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How To Propose To A Girl — 10 Romantic Ways

So your relationship has really reached that level, huh? Now, now, don’t be shy! When you’re browsing Forevermark, Tiffany & Co., and Cartier online while also opening another tab to google ideas for the perfect ways to propose to a girl, what else does that mean?

Well, first of all, congratulations, you lucky man, on finding the love of your life! Second of all, don’t fret. I know your mind is buzzing with ideas on how to give the woman of your dreams the perfect proposal and ring that she deserves. Do people still put the ring in the champagne glass of a woman? Is an orchestra too much?

Should you do it on a yacht, in front of her parents, or pop the question while getting her favorite In-N-Out burgers? How to propose to a girl you love so much? The possibilities are endless, but don’t worry – we’ve narrowed it down to 10 of the most romantic and categorically different ways to propose to a girl.

Tips On How To Plan A Proposal

We know you are excited and anxious and can’t wait to dig through the ideas to unearth a perfect proposal for your girlfriend, but we suggest you hold your horses for a few moments. Before we jump to executions, we would like to suggest a few guidelines so that nothing can hamper one of the most memorable nights of your life. Here are a few tips you should keep in mind:

1. How To Propose: Which Knee Do You Kneel On?

Let us talk about etiquettes first. Do you know why kneeling is a part of the traditional proposal procedure? It is closely related to the act of praying and submission. As you kneel to pray as you submit to god and ask for his blessings, the same way you kneel to the one you love and ask for them to be your partner forever.

So how should you do it? Ideally, you should kneel on your left knee so that it touches the ground and your right one is up. You should be holding the ring box in your left hand so you pop out the ring with your right hand. This is the best pose aesthetically and has proven to be the most comfortable one for most men.

2. Decide when to propose

The thought of just winging it and doing what your heart says sounds romantic but it can go south very easily. We suggest you don’t leave the fate of the most beautiful moment of your life to chance. Have a plan that is flexible but is ultimately aimed at making her feel extra special. When, where, and how should be clear in your head.

It is important to know her thoughts about the whole thing. If you explicitly ask her, it’ll ruin the surprise. So, we suggest you pace yourself and keep catching hints about it over time. This helps you plan better and minimize your chances of embarrassing yourself.

3. What’s the best time of the day to propose?

This is more of a personal choice because it’ll come down to what appeals to you and your partner and the kind of proposal you have in mind. But if you ask us, we’d say that you should propose during the day. An hour before sunset is the best. We say so because this is a once-in-a-lifetime moment and should be captured on camera.

You’d cherish it for the rest of your life. We think you should consider hiring a professional or at least have a friend take pictures and videos. Once the daylight is out, it is difficult to take well-lit pictures. You wouldn’t want your proposal pictures to look like a horror show now, would you?

4. What if my proposal doesn’t go as per the plan?

Almost nothing in life goes as planned. Sometimes God rains on your parade and there is nothing you can do about it. So have a backup plan just in case the original one goes sideways. Even be prepared to wing it if need be. We know we are contradicting ourselves with this one, but hear us out.

Once you are in that moment nothing else matters. Just know you did plan it to the best of your ability and whatever happens next is just gonna be awesome. According to the plan or not, it will be a memorable evening as long as you are both in it together. So, when it comes to it, speak from the heart. Your heart will have you speak the most beautiful speech that you can ever plan.

10 Unique Ways To Propose To your Girlfriend

There is no sure-fire trick to sweep her off her feet. Different women appreciate different things. What’s important is that the moment appeals to what’s in her heart. Sometimes that could be as simple as her favorite burgers and milkshake, or as fancy as a trip to Hawaii. 

Proposing to a woman is all about cracking the code of what your woman might want or how a woman wants to be treated. While we can’t directly answer that question for you, we can give you 10 options or 10 different ways to propose to a girl. From there, you’ll find at least one that will be perfect for you two. 

1. Proposing to a woman on a beach or on a hike 

Whether she prefers the mountains or the beach, it’s time you rev up that engine and drive her down to her favorite place. To retain that element of surprise, tell her that you’re treating her to a weekend trip because she’s been working so hard or just because you’ve been missing her a lot lately. 

If the two of you routinely go on hikes nearby, simply popping the question in front of a pretty view on your morning hike can also make for a wonderful proposal. She’ll definitely appreciate the whole experience and appreciate you too for being so thoughtful. 

2. Print a full-page ad in the newspaper 

If you’re wondering how to propose to a girl in a way that she will remember for a lifetime, why not go big? If you want to amuse your girlfriend (and the rest of the city too), put down your proposal in a fun newspaper ad. Write a cute jingle, throw in a funny picture and surprise your woman in a way that she’s never been surprised before. 

Once that chunk of the plan is set, all you have to do is grab a cup of Joe and sit down next to her that morning. Either hop over to her place for breakfast or take her to the café. Then, carefully bring out a newspaper and let her peruse it like she does each morning. We guarantee that you’ll make her blush!

3. Throw her a surprise at home 

And bring in the people who are closest to her, like her friends and her family. But there’s an extra tip with this one. Only use this proposal idea if you are sure that you two are ready to tie the knot and you have no doubt that she would say yes because this idea involves organizing an intimate gathering with the people closest to you, which could turn very awkward if things don’t go quite as you hoped. 

Have everyone wear the same t-shirts that read, ‘Marry me’, or decorate the house with balloons. You can also order a cake or cupcakes that are iced with, “Will you marry me?” Go all out when you throw her this proposal as this day only comes once in your lives.

4. Sneak into her workplace 

Whether you do it in the parking lot of her office or arrange balloons around her desk, surprising her at work could be a great way of proposing to a woman. The key here is to make the proposal as unexpected as you can. You could take the help of her coworkers with this one too and really show her how much you care.

This probably doesn’t sound like the cutest way to propose to a girl, but it will definitely become her best day at work. Who isn’t going to love walking into her office, having her world changed, and ending up feeling like the most loved and cherished woman in the world? 

5. Use holiday ideas to propose a girl 

The nearest B&B, at the Grand Canyon, a beach holiday against the sunset, or in a foreign country – take your pick and plan a trip solely to propose marriage to the woman you love. This is going to be a vacation that you will both be talking about for a long time. 

But here’s the thing. You can choose to do something grand, or not. I mean, yes proposing to her in the middle of Times Square might be the coolest thing to do, but romance lies in the little moments too. So even if you’re just in an NYC pizzeria across from your hotel or choose to ask her to marry you while feeding ducks in the lake, it will be just as special. 

6. Organize a treasure hunt in your home 

This doesn’t sound like a conventionally romantic way to propose to a girl, but if your girl enjoys fun activities and all your clues are relevant to your time together as a couple, it could actually turn out to be the cutest way to propose to a girl. Tell her that you’ve been wanting to do something nice for her so you’ve set up a treasure hunt for some fun and laughs. 

Fill the treasure hunt with clues and questions regarding yourself or your relationship. For example, “The place where I like to relax and unwind after work” or “The chair where you read poetry to me for the first time”. With these little clues, lead her right to the ring and then eventually into a happy marriage with you. 

7. Create a personal moment 

If you’re wondering about how to propose to your girlfriend, let me tell you that it isn’t all about outlandish romantic gestures or spending a fortune to show her how much you love her. If you want to move her, you can even do it with sincerity in your eyes. It’s the thought that counts and how earnest you are during the whole process. 

You can do something heartfelt like you could buy her favorite scented candles, set up a bath, and pop the question when you two are close and intimate. You could also just order some takeout and make her a collage/video essay of all your pictures together punctuated with “Be my wife”, or something along those lines. 

8. Take her out on a yacht 

Thinking about how to propose to a woman who you can’t wait to make your wife? If you’re willing to splurge on this day, then go all out and book a yacht for yourselves. Put on your finest suit, bring out the finest champagne and propose to her in the middle of the sea and under the beautiful, bright sun. 

Trust us when we say that this is an experience you will truly remember for a lifetime. Just the sea and you two – what could be more romantic? If you’ve got a smaller budget, then even a short boat ride out into a lake can make for an equally beautiful experience.  

9. How to propose to a girl in a unique way? Go old school and serenade her 

Grab a guitar and learn the chords to her favorite song because this is one of the most romantic ways to propose to a girl. Instead of trying to boringly talk about marriage with your significant other during lunch one day, be spontaneous and give her an experience that she will cherish far more.

Sing her an Ed Sheeran song or any other song that has her heart. To make it extra special, put in the work and write your own song! It could be on her balcony, in your living room or if you’re feeling audacious, then you could do it someplace in public to really make her swoon. Whichever location you choose, we know you’ll leave her completely speechless with this one. 

10. Text her your pictures and give her a sweet surprise

How to propose to a girl through text, you ask? Take individual photos of yourself holding a placard saying, “Will you marry me?” Before sending it to her, it’s important for you know her accurate location. Ask her to meet you in the park or use the opportunity when you know she’s probably cooking dinner at home.

Don’t be shy, you’re not trying to woo a crush. You’re asking the woman of your dreams to marry you! Once you have that down, text the photo to her. The moment she checks the notification, show up in real-time and get down on one knee. She would not have seen that coming. Wanted to know the cutest way to propose to a girl? Check!

Key Pointers

  • Make sure that you’re absolutely sure about it before you think about how to propose to a woman
  • There can be lots of different ways to propose to a girl, so find out what your partner prefers
  • If you’re wondering how to propose to a girl for the first time, don’t overthink it. Plan it!
  • Mix and match the ideas to come up with the perfect proposal
  • The bottom line is to convey your love and commitment in a way that makes your partner feel like the most important person in the world

These 10 ideas to propose to a girl are all unique in their own ways. For someone who wants to do something ostentatious to someone who is looking for something a little more thoughtful, this list will definitely have an answer to how to propose to a girl. So take your pick based on what suits you best as a couple, put in some effort and customize it, and show your woman that you can’t wait to be her husband! Don’t forget to write back to us with all the details of how it went down!


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