s delve into our roundup of first date etiquettes you should follow to avoid any cringe-worthy moments.

12 Best First Date Tips For Girls 

When you’re texting a guy for a date, you take your time coming up with witty and sassy replies to keep him interested. Even if that means waking up your best friend in the middle of the night to get them to help you with the replies. But, what happens when you go on that date and Google or a close friend cannot come to your rescue? Scary? That’s exactly what Angie, a 24-year-old lawyer, before her first date with a guy she was crushing really hard on.

“At first, I was way too scared at just the idea of meeting this guy I’d already started falling for. What if I run out of things to say? What if my inner clutz appears and I fall flat on my face walking up to him? But once we met and we started clicking, I realized the entire onus of the conversation and date going well wasn’t on me. Like my dating coach often tells me, “It takes two to tango”,” she tells us.

Even though you’re one half of the equation, the way you conduct yourself on the date is still enough to influence its outcome. While there are times when a date goes wrong because you see first date red flags that this guy isn’t for you, in some cases, we too contribute to the disastrous experience, albeit unwittingly. With these 12 best first date tips for girls to fall back on, you can rest assured that you will be totally geared for your first date. 

1. Know what to expect on a first date

If you expect all first dates to go smoothly, then you might be in for a surprise. First dates are about getting to know each other, so there will be awkward silences. You might even feel there’s no spark or no instant connection. There is also a good chance that you are both equally nervous, and to compensate for all that nervous energy, you may end up asking so many questions your date begins to feel like a job interview. To prevent that from happening, always remember that the idea is to have a good time and try to get to know each other better without venturing into potentially uncomfortable territory.

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Knowing what to expect on a first date is half the battle won. It is very rare that a person is smitten by their date, from day one. Looking for that instant spark or chemistry right off the bat will only lead to a lot of disappointment. Perhaps the best first date advice for women is to not expect to be swept off their feet. You want to go slow and make your decision with your feet firmly planted on the ground instead of off it. Connections take time to build and it is best not to try to hurry things along.  

2. Choose a location you’re comfortable with 

Before you jump to what to do on a first date with a guy, focus your energies on deciding on place to go on a first date. It’s vital to choose a location that you both are comfortable with so that the setting of the date does not add to your anxiety or awkwardness. If you are wondering about places to go on a first date, we have only one piece of advice for you – pick a public place. A restaurant, a museum, a shopping mall, a park – any venue that interests both of you is fine.

Going to a club is a little gray area. On one hand, clubs are just right for pulling off all kinds of flirtatious moves, like a little physical contact by leaning in close to whisper into your date’s ear. Or if you are a good dancer, then you can just let your body do the talking. On the other, clubs rarely give you the opportunity to get to know each other on a personal level. Try holding a proper conversation over the blaring music.

However, what a girl should not do on her first date is meet up with a person in a private setting. Best to avoid mi casa su casa arrangements, restaurants or bars that are part of a hotel, impromptu jungle walks or treks, and private parties. And any place from where it is difficult to get public transportation.

You must always have your exit strategy in place. If a guy keeps suggesting places that are secluded, then it is one of the first date red flags that this guy isn’t for you. If you’re going out for a meal and have food allergies or aversion, let your date know, so that you can finalize a place where these concerns don’t get in the way of your time together. 

3. Strike a balance between comfort and style 

Of course, you’d want to dress up and look your best on a first date. That said, a bankable first date tip for women is not to wear anything too uncomfortable to walk, talk, eat, or breathe easily. You may have a new pair of stunning stilettos sitting in your closet, and we get the temptation of wearing them on your first date. But you don’t want to risk dealing with a shoe bite on your first date. Similarly, wearing a dress so tight that you have to hold your breath throughout the evening will only add to the anxiety and nervousness you’re feeling.

First date etiquette also suggests you don’t want to get so comfortable that you end up wearing overalls or tracksuits and flip-flops. The aim is to find a balance between fashion and comfort and dress according to the location. For example, a formal floor-length gown for an evening in the opera house, or a pair of jeans and boots if you are heading to the petting zoo or bike rides. The ideal way to rock your first date look is to choose a dress that accentuates the best of you yet is light and breezy on the body. 

4. What should a girl do on her first date? Be on time 

Of the many first date tips for women, we cannot stress this enough: be on time. Most women have this idea that being fashionably late is cool, well it’s not. Think about it. Would you want your date to keep you waiting? If not, then accord them the same courtesy. 

Showing up on time is right at the top of the long list of answers to what should a girl do on her first date. It’ll let your date know you’re not taking them for granted and that you value his/her time. If you’re late to the date, all that effort you put into figuring out where to go on a first date with a guy/girl won’t bear any fruit. If there is an emergency or you have a good reason for the delay, inform your date beforehand and reschedule the time so that you are on the same page. 

5. What should a girl not do on her first date? Not obsess over her looks 

Making the right first impression is very important, so it is understandable that you would like to look your best. However, all the preening and pruning should ideally be over before arriving for the date. Once you’re there, do not obsess over your looks. You have limited time together, so make the most of it in trying to connect with the person you’re with.

Ask questions and show genuine interest instead of constantly checking the mirror wondering how your hair looks or if your lipstick is still in place or constantly pulling or fiddling with your dress. These are signs of low self-esteem. Don’t be too anxious or self-critical then you will end up self-sabotaging the relationship even before it takes off.

Resist the temptation to rush to the restroom for repeated touch-ups. Definitely don’t ask your date if you look okay over and over again. This person is already on a date with you, meaning, they already fancy you. A strand of hair out of place is not going to make a world of a difference. While most men do like a woman who is well-groomed, vanity is a major turn-off for them too.

6. Make first date conversation flow 

The only thing worse than having to answer or ask incessant first date questions is complete silence. So, one of the most useful first date tips for girls is to make an effort to keep the conversation flowing. Don’t fixate on whether you’re asking too many interesting questions or if it’s making them uncomfortable. The trick is to keep your queries open-ended, so that your date has a chance to respond in detail, and then build upon it. It should not feel like a job interview.

Ask your date about their travel experience, or talk about things you are passionate about. Talking about your passions adds a spark to your conversation and a warm glow to your demeanor. Your eyes light up and I am sure your date will love that about you. Perhaps, share a funny incident or anecdote but don’t try too hard to be funny. The best first date advice for women is to converse as though you’re talking to a friend and try to take the edge off the situation.

7. But don’t ask anything too personal 

Any relationship coach will tell you politics, exes, religious beliefs, past relationship experiences, and family issues are not good choices for first-date conversations. Some topics can hit a nerve and turn the whole vibe upside down. Be respectful to your date’s boundaries and comfort zone and stick to good conversation topics like favorite books, music, hobbies, and ambitions for the first few dates.

You might be thinking, talking about books, music and movies can only last you so long before you run out of questions to ask. And do these questions really tell you much about a person? Remember you’re still practically strangers to each other, so sensitive topics are off-limits.

However, there are many interesting questions you can ask that will give you a little insight into the person you are dating. What is your take on love? What is a place you always wanted to travel to? If you had all the resources that you needed, what would you do? The idea is to keep certain heavy topics out of your conversation, and keep your interaction as light, upbeat, and positive as possible. 

8. What to do on a first date with a guy? Keep your hands off your phone 

This is one of the first date rules you’ll thank us for later. A lot of us have a compulsive tendency to reach out for our phones every couple of minutes to check on social media accounts, email, and texts. However, this is poor dating etiquette and conveys a lack of genuine interest.

That is undoubtedly a deal-breaker. Phone-snubbing someone is always rude, and if you’re doing it on a date, you can forget all about the first date tips and tricks you’re trying to pack under your belt. They will all be useless. Would you like to go on a second date with a person who has their head buried in their phone for the better part of the evening? Yeah, no one does. So, for a successful date, put away your phone and be present in the moment. 

9. First date flirting is a good idea 

So, you’ve asked your date all the questions you had on your mental checklist. They have reciprocated with queries of their own. Now what? Remember this isn’t an interview but a date. And the first few dates are supposed to be all about having fun while getting to know each other. Adding a little flirtatious twist to your interactions is one of the good first date ideas, especially if you like the person and want things to progress. 

Giving a compliment to the guy, using physical touch like touching the arm, or using body language to express your interest by leaning in when talking to them, a mischievous smile or a loaded statement are all first date tips for women that work like a charm in taking the mood to the next level. If you’ve been wondering whether first-date flirting is a good idea or not, we say go for it. 

10. Drink responsibly if want to rock your first date 

What to do on a first date? Not get drunk. There are too many things that could go wrong. You could end up crying over your ex or a crush who didn’t like you back. You could end up hurling in front of your date, or worse on them. Or maybe you pass out and your date has to carry you home. You might also start dancing on tabletops and fall off. And then, of course, the most common side-effect of getting drunk: your brain-to-mouth filter stops working and now they know when you hit puberty. 

There is no bigger turn-off than a person who cannot handle alcohol. A couple of drinks can help you loosen up and calm those nerves, especially if you two decided to meet up at a bar or someplace that serves alcohol. But go easy on the alcohol. Maybe don’t experiment with that huge L.I.I.T. on your first date, and stick to a drink you’re comfortable with.

Otherwise, the number of cringe-worthy moments will make you want to crawl under a table and die. Best you avoid that hangover too. One of the best first date rules for women is to know where to draw the line while you’re drinking. Somewhere before you begin to feel tipsy is probably a good place.

11. Always split the bill 

Most women happen to be under the impression that a man should pay on dates. Ideally, the person who asks for the date should be the one to pay. But try to split the bill on the first date at least. This isn’t the 1930s. Don’t expect the man to pick up the check every time. One of the most valuable first date rules for women is to always be prepared to go Dutch.

The easiest way to do this is by picking up the check as soon as it arrives and paying your share. If your date insists on paying despite your earnest effort to split the bill, you should leave the tip at least. You should never expect your date to pay, and if need be, have a conversation about this so that your date is not jittery when you pick up a posh restaurant. { width: 600px; margin: 0 auto !important; border-style: ridge; border-color: #f45858; border-radius: 30px; border-width: 0px; box-shadow: none;background-image: var(–wpr-bg-ef685bd4-e8bd-4f2c-ac1a-b47b9221ce21); background-position: center center; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: cover; max-width: 100%; position: relative; padding-bottom: 60px; } .ays-poll-id-657fe5ab2c766.ays-minimal-theme .apm-choosing{ display: flex; align-items: center;} .ays-poll-id-657fe5ab2c766 div.ays-image-logo-show{position: absolute;bottom: -5px; left: 1px;margin: 2px 0 0 0;padding: 2px;width: 100%;height: 65px;text-align: left;} .ays-poll-id-657fe5ab2c766 .ays-poll-image-logo{width: 55px;height: 55px;}.ays-poll-id-657fe5ab2c766.ays-minimal-theme .apm-choosing input[type=radio]:checked + label, .ays-poll-id-657fe5ab2c766.ays-minimal-theme .apm-choosing label.ays_enable_hover:hover{ background-color: initial !important; 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12. Want to be kissed? Let your date know 

The most beautiful conversations are the ones that you have without speaking. When the date is going well and you two are really into each other, you are sure to feel the urge to kiss. There will be signs he wants to kiss you. There will come a moment when the conversation stops. You will look into each other’s eyes and you suddenly become very aware of how close he is standing. This is the perfect moment for a kiss.  

Make eye contact, then look at his lips and look back into his eyes again. He will understand the cue and lean in for a kiss. Another way of letting him know is by touching him lightly or lingering in when you’re saying your goodbyes. You could even give them a peck on the cheek or a warm hug to let them know you’re open to a kiss. If they’re receptive enough, they’ll pick up on the hints. But if your date is clueless and you really want that first kiss, don’t hesitate to initiate it. 

Key Pointers

  • Be yourself and have a set of creative conversation topics and open-ended questions to keep the conversation flowing
  • Wear something comfortable and choose a public location for the date
  • Always be safe and make sure you have an exit strategy
  • Have fun on your date

Dating is a game of chance, you just never know what you are going to get. The good news is there is a 40% chance that the first date leads to a second. With such great odds, a bit of conscious effort on your part is all it’s going to take to turn that much-anticipated meeting into a successful date. These first date tips for girls will take the edge off the experience. To make the most of it, try to be yourself and focus on having a good time. Dating is a journey, not the destination. So enjoy the ride while you are at it.


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