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Top 75 Responses to the Question “How Much Do You Love Me?

When you are in a relationship with someone who likes to be constantly reassured of your love and that they are with the right person for you, these “how much do you love me” answers will come in handy the next time they ask you to prove your love with nothing but words. 

Honestly, I am someone who asks her partner, “How much do you love me?”, every night before falling asleep. Words are my livelihood and I expect my husband to improvise and come up with perfect answers all the time. Like clockwork, he always says things like, “I love you more than you love me” or “I love you to the moon and back”. These answers can begin to sound monotonous and boring after a while and it’s definitely not enough to make me blush and swoon. 

If you’re someone like my spouse who can’t ever come up with romantic, funny, deep, and best ways to answer this question, here are some responses that will make your partner fall in love with you all over again.

Deep How Much Do You Love Me Answers

I am a poetic person and I would love it if my partner said a few deep things once in a while. If you want to confess your love with some extraordinary answers, then you would find the below list extremely beautiful. Connect with your partner on a deeper level with the help of these answers.

  1. I didn’t know I was capable of loving someone so much. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me.

2. Falling in love with you was my destiny. To stay forever in love with you is an absolute honor. 

3. I don’t know where I end and you begin. 

4. I fall a little more in love with you with every passing day. With you by my side, I feel like I can conquer the world.

5. I love you and that’s the end and beginning of everything.

6. You are my music, my muse, and my favorite moment of distraction. 

7. I daydream about you. A future. House, kids, growing old together and dying in each other’s arms.

8. My moon, my sunshine, and my shot of dopamine. I would spend all my life chasing sunsets with you. 

9. I wouldn’t mind if the world ended today. I would be glad to have spent the last day on earth with you. 

10. I promise to forever love you, cherish you, and be the reason you smile. 

11. Looking for some cute texts to send? Here is another one: You have made my life better. You have made me a better person. Thank you for helping me grow so much.

12. You are the closest thing to heaven that I will ever reach.

13. Our hour-long morning cuddles pass like seconds. If there were 25 hours a day, I’d spend the extra hour snuggling with you.

14. No one has ever made me feel the way you do. My heart skips a beat and my fingers want to stay entwined with yours forever. 

15. I think of you, and I smile. And that’s 24×7, my precious. 

Funny How Much Do You Love Me Answers

Humor is such an attractive trait in people and humorous people are known to make amazing partners because of their ability to liven up even the most stressful situations. They can laugh at their flaws and can boost your mood almost instantly. Want to know how to make a girl laugh or a boy laugh? Here are some answers to tickle their bones.

16. If I had to choose between you and burgers, I’d definitely choose you. That’s how special you are to me. 

17. I am as obsessed with you as Kanye West is obsessed with himself. 

18. Can you count the fur on a sheep? The same goes for my love for you.

19. I love you as much as I hate studying for exams.

20. I love you more than a gold digger loves their sugar mama/sugar daddy.

21. I love you as much as bees love honey. Probably more than that.

22. Today, I love you more than I did yesterday but a little less than I will tomorrow. 

23. My love for you is hotter than the sun and wetter than water. 

24. I love you as much as a physicist loves their atoms, protons, and neutrons. Without them, a physicist is nothing. Just the way I am nothing without you. 

25. I am attached to you as much as doctors are attached to their stethoscopes. Always around your chest listening to the beating of your heart. 

26. I love you enough to not punch you in the face for asking me this question a gazillion times a month.

27. I can quit eating cake for you. 

28. I love you like a stripper loves a pole.

29. My head’s underwater, but I am breathing fine, you’re crazy and I am out of my mind (Yes, sing it like John Legend)

30. Roses are red, violets are blue, and if you get lost, I’ll search the entire earth for you. 

What Do I Mean To You Answers

When someone asks, “What do I mean to you?”, it’s usually during the initial stages of falling in love and getting into a new relationship. Use the following responses to let your partner know that they are ardently loved and adored.

31. You have brought immense happiness into my life, my beloved. Your laughter lights up my world. You don’t just mean the world to me. You are my life.

32. You mean so much to me that my life seems worthless when you are not around.

33. We have shared so many moments and memories. It’s safe to say that I enjoy nobody else’s company more than yours.

34. You are my best friend, the apple of my eye, and my best cheerleader. I don’t know what I would do without you.

35. I don’t want the world, sweetheart. I just want you.

36. You will never know what you mean to me or how much you mean to me. 

37. Another reason why I love you: When we are together, time stops. It’s just you and me present in the moment. I want those moments to last forever.

38. You complete me. 

39. Things that keep me sane: our pillow talks, long walks on the beach, and coffee dates. 

40. If you could see yourself through my eyes, you’ll know what you mean to me. You will finally realize how special, unique, and bewitching you are.

41. My anxious thoughts stop when you are around. There are no worries, no noise, and no overthinking when we are together. You calm my hammering heart.

42. You are the answer to my desperate prayers, the yin to my yang, and the redemption of my sins.

43. I can’t imagine a more terrifying thought than you not being in my life. The sun would still shine. The waves would still crash on the shore. But I won’t be the same anymore. 

44. You are the only thing that ever matters. Don’t ever forget that.

45. I hope I never let you down.

Why Am I So Special To You Answers 

A person you’ve just started seeing can ask you this question in a flirty way. And your response can make or break your relationship with them. If you want to flatter them and make sure this develops into something beautiful, here are some responses to impress them:

46. You have made me the luckiest person in the universe by falling in love with me. 

47. You are special because you are a rainbow personified. You radiate love, warmth, and joy.

48. I stare at my screen all day to receive a simple “Hi” from you. 

49. I can recognize soulmate energy from you and it is everywhere even when you are not around. 

50. You are special because you are honest with me. You don’t shy away from criticizing me. You make me a stronger person. 

51. I would like to say you are special because you make me grounded. Honestly, the first day I set my eyes on you, the whole world stopped, and it was only you whom I see in everything I do, feel, touch, and grab.

52. You are so special because you mean so much to me, the angel of my life.

53. I don’t know how I lived before you. But now I know one thing for sure. I don’t want a single day to pass by where I don’t see you, touch you, and rest my head on your shoulder. 

54. You are special because you were what I was searching for my entire life. You’re the missing piece of my life’s puzzle. 

55. I have grown insanely fond of you and you are so special that I want this feeling to last forever.

56. Do you know why you’re so special to me? It’s because even when I tried to hide my flaws and scars, you made me feel so comfortable in owning them. I can be myself around you. No masks, no hiding, and definitely not pretending to be someone I am not.

57. Here is another romantic line to make them stay yours forever: You are home. My safe place. My refuge. You are my dream come true.

58. You are special to me because you saw in me what others couldn’t. You supported my dreams and ambitions when others tried to discourage me. I am what I am because of you. If I have achieved anything in my life, I owe that success to you. 

59. You are the life of every party. I don’t even know what I did to deserve you in my life. But I know this for sure, as long as I have you, I am going to cherish you.

60. You are special because you didn’t give up on me. You stood by me during my hard times. You became my rock. My anchor. You are the wind under my wings. 

How Deep Is Your Love For Me Answers

You can’t prove how much you love someone but you can show them the depth of your feelings through your words and actions. The depth of your love can be measured by how you constantly tap into each other’s love languages. If your partner loves to hear you say romantic things, here are some responses when they ask you, “How deep is your love?”:

61. Among millions of people in the world, I saw your light and traced it down to where you are and then realized that our souls have been tied up since our birth. No one can take you away from me because you are my everything.

62. A million years before the sky was introduced to the sea, God wrote your name next to mine. You came into my life and gave it meaning. Thank you for that. 

63. Whenever I am around you, I feel euphoric. I wish I could show you how deep my love is. Words fall short, sweetheart. 

64. There is nothing more valuable in this life than our love for each other. 

65. To share this journey of life with you is a blessing. I have you, I have everything.

66. This is a proven way to show someone you love them: You know, I have always been an indecisive person. Always confused and scared to try new things. But there’s one thing I am sure of. I want a future with you, and I am not scared to think that far ahead. 

67. My love is so profound that you will never feel lonely in this world. I am yours to keep and you are mine.

68. If I had three lives, I would marry you in all three of them. 

69. I was lost until I found you.

70. Whenever you cross my mind, I say a little prayer for your safety and well-being. That’s how much I love you. 

71. It’s baffling how we were once strangers and now I can’t spend a minute without thinking about you. 

72. I would take a bullet for you. 

73. I prefer my coffee with you. I enjoy movie nights with you. When you are away, I reminisce about what it’s like to kiss you and on bad days when you aren’t around, I wonder what it would be like to be held by you. 

74. The depth of my love for you can’t be quantified but I promise to make you experience it every chance I get. 

75. Your aura is magical. I may not always know how to show my love, but you should know that my love for you is unconditional. 

How someone makes you feel with their words is a powerful indicator of the role they are going to play in your life. You can say these things to your partner if you feel like your relationship has gotten boring, if the two of you have had a fight, or if you are just trying to reassure your partner of your love. 

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