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30 and a half undeniable facts about love

If there is something that has always intrigued the human mind, it’s love. Author Roald Dahl once said, “It doesn’t matter who you are or what you look like, so long as somebody loves you.” This need for love and connection has been a driving force for humans. To understand why that is, let’s explore some facts about love that you may not have given much thought to before.

In this article, we will explore some amazing love statistics and facts and find out what exactly happens to our minds and our bodies when we fall for someone. These aren’t just random love facts but are truths proven by experts and researchers who’ve delved into the depths of this phenomenon. So, let’s dive into the sea of falling in love facts and find out what love does apart from making us feel good.

30½ Facts About Love That You Can Never Ever Ignore

Describing exactly what you feel when you’re in love is probably the hardest thing to do. When you experience that wave of overwhelming joy the minute you see your partner smile, do you really care about explaining it? That’s exactly why love is a mystery to us all. We can never wrap our heads around the feeling.

The heart does what it does, without paying any heed to the love statistics and facts. In fact, when it comes to matters of the heart, you will be surprised by how little you know. But these interesting and lesser-known facts will make you wiser. In fact, these can even explain some of your own behaviors that you resort to when you are around your romantic partner or someone you love deeply.

Mysterious Love Facts

Love is a mystery, they say. In fact, the explosion of intense emotions and feelings that you feel when you’re in love with someone cannot be put into words. But we can surely try to make sense of some of it. For that, we present to you some mysteriously weird but true facts about love, romance, and relationships:

1. Love improves memory

If you can’t remember if you had your vitamins in the morning, have to maintain a checklist at work, and are constantly misplacing things, then, let us break it to you: your memory is perhaps failing you.

Fret not. Just go ahead and fall in love. Well, one of the most amazing facts about relationships is that when you are in love, there is a spurt of dopamine in your brain. Studies have shown that dopamine stimulates a part of the brain that helps improve memory.

2. Two lovers always have their heartbeats in sync

One of the mysterious love facts is that when you are in love with someone, your heartbeat syncs with that person’s. This has been proven scientifically in a study too. So, if you’re wondering whether what you feel for someone is love or mere infatuation, just latch on to a

heart monitor and check your heartbeats. Or maybe just place a palm on your heart and theirs. Your mind will certainly be blown away by the synchronized lub-dub. When you’re in love, you’re not just emotionally in sync, but physically in tune too.

3. Love feels like OCD

One of the creepy facts about love is that love makes you behave as if you have OCD (obsessive–compulsive disorder). Studies show that at the onset of a loving relationship, people have low levels of serotonin and high levels of cortisol. While serotonin makes you happy, cortisol is a stress hormone. With both these hormones at play, a person in love will behave almost similarly to those with OCD.

4. Kissing is addictive

There is no denying the fact that the more we kiss, the more we want to keep doing it. It’s believed when we kiss, our brains create a lethal concoction of euphoria-inducing chemicals, namely, dopamine, oxytocin, and serotonin, which have the capacity to give you a ‘high’ similar to that of cocaine. That’s why a lot of people remember their first kiss more vividly than the first time they had sex. This is one of the most amazing facts about relationships and intimacy.

5. Love makes your pupils dilate

According to a study, the pupils of people in love dilate significantly. Yes, it’s probably one of the crazy facts about love, but it’s true that when we desire someone excessively, we tend to look at them with increased attention and yes, dilated pupils! Funny, right?

6. ‘Broken heart’ is a medical condition

The next time you hear that someone is “nursing a broken heart”, don’t dismiss it as an exaggeration. They could be suffering from a broken heart, (as crazy as it may sound) quite literally. Broken heart syndrome is, in fact, a medical condition that doctors determine through blood tests and ECGs. Often, this may be caused by factors such as:

  • Grief
  • Emotional stress after the demise of a loved one
  • The pain of heartbreak after the end of a loving relationship

The symptoms are very similar to that of a heart attack, and the affected person experiences stabbing chest pain. But there are no blocked arteries. A broken heart can be medically treated, and the affected person can recover completely. This is perhaps one of those weird but true facts about relationships that may baffle you.

Psychological Facts About Love

Contrary to popular perception, love stems from the brain and not the heart. So, it makes sense to be aware of some intriguing psychological facts about love. Who knows, we may finally be able to explain why we fall for the people we do. Let’s take a look at some of the most mind-blowing truths about love:

7. Love makes you do illogical things

How many times have you told your friends, “Stop being so illogical in love”? So, is your friend not making any sense after falling in love? It’s probably because love plays a spoilsport here as well. Yes, this is one of those crazy facts about love. Scientists have delved deeper into this behavior pattern and discovered that people act foolishly when wooing someone and can be absolutely illogical because of high cortisol levels in their blood.

A study has shown that people who had fallen in love in the 6 months preceding the research had much higher levels of the stress hormone cortisol. When researchers tested the participants again 12–24 months later, their cortisol levels had gone back to normal. This is probably one of those weird but true psychological facts about love that may leave you dumbfounded!

8. A crush lasts for 4 months

We have all gone through that phase when we would do anything to impress a crush. Well, it’s true, people start doing the most outlandish of things when they have a crush on someone. But even the most intense crush is a fleeting feeling. If reciprocated, it turns into something more fulfilling, but if it’s one-sided, a crush does not last more than four months.

So, that high-school senior you were crushing on could make your stomach flutter with butterflies at one point. But after a few months, you probably realized that the butterflies had vanished and that you could just pass by them without giving them a second look. However, if such feelings persist, it probably means the crush has turned into love.

9. Our parents and roommates can predict if we’ll be successful in love

If you are head over heels in love with someone and are keen on gauging the potential of your relationship, just ask your roommate or your mom. Guess what, this is one of the scientific love facts.

A study involving university students once proved that the observers of their relationships, that is, their parents and their roommates predicted the outcomes of their relationships more accurately than they themselves did. However, the students were mostly hopelessly optimistic about their love lives, while the observers were more realistic in their predictions.

10. A smiling face is more attractive than a toned body

When it comes to casual dating, hookups, or exclusive dating, physical attractiveness always plays a role in impressing someone. However, that may not hold true for a long-term relationship. When people seek long-term monogamous relationships, the qualities they look for are totally different. This is one of the intriguing facts about falling in love.

A self-confident person with a genial personality and a smiling face is definitely more attractive to someone looking for a long-term loving relationship. Add to it some sense of humor, and you have a gem who induces positive emotions and contributes to your well-being.

11. Women love to talk, but men play games

When it comes to love, women want to talk and have meaningful and deep conversations. They can lock eyes with the person they are in love with and stay that way for hours, talking about anything. Well, but men, unlike women, like to play. No, we are not talking about playing in the bedroom, we are talking about literally playing a sport, be it tennis, basketball, swimming, or beach ball. What we mean is that men would love to bond with their love interest over a great game.

But how can a man and a woman possibly fall for one another with such a huge difference in how each approaches love? What can we say, except “opposites attract”? We believe this difference in how both genders approach love psychologically is one of the funny facts about falling in love.

12. You hear their voice in your head

You may have seen in movies how the heroes or heroines often see the person they love as an illusion all around them. What if we tell you that what we have grown up watching in movies is a real fact about love? A study shows that you are likely to hear your own voice in your head while reading silently. But when you are in love with someone and you read their texts, you may hear their voice in your head. Could love be any more interesting than this?

Weird But True Facts About Love

When in love, people can act weird and out of character. Almost all couples are guilty of doing weird things in private, and oddly, these things help them bond more closely. These weird but true facts about love will tell you that it’s the emotion that triggers such behaviors.

13. Kissing makes you live longer

One of the creepy facts about love is that kissing probably improves the immune system. Interestingly, research has proven that men who kiss their girlfriends or partners every morning live 5 years longer than their counterparts who don’t. Well, turns out, kissing has many health benefits. Now, isn’t that cool?

14. Love reduces pain

One of the many crazy facts about love is that intense passionate love can actually provide amazing and effective relief from pain. This pain relief is quite similar to the effects of painkillers or illicit drugs such as cocaine, according to a Stanford University study. In fact, if you are unwell or are in pain, merely looking at a photo of someone you love might make you feel much better.

Having your beau by your side, feeding you warm chicken soup when you’re sick, for instance, can make you feel a whole lot better than the assortment of medicines on your nightstand, as it evokes a whole range of positive emotions.

15. Eye contact with a stranger for 4 minutes can make you fall in love

One of the weird but true facts about relationships is that if you gaze at a stranger for 4 minutes, you can fall in love. This was what an experiment has proved. Dr. Elaine Aron apparently made two people sit opposite each other and look into each other’s eyes, while they were asked some personal questions. The people questioned not only fell in love but also got married a few months later. Woah! Who knew flirting with your eyes was all it took to fall in love?

16. Love makes you healthier

According to a study, those who are in love are likely to have 12% more chances of having a healthy heart, compared to people who aren’t. In fact, another study proved that happily married couples “were 5% less likely to have any vascular disease compared with singles”. It also said married people tend to have “8%, 9%, and 19% lower odds of abdominal aortic aneurysm, cerebrovascular disease, and peripheral arterial disease, respectively”. So, it seems love is the best antidote for stress!

17. Love comes from the Sanskrit word ‘lubh’

Have you ever wondered where this word ‘love’, which makes the world go around, originates from? Well, it apparently comes from the Sanskrit word ‘lubh’. The meaning of the word is to desire, allure, and attract. So, the next time you need to impress your date or love interest, just drop this factoid and see if they fall in ‘lubh’ with you.

18. ‘Romantic love’ becomes ‘attachment’

One of the cute love facts is that when you fall in love, the euphoria, the tickles down your spine, or the butterflies in your stomach can keep you awake at night. But as the love becomes stronger and more stable, these feelings disappear. It is said that romantic love actually lasts for a year. What comes after that is ‘attachment’, and that’s what serves as the foundation of a healthy relationship. This feeling is for the long run and stems from a sense of belonging, which makes you accept the good with the bad.

Funny Facts About Love

There is more to that fuzzy feeling than mysterious psychological patterns. Here are some little nuggets of information on love that are proof that it’s the best thing someone can experience in life.

19. Love is blind

One of the most funny facts about love is that it actually makes you blind. This is because when you fall for a person, you accept them with all their faults. And your trust in them may make you ignore a lot of evident red flags of dating.

And in the long run, you may keep turning a blind eye to the snoring, the clumps of hair in the shower drain, and their late-night Netflix bingeing. While these harmless quirks can be ignored, sometimes, people are so blinded in love that they’re unable to see when a relationship turns toxic or begins to harm them.

20. Vasopressin is responsible for a lot of our attachments

If you are happy in a long-term relationship, it may not be only because you are in love. Much of relationship satisfaction is caused by the euphoria-inducing chemical makeup in our bodies. Well, this is one of those baffling scientific love facts. Apparently, Vasopressin, the bonding hormone that creates attachment in monogamous relationships, is responsible for a lot of relationship satisfaction in the long run.

21. Women are attracted to men who smell like their dads

Okay, so this is one of those scientific facts about love that can be hard to digest. A study suggests that women are attracted to men who smell like their fathers. It’s a well-known fact that women could be unknowingly looking for the qualities of their dads in their prospective partners.

But little did we know that they tend to choose people who smell like their fathers. However, it can get tricky if the woman in your life has some daddy issues. On the other hand, it can be endearing if she has had a healthy father–daughter bond.

22. We fall in love with someone who looks like us

One of the most funny facts about love is that we tend to fall for people who look like us. While some believe that partners who live together for a long time start looking like one another, they could be wrong. The similarities in appearances apparently don’t shape over time out of thin air. We, in fact, tend to like people who look like us!

23. Some people do not feel love

One of the most disturbing facts about love is that there are people who have never experienced this emotion. But this is not to say that they have no feelings or are stone-hearted. This is simply because they suffer from something called hypopituitarism, a rare disease that doesn’t allow a person to feel love.

Its scientific definition is “a deficiency of one or more of the hormones produced by the pituitary gland”. And this includes the love hormones vasopressin and oxytocin. Just like asexual people don’t feel any kind of sexual attraction, people with hypopituitarism — or aromantics — do not feel romantic love. This may seem like a hard fact about love but can offer a lot of clarity and a sense of validation to those who go through life unable to experience what the hullabaloo around love is all about.

24. Love can grow when you are away from each other

Statistics show that 60% of long-distance relationships work out great. “Distance makes the heart grow fonder,” as they say. There are many successful long-distance relationship love stories that prove it’s one of the scientific facts about love. Love finds sustenance in such situations because the two people in love:

  • Realize the depth of their love
  • Miss each other like crazy
  • Feel incomplete without each other

Facts About Love At First Sight

‘Love at first sight’ is not a fictional concept that exists only in the romcom universe. It’s a fact that many people have experienced. It’s when you get all jittery when you face that special person. You’re overwhelmed by their presence, their looks, and their personality, and can think of nothing else but them.

In fact, you may even lose yourself in trying to cater to this sort of love in the early stage. Some of those instant connections have also turned into successful and strong relationships and marriages. These creepy facts about such love show how it works.

25. It could be one-sided love

Yes, love at first sight might not be mutual. If you fall in love at first sight, there is a good chance that the other person may not develop the same feelings for you at the same time. That’s why this type of attraction or romantic interest can put you down the path of unrequited love.

26. Men fall in love quicker than women

Ever wondered who falls in love faster? Men or women? When it comes to love at first sight, apparently, men are definitely one step ahead of women. A study found out that men take merely 8 seconds to fall in love with someone they fancy. Women, on the other hand, take a minimum of 15 days to fall for someone.

27. It’s called a positive illusion

Love at first sight is known as a positive illusion because it creates a feeling of love in your brain when there’s no real love. It’s a great feeling to see signs of chemistry. But you might forget them as soon as they go out of your sight. The positive illusion thus breaks and you are back in your own world. Isn’t that crazy?!

On the flip side, if that person becomes a part of your life – whether they are a new coworker or someone who has recently joined your gym – and reciprocates your feelings, love at first instance can blossom into something deep and meaningful.

28. Those butterflies in your tummy are real

One of the cute love facts is that love at first sight, or any romantic relationship for that matter, brings in those butterflies in your stomach that make you jittery to face your love. These ‘butterflies’ can also mess with your sleep patterns. Well, they’re definitely not part of any love fiction but are a result of the adrenaline pumping in your body.

29. Infatuation can be more overpowering than love

Here is another weird but true fact about romantic relationships for you: what you feel at first sight is lust and not love. It’s a physical pull, very much similar to what you experience at the beginning of online dating these days. It’s primarily based on looks and the appearance they put up. So, what you think is love at first sight could be an infatuation that stems from lust.

Love and lust aren’t the same, and any attraction that is rooted in superficial elements like appearances is fickle. As time goes by, it could remain an infatuation and may not blossom into full-fledged love.

30. People fall in love fast if they are ready

Research has proven that people fall in love at first sight only if they wish to. In 2021, studies by Jin Zhang and his colleagues confirmed that the impulse of love at first sight was stimulated by a person’s “desire and readiness” to fall in love. So, who falls in love faster may depend on who’s more ready to be in love. We may also be addicted to the idea of romantic love at first sight by our media consumption patterns (read: a taste for romcoms).

30 ½. Love is overrated

One of the sad facts about love is that a relationship cannot survive solely on love. It needs sexual compatibility, emotional bonding, financial security, and a host of other things to grow and thrive. The truth is: love is highly overrated. That’s a hard fact about love that we should all keep in mind.

Key Pointers

  • Facts about love help us understand this complex emotion, giving us clarity about why we feel the way we do
  • Love is not just an emotion. There are many scientific phenomena guiding the feeling
  • Love can not just make you feel good but can also play with the way your brain works
  • Our bodies secrete hormones and chemicals that regulate our emotions, making us fall in love. And some of these hormones also improve the immune system and relieve us of emotional stress
  • One of the sad facts about love is that it is usually overrated

Yes, love makes us feel good, but it’s also the most mysterious concept that exists. Did these unique and interesting facts about love give you a new perspective on this all-consuming, heady experience? Well, you can now use this newfound knowledge to woo that special someone who makes your heart skip a beat every time they look at you.

Now, we’re sure you have realized these aren’t just random facts about love, but some of them are science-backed and research-based truths that may sound weird and fascinating. But this isn’t, by any means, an exhaustive list of overwhelming facts about loving relationships. What we’ve tried to do is put together some strange but true falling in love facts for you to realize the intricacies of this phenomenon. So, good luck to you in this endeavor.


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