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8 Tips to Create a Standout Dating Profile: A Comprehensive Guide

If your love life hasn’t been sizzling and the friends that set you up on dates are failing to find you good dates, it might be time to change things a little. If you want to try your hand at online dating, you have to make sure that you are giving it your best shot. You need to craft the perfect dating profile and get those matches coming! How to write a dating profile is all about a mix and match of wit, honesty and a little bit of mystery. 

An online dating profile is your complete personality in the virtual world. Just like in a party the way you dress and carry yourself determines whether you get attention or not, on dating profiles – everything you write and post does the exact same. 

How To Write A Dating Profile – 8 Tips

If you are learning the ways of Tinder or have only recently joined Bumble and are fumbling with how to get decent matches, stop your worry right there. We can help you with that. 

Your first impression on a person’s feed when they are swiping through is the big test before you dive further. Dating profiles are often so varied and interesting. It can be a pleasure just swiping through them and learning how people put themselves out there. 

To not get lost in that mix, you have to make sure that you stand out and offer something he or she cannot refuse. If you are wondering how to write a dating profile, here are 8 tips to help you level up your online dating game. 

1. Don’t use the same old terms 

‘Traveller’, ‘Foodie’ , ‘Funny’ – are words that are universal and reused far too much in one’s dating site introduction. In real life and online, everyone considers them a travel enthusiast or a lover of food. There’s really nothing unique at all about it. 

Take our online dating advice and dig deeper and mention more useful things about yourself. It can actually be really difficult to describe oneself when one gets down to it but take the effort to do so.

Everyone loves a self-actualized person who can articulate who they truly are. 

2. Post a funny pic or two 

It is understood that one needs to unfold and display their best and hottest photographs on dating sites. People often prefer posting pictures of themselves in their best outfits, at parties, on the beach or having lots of fun. Posting pictures of yourself working out is another thing some people are into. 

To add to the profile, you can also add some goofy pics of yourself. Pick out a picture that isn’t too serious and one where you are not trying hard at all.

A natural candid photo can appear really cute on your profile and make you seem like you are confident. 

3. Set up a bait 

Your description on dating sites really does not need to sound like a proper bio mentioning your work and your hobbies line by line. There are far too many of those and people will brush over that in an instant.

What does dating mean to a woman? Someone she can make conversation with and relate to. Setting up a good bait is one of the best online dating practices. 

Mention something like the time you saw the Northern Lights or your favorite pizza joint in the city. This is one way to have a witty dating profile. If your potential match has an opinion on these things, chances are they will match and begin a conversation with you about the same.

Even mentioning something as simple yet relatable as your love for grilled cheese sandwiches can do the trick. 

4. Give a glimpse of what you really want out of this 

To save your own time and everyone else’s, you can use a subtle remark to indicate what you’re looking for. Some people say ‘Here for a good time and not a long one’ which makes things instantly clear that they want something casual and sexy. 

This is one of the tips to date online successfully. If you are searching for something more serious, you can indicate that by perhaps saying, ‘My music is old school and so is my vibe. Let’s play board games and you can tell me all about your day?’ 

5. Tone down the ‘Cool’ 

How to write a dating profile is all about conveying the right tone. One of the biggest do’s and don’ts when writing a dating profile, is to check for the degree of sarcasm in what you’ve put out there. Remember, this is your first impression and you must be super careful about it.

Someone who is overconfident or appears egotistical will instantly receive a left swipe by anyone. Trying to be too cool, might take away your thunder completely.

Something like ‘This description is not enough to describe me, chat more to find out’, will only make you appear lazy and could look like your head is in the clouds. 

6. Do not use famous quotes 

‘Embrace the glorious mess that you are’ as a profile heading sounds completely redundant and as if you did not try at all. Steer clear of famous sayings and aphorisms unless it is a completely unheard one.

It will appear as if you are taking things too easily and are just interested in fishing dating. A dating app bio is for you to introduce yourself and the things that complete you. An omnipresent saying does not fit that bill. 

7. Suggest a first date activity! 

To resonate with a potential date with what they might also like on a first date, talk about what you would like to do. One of the what to write in a dating profile examples can be, ‘Fancy dinners are not really my thing, would you like to go for a hike and breakfast in the morning?’ 

Such an opener will instantly attract those who are interested and fond of the same kind of dates that you are talking about. If a potential date likes hiking, they may swipe right on you if only to share the interest. 

8. Choose the right questions to answer 

Several dating apps offer a range of questions where you can pick a few to answer. The questions are usually designed like cues for you to easily elaborate on who you really are. Some dating app conversation starters can always help.

Some questions go like, ‘What makes you a real nerd?’, ‘What would your teacher in 3rd grade describe you as?’ or ‘What is non negotiable for you?’

While the prompts are endless, the onus is on you to choose the ones which bring out the best in you. Don’t just pick the prompts that seem interesting but the ones that will make you seem interesting. To answer dating profile questions itself is an art. But you can easily master it with practice, some thought and some experience! 

Clearly you can now see that how to write a dating profile is nothing to be scared or worried of. Just pick the best dating site for you and determine the parts you want to show yourself and the parts you think will invite another person. Spend some time exploring other profiles, understanding the other trends and then craft your personal feed. 


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