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How To Make A Girl Laugh – 11 Failproof Secrets That Work Like A Charm

Ask a girl about the things she finds attractive and she will invariably list ‘the ability to make me laugh’ as one of the most desirable qualities in a potential mate. This begs the question – how to make a girl laugh?

If you’ve turned to your friends for help on the matter, they’d at best give you a rundown on jokes or cheeky lines that can make her giggle. But the ability to make a girl laugh is so much more than just comic timing. You have to be able to understand what makes her tick and then build upon it, slowly and steadily, to master the art of getting her to crack up at will.

Laughter and attraction are so closely interlinked. If you can make a girl laugh and giggle, you can boost your odds of winning her over. So, having a few smart tricks up your sleeve bodes well for your love life.

How To Make A Girl Laugh – 11 Failproof Secrets

So, you’ve met a girl who makes your heart skip a beat. She too has responded to your overtures. And now, you’re thinking if only I could seal the deal with some humor. But try as you may, your attempts fall flat. Like a soda that’s run out of fizz. You’re picking your brain on what to say to make a girl laugh.

Before we unveil our secrets on how to make a girl laugh, here’s a pro tip for you: don’t try too hard. You don’t have to be glib and funny all the time. If you’re trying to crack jokes the entire time you’re with her, she may start to view you as immature or lacking sensitivity. Neither of which is a desirable quality in a potential love interest.

With that in mind, here are 11 failproof secrets to make a girl laugh and enhance your appeal in her eyes:

1. Use situational humor to make her laugh on a date

When taking a girl out on a date, don’t let what to say to make a girl laugh weigh on your mind. If you do, you’ll end up doing exactly what we just warned you against – trying too hard. Remember, she is here to get to know you and not witness a stand-up comic performance.

So, hold off on rehearsed jokes and one-liners. You can, however, put situational humor to good use. For instance, if you trip while walking over to your seat, saying something on the lines of ‘there goes my chance at a career on the fashion runway yet again’ can crack her up.

Examples of using situational humor to make a girl laugh:

  • Situation: Either of you burns your mouth while eating. What to say: “Do you know how the hipster burnt his mouth? He ate his dinner before it was cool”
  • Situation: You see someone walking around in their sandals. What to say: Oh, that guy reminds me, “What do you call a Frenchman wearing sandals? Philippe Philoppe”
  • Situation: You both love music and are hanging out in a bar. Well, hello, walk into a bar jokes! What to say: “E-flat walks into a bar. The bartender says, “Sorry, we don’t serve minors.”

2. How to make a girl laugh over text?

How to make a girl laugh over text, you ask? Well, this one is relatively easier, thanks to memes, GIFs, and ROFL-worthy videos that the internet has blessed us with. Once you get to know her a little, you can sense what her likes, dislikes, and interests are.

Use this understanding to find the perfect memes to share with her. If you want to go the extra mile, you can even create a customized GIF that relates to a conversation you’ve been having. Or if you spot a funny video that you know would have her splits, use it smartly.

For instance, if it’s a video of a cat sleeping in an awkward pose and snoring loudly. Lead with, ‘I have a question for you.’ She’s bound to ask what you have on your mind. Then, share the video, asking is that your go-to sleeping position? Just like that, you can make a woman laugh uncontrollably.

How to make a girl laugh over text examples:

  • She asks you where you’ve been. What to say: “I went to buy some camo pants but couldn’t find any. That took a while”
  • Talking about childhood and school. What to say: “I failed math so many times at school, I can’t even count”
  • Discussing how hard adulting can be. What to say: “I used to have a handle on life, but then it broke”
  • When you want to say something random and funny. What to say: “The man who invented knock-knock jokes should get a no bell prize”

3. Use a funny memory to make her laugh

If you already know her well or are at that stage where you share a history – no matter how recent – you can tap into the treasure of memories or shared experiences to make a girl laugh. Say you’re having a conversation, and then, there is an awkward pause.

It’d be a great time to interject some humor and set the tone right again. ‘Do you remember that time when we were at the mall…?’ Follow up with the funny memory you have in mind. Not only will you make her chuckle but also impress her on account of you remembering minute details from your time together.

4. How to make a girl laugh when you’re dating?

Couples that laugh together, stay together. If you can make a girl laugh and giggle, you can be certain of holding a special place in her heart forever. In case you’re already dating, channelize your spoofy side to make her double over with laughter. A partner who can joke and mess around with you is a delight to be around. So, that’s what you should be aiming for.

At this stage, practical jokes are not out of bounds either. For instance, imagine if she walks out of the shower to find you wearing her bra and a towel around your waist, lying on the bed with a lip pursed between your teeth. You’ll have her in splits, we can guarantee. Antics like these can make a woman laugh uncontrollably.

Make a girl laugh when you’re dating examples:

  • Make a pass at her. What to say: Do you find me irresistible yet or should I keep those shots coming?
  • Use a cheesy pick-up line. What to say: Any chance you have a band-aid lying around? I scraped my knees falling for you again!
  • Play a prank. What to do: Slip into her skirt and put on a pair of stilettoes and give her your most sensual walk
  • Touchy-feely. What to do: Lustfully grab her butt at the shopping mall and then walk away

5. Funny questions can crack her up over the phone

Now, the answer to how to make a girl laugh over the phone isn’t exactly simple or straightforward. That’s because the medium presents its unique set of limitations. You have only your voice and words to work with. If you’re someone who relies a lot on gestures and facial expressions to channelize your sense of humor, you may find yourself struggling on this front.

You can work with some funny questions to elicit humorous responses from her, and you can both laugh together. Alternatively, if you’re blessed with the gift of mimicry, you can do a voice that you know she finds funny. And you’ll have her giggling away in no time.

Funny questions to make a girl laugh examples:

  • If people from Poland are called Poles, why are people from Holland not called Holes?
  • Is cereal soup?
  • If you don’t pay your exorcist, do you get repossessed?
  • Do you want to mess up the bed with me tonight?

6. Goof around to make her laugh if she is upset

If you can make a girl laugh and giggle when she is upset, you have truly won her over. But know that it’s going to be no walk in the park to even bring a smile or make her chuckle softly when she is feeling down and low. So, tread carefully.

For instance, cracking a silly joke or attempting wry humor when she has gotten an earful from her boss will only invite her ire, not amusement. If you’re together, you can try goofing around with her by making funny faces or giving her animated looks. Cue: a curled lower lips and puppy eyes, and saying ‘would you give me some lowwweee?’ can instantly lift her spirits.

If you’re not together, you can try a virtual twist on the same approach. Click a funny selfie, slap on a funnier Snapchat filter, and send it her way.

7. Stick to your style of humor

If you’re trying to make a girl laugh with jokes, stay true to your style of humor. We bet it’s going to be far more effective than trying to tell jokes you’ve read on the internet or improvising on memes circulating around. Chances are she’s read them too and your lack of originality will put her off.

Instead, think about the things you say or do that always get your friends cracking up. Your female friends in particular. Toe that line to make your girl laugh.

8. How to make a girl laugh with one-liners?

One-liners and cheesy pick-up lines aren’t your best recourse when you’re trying to impress a girl with your sense of humor. But once you’ve established a rapport with her, these can be a wonderful tool to create some light moments with fun banter.

Try something on the lines of, ‘Do you feel as if you’re sitting across from Ryan Gosling yet or shall I order another round?’ ‘I don’t get people who reply to a text with K. Like what you doing with those extra 2 nanoseconds.’ ‘The other day I wanted to hug the most handsome face I had ever seen, but ended up with a cracked mirror and broken nose’.

If you’re confident enough to take that route with her, go for the cheesiest, quirkiest lines you can think of.

Examples of funny one-liners to make a girl laugh:

  • I’m reading this book on antigravity. It’s unputdownable
  • Do you know why 6 is scared of 7? Because 7 ate 9
  • Do you know the secret of making holy water? Boil the hell out of it
  • A blind man walked into a bar, a stool and a table

9. Laugh at yourself to make a girl laugh

How to make a girl laugh? Well, this is one secret tip that works 100% of the time – learn to laugh at yourself. It is definitely a lot more effective than teasing a girl to try to get to laugh. More often than not, the teasing strategy backfires.

On the other hand, if you can find something self-deprecating to laugh about, you can be certain she will laugh along. Whether you’re trying to make a girl laugh on Whatsapp or in person, this almost always works.

When doing so, make sure you’re making light of your harmless quirks and flaws. For instance, if you’re clumsy, you can crack a joke about that. If you’re never on time, it’s cool to use humor to draw attention to that.

But laughing at any major red flags is a no-no. For instance, making serial cheater jokes or jokingly talking about your temper issues will make her bolt before you know it.

10. Make her laugh with funny secrets

We all have some funny stories from our childhood, growing up days, or even recent past that are borderline embarrassing and 100% hilarious. Why not make a mental note of funny secrets to tell a girl so that you can make her laugh effortlessly. This can be one of the simplest ways to make a girl laugh while chatting.

Did you have a funny nickname growing up? Did you ever get caught trying to prank a teacher? Or did your high school sweetheart’s parents bust you sneaking out of their house? Share these anecdotes with her. Not only will these make her laugh and chuckle but also help you both get to know each other better.

11. Understand her taste in humor

Very few girls appreciate sarcastic or dry humor. Fewer still can stand sexist jokes – and for good reason. While some women may have a thing for slapstick or raunchy jokes, others may lean in favor of light, breezy, non-controversial, or cerebral humor. So, take the time to understand where your girl lands on that spectrum before tapping into your funny side to impress her.

Whether you’re trying to make a girl laugh on Facebook after having just met her or making her giggle on a date, knowing her brand of humor is paramount. To solve this puzzle, you can casually ask her about her favorite comedians, stand up performances, and comic characters.

Use your newfound expertise on how to make a girl laugh to capitalize on the connection between laughter and attraction. We promise you fewer bad dates and potential connections fizzling out.


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