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Reflecting on Your First Meaningful Valentine’s Day: Unforgettable Thoughts

Remember your first Valentine’s Day? Did you awkwardly navigate around all the rose days and the teddy days, not knowing if you needed to indulge or not? Though you may have a more firm stance on what you’re going to do around Valentine’s Day by now, your first few ones may not have been so smooth.

Let’s take a look at the things that go through our minds when we’re counting our dollars to figure out what we can or can’t afford for Valentine’s Day, during which you’re probably going to ask yourself, “Do I even need to do this?” 

Thought You Have On Your First Valentine’s Day 

If you thought you were the only one who struggled with navigating Valentine’s Day dos and don’ts as a young chap, think again. A Reddit user told us, “When I was 17, I went out for Valentine’s with my boyfriend. We were discussing gifts and I said, “Thank god you didn’t get me flowers. I hate them so much, and I think they’re stupid.” He takes me to his trunk and pulls out flowers. Dumped me 2 weeks later. I totally deserved it.”

And for those of you who felt rather betrayed, Reddit user Froyofanatic knows how you feel. “I was in third grade, a boy asked to be my Valentine and it was really sweet. He was really kind and not like most immature boys at that age. He gave me a teddy bear with chocolates and it made me super special, in a very “I’m in third grade” type of way. Then he pulled about ten more teddy bears and said “I also got one for all the girls, too!”

For most of us, those first few Valentine’s took place in high school. When you weren’t really sure what Valentine’s gifts even meant, and you weren’t even entirely sure if you and that girl were officially dating or not just because she waited for you while you were tying your shoes.

Let’s take a look at the thoughts that go through your mind when you’re trying to figure out if you’re now supposed to give your “partner” a gift.

1. Valentine’s day? What? Isn’t that for old people?

When you’re in high school and your girlfriend gently tells you Valentine’s Day is coming up, you’re probably wondering if it’s even something you need to be bothered about. Isn’t that for the people who book reservations in fancy restaurants a month in advance, or for comedy movies where they forget to do just that? 

Once the social pressure for this day keeps mounting you realize perhaps you ought to do something. But wait, should you do something or is your “partner” planning something? 

2. What’s chocolate day? Where did teddy day come from?!

Not only do you now have to try and figure out the perfect Valentine’s gift with your budget of 3 nickels and 4 buttons, but you’ve also just learned that things like “chocolate day” and “rose day” exist too. 

I don’t know about you, but that’s when my hatred for capitalist consumerism began. I just didn’t know how to phrase it back in 8th grade, when the best I could come up with was, “I’m broke, and this sucks.” 

3. Too old for a lemonade stand, too young for a blue-collar

The second week of February has come around, and asking your parents for money is probably going to result in them asking you a million questions. “When I was your age, all we did for Valentine’s Day was go for a walk. Now you want to buy gifts for your girlfriend.” Sorry dad, a walk is a little too 1970s. 

Nonetheless, the problem you now face is going to make you curse that time you bought all those clothes you absolutely did not need. If only you had a little cash to spare! 

4. A Chanel bag or a private island?

Now that you’ve acquired all the funds you could get your hands on, you’ve got to figure out what gift you’re going to buy them. Walking through the mall with hopeful eyes, you already knew it probably wasn’t going to be too easy to try and find a gift. 

When you finally settle on the most adorable (read: affordable) teddy bear, you’re pretty convinced that it’s going to be the cutest thing in the world. 

5. When the V-Day finally comes around 

All the chocolate days and the rose days have come to pass, and it’s finally time for the big day. The big day, for you, means an awkward exchange of gifts and a few extra hours spent together, even if you two were just walking around together (maybe dad had it right all along?). 

The nuances of a young romance are memories we cherish as we get older. On the flip side, as you get older, you realize the bliss of the uncomplicated romances you had as a teenager are probably never coming back. Nonetheless, that’s not to say the next few Valentine’s Days can’t be your best ones yet. This time, you might actually be able to afford a Chanel bag for your partner. 

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