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100 Hilarious Conversation Openers Suitable for Everyone

What if I told you that the medicine for all the discomfort and shyness you feel while socializing is hidden in a list of some funny conversation starters? What? You’re laughing at my claim? Don’t dismiss me just yet, carry on reading to see what I’m talking about.

We’ve all heard that laughter is the best medicine. And guess what? It’s true! Humor not only keeps your audiences amused and entertained, but also acts as a wonderful ice-breaker. Some funny convo-starters can help people to feel at ease and let go of any societal anxiety or pressure.

Starting a conversation can really be a difficult task; nerve-wracking even. However, with the correct approach, you can initiate a great conversation without seeming creepy or making a fool of yourself.

Some funny and interesting conversation starters can help you grab attention, build a rapport and make your message more memorable. A bit of humor can gently encourage people to put their guard down and relax around you. It can make them feel more comfortable, thus enhancing the quality of your relationship.

However, an essential component to successfully pulling off the ‘funny convo-starter’ stunt is to have a bag full of funny topics to talk about. Running out of funny conversation topics is a serious issue. But fret not! We are here to save you.

100 Funny Conversation Starters To Try Out

In a list of most dreaded situations, ‘awkward silences’ would surely make it to the top. And sometimes these ‘awkward silences’ may impair your charm. When you really want to talk to someone, but are not sure of what to talk about, you may end up feeling embarrassed. To avoid this, it’s important for you to keep the conversation going. And with the perfect funny and flirty convo- starters, you won’t have to worry about carrying the conversation all by yourself.

Here are 100 funny conversation starters to your rescue; guaranteed to get a laugh. Whether you are meeting new people or catching up with your old buddies, try using these funny convo-starters to initiate a conversation that people won’t forget in a hurry.

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