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100 Enchanting Questions Guaranteed to Melt Your Girlfriend’s Heart Over and Over Again

Romance isn’t something that develops without putting in the work. You’ve got to put some thought into it, and a bit of energy for it to bloom. Perhaps playing a game, or coming up with romantic topics to talk about with your girlfriend will help. Of course, there’s no need to do it in one day (she would be exhausted and can actually feel very unromantic).

Split the questions over dinner dates, for emotional moments, or for when you are making holiday plans. These romantic questions can be great fun if you use them the right way. It will not only help you understand your girl better but will help you come closer to each other.

According to research, asking questions is a great method to develop a healthy relationship with another person. If the girl can sense the effort you are making, she will be more receptive to you. So without further ado, here are 100 things to talk about with your girlfriend.

100 Romantic Questions To Ask Your Girlfriend

You’re itching to know more about these romantic topics to talk with your girlfriend, right? We have it all figured out for you, just keep reading.

If you have texting anxiety, these super fun questions can help you kickstart a conversation with her on text. Also, keep in kind that the setting is important. For instance, ask an intimate question in an intimate setting and not while you are taking a ride on public transport. Ask them at the right time and the right place to make this work. Here are the 100 romantic questions to ask your girlfriend.

Cute Questions To Ask Your Girlfriend

When you have been with someone for a long time, that sense of cute love can disappear after the initial few months. That’s why asking these questions becomes so important. It helps you keep healthy communication going on with your partner where you both can remind each other of the days when you were head over heels in love with each other. Some are perfect romantic topics to talk about with your girlfriend at night, while others can be the perfect segue to start another one of those “remember when…” conversations. Those always keep the conversation flowing, don’t they?

1. Do you remember the first time we met?

Sometimes people remember this and sometimes they don’t because the first meeting could be inconsequential. But if your girlfriend can tell you about your first meeting, then you have something lovely to talk about. It will initiate a great conversation, while also being a romantic question to ask your girlfriend. The key to a good romance is good communication, and inquiring about stuff like this is a great way to get nostalgic with your girlfriend.

2. When did you fall in love with me?

Get close to her and win her heart all over again. This is the cutest question to ask your girlfriend because she will have a lot to say. Then the discussion could veer to when you fell for her and you can talk a lot about love.

3. Do I make your heart race?

If she says yes, you’re allowed to puff your chest out. However, if she says no, you know you have to work harder to set her heart aflutter. But chances are she would blush and say “yes”.

4. What was the first thing you thought when you saw me?

The answer could be a “moron” so be ready to digest that. If she says “hot”, you have reason to gloat. This could be the perfect romantic topic to talk about with your girlfriend at night.

5. When did you want to kiss me?

This is the cutest question to ask. You might start blushing at her answer. She might even keep looking at your lips. And it might turn into a fun conversation if she replies jokingly with “EW!”.

6. What did you feel after our first kiss?

The answer could be a “thousand stars exploding” or she could say a “sloppy kisser” (first impressions aren’t always the best, right?). Be ready to deal with the answer.

7. Where would you like to go on a date with me?

This is indeed a romantic question to ask your girlfriend but be ready to loosen the purse strings. This is a good question to ask your girlfriend after you both have been in a fight (which has been resolved). You can pretend that you have just started dating and you can take her to the place where she wants to go. In fact, this question could also be the perfect opportunity to ask a few more follow-up questions like:

  • Do you have a choice of outfit for a perfect date?
  • What’s the best date we’ve ever had according to you?
  • Do you want me to do something different on our dates?
  • If I had to give you a date you’ll never forget, what would you want me to do?
  • How can I give you a date you’d want to flaunt about on your Instagram?

These are fun and romantic questions to ask your girlfriend, which will lead to her talking about a favorite memory. You’ll also get to learn a lot about what really works with her and what she wants in the future. This is an effective way to communicate your feelings with each other.

8. If I gave you $1000 and asked you to get something for us, what would you get?

What she answers will give you an insight into how much “us” she thinks about. It’s indeed a romantic question to ask a girl. From home décor items to naughty toys to spice up the action in bed, this question can elicit a wide range of responses. Keep them in mind and you can draw inspiration from them when buying her the next anniversary gift.

9. What is the best thing you like about me?

Your nose, your eyes, your caring attitude, your sense of humor – the answer could be anything and you would be happy for sure. The question will give you a direct insight into what your girlfriend loves the most about you. Sometimes, we forget to give compliments for men and this question is the perfect way to remind each other to appreciate the person you are with because there are so many reasons you love them.

10. What cute name would you want to give me?

This is a romantic question to ask a girl but if she is not too imaginative, you could land up with something like “Dingo”. But that shouldn’t stop you from saying “bingo”!

Funny Questions To Ask Your Girlfriend

Not all conversations need to be cute or serious. Sometimes, you can just stay in on a lazy Sunday afternoon and ask each other questions that make you laugh till you cry. Laughing together is a romantic gesture and a good way to deepen your connection. Here are some of the funny questions to ask your girlfriend:

11. If I wake up with a horn one day, what would you do?

She could say she would be reminded of the devil. It’s a funny dating question to ask your girlfriend and have a good laugh. It will also showcase the extent of her love if she answers that she will love you no matter what. Sometimes, humor can be a good form of peeking into the mind of your partner. If you’re looking for fun ways to pass the time with her without asking personal questions, this is the way to go.

12. We are on a romantic getaway and I pass out drunk…

We are not even getting into the answer bit. We trust you to handle it. She could actually say she would slap you. This question can change depending on how long the two of you have been together. For example, if you spent enough drunk nights together, you can ask her to share the funniest drunk story of the two of you. You might even hear about a not-so-favorite memory she never told you about before.

13. Who is the supervillain you love?

When you want to steer away from the romantic chat with your girlfriend, ask this question. Loving a villain is fine as long she doesn’t expect you to have his qualities. But if she likes Loki, then you will know what you are up against. This is another question that can become your gift-buying guide. Be it her birthday, Valentine’s Day, or Christmas, action figures as gifts are always well-received.

14. What is the cheesiest compliment you ever got?

This answer can be a really fun one. But be careful how you handle it, don’t laugh ‘too’ much at the compliment.

15. What is our funniest memory together?

You could end up sharing funny memories and that would build emotional intimacy in your relationship (what a perfect beginning to a romantic chat with your girlfriend). This question can even open up the gates to get your girlfriend talking by asking her these follow-up questions:

  • Why do you think that was our funniest memory together?
  • Is there any other time I made you laugh a lot?
  • How can I be more playful with you?
  • Do you like it when I joke around about stuff?
  • Have I ever hurt you with my jokes?

When you’re both talking in the same direction, it can lead to a great conversation, especially with the follow-up questions. When we have been with someone for a long time, we think we know everything about them. But, sometimes, indulging in a funny yet romantic chat with your girlfriend can open the portal to a world of stories you hadn’t exchanged.

16. If you wake up and find yourself under my bed…

That’s fine. As long as you are just ‘sleeping’ on the bed and she doesn’t catch you doing anything else. You don’t always have to ask deep and meaningful questions to establish a healthy relationship with your partner, you know.

17. What would you do if you were in a zombie apocalypse and found that I had turned into a zombie?

Gives her ample opportunity to let her imagination run wild. While you’re at it, ask her what her favorite fictional characters are from any zombie TV shows or movies. You will catch a glimpse of your partner’s creative side and see them from a different perspective.

18. If you and I go to a reality TV show, what would it be?

This one is indeed a funny question to ask your girlfriend. Her choice would tell you how she wants to spend time with you publicly. If she opts for Big Brother, you are in for a hard time.

19. What’s your most annoying character trait?

Even if she comes up with an honest confession, don’t linger too long on the answer if you don’t want to land in trouble. It’s one of those random questions that you must ALWAYS reply with an “Oh no, hon, that’s your cutest trait!”.

20. Thirty days without your phone and with only me as company…

Don’t be disappointed if she says she would kill you. Sometimes a phone is more important than romance.

Relationship Questions To Ask Your Girlfriend

When indulging in a romantic conversation with your girlfriend, you can ask her questions specific to your relationship. This will enable you to gauge the strength of your relationship and decide the next best course for the two of you. Here are some things to ask your girlfriend:

21. Do you want to move in with me?

This is an important love question to ask your girlfriend if you are planning to move to the next stages of the relationship. If you get a no, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s the end of the world. If you get a yes, it calls for more of a conversation. In either case, these follow-up questions should help you gather more information:

  • Why do you think we’re ready/not ready to move in with each other?
  • What sort of space do you want me to give you when we move in together?
  • What challenges do you think we’ll face if we live together?
  • What do you imagine living together will look like?
  • What do you think we’d need to work on to make living together successful?

Keep adding to this checklist for moving in together. Not only will these questions make your partner feel heard, but they’ll also let her know that she’s important to you and that you want to understand her point of view before considering the big step.

22. What’s your dream wedding like?

Your girlfriend might have a destination wedding in mind. If you do not ask this question, you will never know what she wants. If you haven’t proposed yet, this question is the perfect way to understand what her expectations are from you and the proposal. It could lead to a romantic chat with your girlfriend.

23. What kind of a dream house do you want to build?

There is scope for a lot of romance when she answers this question. When thinking about a house, the two of you are thinking about a future together. The idea of living together without marriage might make the conversation extremely romantic for you and your partner.

24. Children or child-free?

Such conversations are crucial before marriage. This is an important relationship question that every couple must ask each other. It gives clarity about what your partner is expecting and whether the both of you can be together or not.

25. You cook, I clean, or the other way round?

Great way to work out who does what if you are looking at a future together. This is one of the 100 things to talk about with your girlfriend when you are thinking of moving in together since it’ll help you figure out your domestic responsibilities.

26. The one thing you would want your partner to always do for you?

She might say “chop the vegetables” or she could also tell you to give her two bear hugs every day. Whatever the answer, this question is a good conversation starter about individual expectations from the partner.

27. Regular parties with friends or Netflix and chill at home?

Sure, this question won’t lead to one of your most vulnerable moments, but not every question has to. This will keep the conversation going with your girl, but at the same time, this is an important query if the couple is an introvert-extrovert pair.

28. Girls’ night out or date night with me?

Another way to know how much she wants to be with her friends. Or does she expect you to be around all the time? It’s an unfair question, though, so do make it clear to her that you’re kidding. Both you and her friends should ideally be equally important to her.

29. For a week, spend the entire time with your parents or your pet dog?

You get to know her priority. This relationship question will also help you understand her relationship with her parents.

30. What should our anniversary celebrations be like?

We feel that this is one of the best things to ask your girlfriend. You get to know what she has on her mind regarding an anniversary. Gives you enough information for future prep.

Dirty Questions To Ask Your Girlfriend

If you and your girl haven’t reached the ‘Netflix and chill’ stage yet, this is the step that is going to help you get there. Depending on the comfort level you share, you can throw some hints through crafty, dirty questions which are not completely crass. These questions are the perfect way to spice up your dating life and take it to the next level.

31. Do you sleep naked at night?

Turn your romantic chat with your girlfriend into a saucy one. She could throw a pillow at you but the answer will be fun. You get to know about her sleeping habits too.

32. Self-pleasure by hands or a nice vibrator?

This one is truly naughty, and you get to know tons about how she likes to receive sexual pleasure. Take notes. PS: if you’re at the stage where this is too much of a personal question for her, respect that too. She’ll eventually open up, but don’t force it.

33. One place you want to be massaged and kissed?

When she comes up with her answer, ensure it’s just the two of you sitting on your couch because you could feel like some action after that.

34. A French kiss or a long cuddle on the couch?

This one is really cute and the answer will tell you if your girlfriend is all action or needs you to find ways to show affection to her, or both.

35. Cowgirl or missionary?

What’s her fave position? Let her tell you. So that next time you are in bed together, you know what to do. While you’re at it, ask her her least favorite sexual position too so you know exactly what not to do. In fact, ask her the following questions to set the mood and learn all you can:

  • What turns you on the most?
  • Do you have kinks?
  • What would you like me to do with you in bed?
  • What kind of foreplay do you like the best?
  • When was the last time I turned you on the most?

36. Have you tried skinny-dipping?

This is indeed a dirty question to ask your girlfriend. Not everyone’s tried this but if she has, she could tell you a lot.

37. If I ask for a quickie in the lift…

Her answer would tell you if she is game for fun in all the odd places. Remember that scene in 50 Shades Of Grey?

38. Would you be able to take off my underwear without your hands?

Oh! Gosh, we are not even asking what her answer was. And if you are planning to try it, we are already looking the other way. Assuming she says yes, you can take a leap of faith and order some edible lingerie/underwear for the both of you. Use the hands-free stripping game to elevate the pleasure quotient of your intimate moments.

39. What’s your favorite time of the day to have sex?

That’s a good romantic topic to talk about with your girlfriend at night. Some people like it early in the morning, some right after a bath, some like it at night just before sleeping.

40. How do you want to make me come?

If she is not already blushing, she would once she answers this. And so will you. Not everything has to be a deep and meaningful question.

Deep Questions To Ask Your Girlfriend

On the other hand, not all questions need to be light-hearted. When you are making an attempt to get to know a person, asking meaningful questions can help build a deeper bond beyond the surface level. Questions about celebrity crushes and past relationships can only get you so far. It also helps gain insight into who the person really is. Here are some deep questions to ask your girlfriend which will help you get to know her better:

41. How much do you value me?

One of the bonding tips for couples that we can give you is this: If she is not extremely articulate, she would find it hard to frame her answer. But if you catch the drift, appreciate her answer anyway. Reach deeper levels in your relationship with the help of these follow-up questions:

  • What do you value most about me?
  • Do you think we share the same values?
  • Would you want to change something about my ethics and beliefs?
  • Do you think our worldview matches?
  • Do you think we’ll grow together as a couple?

42. Would you change something about our relationship?

This one is a fascinating romantic topic to talk about with your girlfriend at night. She might answer with two or three things, though.

43.  What’s a secret you have never told me?

The answer could be a revelation. But don’t be shocked and react adversely. People keep secrets all the time, it’s not really a surprise.

44. Something you always wanted to ask me…

Be ready for a question that you might find hard to answer. But think it over carefully, she would love what you share.

45. If we ever broke up, what would you miss the most about me?

She could say “your car”. So don’t cry. But she could also say that she’ll miss your affection and care. Try not to cry then either. Or do. After all, that’s how you know you love someone.

46. Do you think destiny always has plans?

This one is a deep question to ask your girlfriend and it will tell you if she believes in destiny in the first place.

47. What’s the philosophy of your life?

An extremely deep question to ask your girlfriend. She’ll let you know what has had a positive influence in her life, what aspects of her life she truly values, and it’ll help you align your vision with hers.

48. What’s the most important value you would want to pass on to me?

That will make her think. But her answer will make you think too. (Don’t stay up the entire night thinking, though.)

49. A dream that comes to you often?

Prince Charming riding on a white horse who looks just like you. Just kidding! She could talk about her dream job or having a cat AND a dog.

50. Do you want to be financially rich or rich in love?

Tricky one, but this is on our list of romantic topics to talk about with your girlfriend at night because it will tell you her priorities. If she wants riches AND love, you both will have to work a lot harder to secure both: money relationship goals and intimacy goals.

Intimate Questions To Ask Your Girlfriend

Intimate is different than dirty. It is not limited to the sexual aspect and is more about the butterflies-in-your-stomach romance. Asking such questions helps you gauge where you stand in a person’s life and also increases the romantic intimacy that you both share. So here are some intimate/love questions to ask your girlfriend.

51. What physical aspect about me do you love the most?

Could be your nose, could be your hands. Her answer is sure to bring up a few follow-up questions.

52. Do you look forward to intimacy with me?

You would get to know what she looks forward to, and a few things that she doesn’t really look forward to.

53. What is it I do that turns you on?

Get ready to get turned on actually. You’re bound to love what she’s going to tell you.

54. What have been our most intimate moments?

You will love the answer. Think of some that come to your mind and share them with her, and you might just start up a conversation about a favorite memory of yours.

55. Can you tell where I have moles and scars on my body?

You will get to know if she has been noticing you closely; it might even indicate that she’s in love with you. This is a really fun love question to ask your girlfriend.

56. What is your favorite sleeping position?

A fun and an intimate one indeed. Your day will be made if she says “cuddling up to you’.

57. How do you like to wake up next to me?

We are already imagining things so let’s not get further into this one. Her answer could range from cute to naughty.

58. What makes you feel the closest to me?

This is the most romantic and intimate question to ask your girlfriend. Tell her how you feel too, and you can end up having a conversation about your emotional connection. Here are a bunch of follow-up questions you can ask her:

  • Do you feel like you can tell me anything?
  • Do you feel like you can be vulnerable with me?
  • Did you ever hesitate to tell me something?
  • Do you feel like we support each other?
  • Do you think we make a good team?

59. Something you want to do with me in bed?

You can even include this in your ‘would you rather’ questions. If she says she wants to tie you up, then get ready for some awesome action. Many people do love exploring BDSM.

60. What do you like the most when we make love?

We are also dying to hear the answer. And we are pretty sure that for a woman, it won’t only be the climax. This is a romantic topic to talk about with your girlfriend and increase your intimacy.

Futuristic Questions To Ask Your Girlfriend

Let’s be honest: who doesn’t think about the future, especially when you are in a committed relationship? Sometimes, it is good to talk about the future with your partner to understand if you both are on the same page or not. These questions can seem intimidating but ask them in a manner that makes your partner comfortable and watch the conversation flow to the future.

61. Do you see yourself growing old with me?

This one will tell you if she is in it for the long haul. Toothless, grey, and together – does she think of that? Such a romantic topic to talk about with a girlfriend when you have been thinking about a future together. You could also follow this up with some questions like:

  • What do you think will be the secret to us being happy together forever?
  • Do you see yourself traveling with your partner in the future? To what places?
  • Do you think we’ll be the kind of couple that fights all the time or completes each other’s sentences when we’re old?
  • What’s one random act you want me to do more of in the future?

62. Is there any place you want to settle down when you’re old?

Some people have retirement dreams. Check out what’s hers and do you figure in it?

63. Would you stay with me if I am unable to have children?

This is a complex question but the answer will say it all. She could be practical or emotional in her answer.

64. How would you react if I lose my money and become bankrupt?

She could say she would continue to earn and will support you no matter what. She could also say “you better not do something like that”.

65. If I forget a special day like a birthday or an anniversary?

If she is honest in the relationship, she would say she’ll kill you. If she is nice, she would say she’ll forgive you.

66. In my middle age, if I start looking obese with a big paunch?

Not that she will think you’re not good-looking, but she might send you to the gym. Or, she’d be relieved because she was planning on letting go in the future too. *shrugs*

67. If I want to become a house husband?

She might hate or like that. But this is a question she should answer after some thought.

68. Big city life or suburbs?

Forget about the romantic questions to ask your girlfriend, ask her where her heart ‘literally’ lies. If she’s a country girl like you, you already know where you both are settling down the day you both retire.

69. If I want to make love every day at 60?

She would want to look up lubes first before she answers you. But she would like it if you think this way.

70. How many times should we both cook dinner in a week?

Cooking together can be very romantic, and definitely counts as quality time love language. But dividing the daily job is something you have to figure out.

Travel Questions To Ask Your Girlfriend

Who doesn’t love talking about which foreign country you should go to next? Not only will the travel-related questions always bring up a fun conversation, but you might just end up planning your next trip.

71. Would you want to keep traveling solo and with your girl gang?

Would give you an idea of how she would like to assert her individuality during the relationship. This is a good way to know her boundaries and needs as well.

72. The most romantic place you would want to visit?

That’s a great romantic question to ask a girl, we must say. According to her answer, you would know where to head next. To get you both daydreaming about your next trip, ask each other the following questions:

  • What’s the best place you’ve ever traveled to?
  • Do you have a favorite travel memory with me?
  • What do you think we never do on our trips that you want to do?
  • Would you ever go to a place just because I want to go there?
  • Is there a place you’ll never travel to? Why not?

73. A log cabin by the lake or a hiking trip up the mountains?

Let’s see what she chooses. She could be an indoor person or an outdoor one and would choose accordingly.

74. The mountains or the sea?

You will learn what works for her. It would also tell you if she prefers to be static or dynamic.

75. Would you make the research or bookings or do you want me to surprise you?

Being involved or being whisked off her feet, you will get to know what she likes.

76. Is a five-star hotel your thing or do you want to go camping?

Luxury or roughing it out, what’s her romantic potion? Or is she the kind who is all for glamping?

77. A forest/beach/mountain where you want to make love…

We are awaiting a super hot getaway once she tells you her answer. Hope you have your savings in place.

78. An exotic holiday that you want to plan?

This will be a lot to talk about. That’s for sure. You can give your inputs as well.

79. Would you want to stay in a tree house or in an underwater hotel?

This question on a romantic vacation could lead to a romantic chat with a girlfriend, no matter what her answer is. We can almost see your chemistry unfold atop a tree or while you watch an octopus through a glass wall.

80. Exploring local cuisine or hotel meals?

You’ll learn more about her personality, and just how adventurous she is. She might be the kind who can’t do without her muesli every morning or she might be game for trying anything.

Questions On The Past To Ask Your Girlfriend

In order to build a future with a person, you need to know about their past (more or less). There are so many beautiful memories and stories hidden there which will really help you understand how and what has shaped this person to become who they are. Moreover, it also helps understand their pain and sorrow and helps you deal with their problems in an effective manner.

81. Your best childhood memory?

We are sure she could talk for hours about this. Childhood memories do make us ramble endlessly. It could be those trips to the strawberry farm or the Halloween tricks they played as kids.

82. How was life in high school?

More fun talks there. She could also tell you about her high school crush or a dating disaster. She would give you all the details for sure.

83. One lesson you learned from your parents?

She will tell you how her parents are. They could be giving her romantic goals all the time. Or she would tell you how she learned from her parents all the things she would not want to do.

84. Were you the popular kid or the shy one?

You will understand her personality and that, we feel, is a romantic chat with your girlfriend. She could have been the shy kid who’s become an extrovert now and imparts flirting tips to everyone.

85. Did you have controlling parents or did they let you fly?

She could have loathed their control or loved them for giving her freedom. This must have formed her current attachment style.

86. Did you like the childhood you had?

If she had a great childhood, she would talk a lot. Either way, hold her hand.

87. Something about your childhood you hate/fear?

Get to know if she has any triggers so you can be there for her. If her toxic parents gave her a rather difficult childhood, it’s absolutely okay if this is a topic she doesn’t want to converse on.

88. The cousin you absolutely hate and why?

This one will be fun. We all have cousins we hate. She surely has too. You will have fun talking about them.

89. Have you been hurt by someone in the past?

A very clever question about the ex, we must say. But you are putting it very respectfully here. You should learn how to accept your partner’s past, no matter what she says.

90. Something you want to do to re-visit your past?

This is a romantic one. She might just want to take you with her. Since you’re essentially talking about a positive influence from her past, it could also lead to a longer conversation. Ask her the following questions to build up more on the subject:

  • Is there something that you used to love but can’t find the time for anymore?
  • What was your favorite thing about your hometown?
  • Do you think you’d be able to spend a month in your hometown now?
  • Is there a song that reminds you of your past?
  • What’s the craziest thing about your hometown?

Questions To Text Your Girlfriend

Maybe you can’t always sit and have a conversation in person. No worries! There are always things you can ask over text. When it comes to texting, you have to keep your questions more open-ended so as to avoid any scope for miscommunication. Here are some easy questions to text your girlfriend:

91. Do you miss me?

She would love that. It is one of the best romantic topics to talk about with your girlfriend at night.

92. When will you hold my hand?

She could write back, “Who was holding your hand in the car right now?” Plus, based on how she answers, you’ll also be able to gauge her love language. Is she big on nurturing her personal space or does she love physical intimacy?

93. Do I come in your dreams?

Wow! You are all set. Another great romantic topic to talk about with your girlfriend at night.

94. When can we go on a date?

Practical but a romantic question to text your girlfriend. And when you do meet, strike those couple poses for unique photos and memories.

95. I want to buy a gift for you. Tell me, what can I buy?

This one will get her excited. And give you some clear insight into what she truly likes and dislikes. Books, gadgets, perfumes, dresses, accessories, and shoes – the list can be long. This means your gift-buying is sorted at least for the next year or so.

96. Is this the same perfume as last time?

This is really romantic and tells her you noticed. Tell her you love it, and that you love her scent without the perfume too.

97. Are you up for dirty texting?

Make sure you time this one right. If she’s at work and you’re asking her if she’s up for dirty texting, things may not go down too well for you.

98. Do you wait for my texts?

If you’re both long past the honeymoon phase in your relationship, get ready for a reply like, “I wait for my precious alone time!”

99. What’s your favorite emoji?

Sure, it’s not the most romantic question to ask your girlfriend, but who said you’ve always got to be Romeo?

100. Are we soulmates?

You could get a poem in return, or she might just tell you that she doesn’t believe in soulmates. Nonetheless, this question could help you understand her better, especially through the following:

  • Do you believe we have a deep soul connection?
  • What about us do you think is unique?
  • Is there something you think we should work on?
  • Do you think we’re the best couple in our friend group?
  • Do you believe that we’re destined to be together?

How To Ask These 100 Romantic Questions To Your Girlfriend

Don’t sit with all these questions and ask her like it is a job interview. She could run away. There is always a place or time to throw in a few questions. If you are looking for some romantic topics to talk to your girlfriend about, then these questions could really help.

Even better, take her on holiday and you can have a great game of asking 100 questions sitting by the fire. Do it over a few days. Write the questions on slips of paper and put them in separate boxes. She picks one and you pick one and you both answer the questions. This is an effective method to get intimate and romantic. They don’t all have to be deep questions, they could literally just talk about what her favorite ice cream flavor is.

Key Pointers

  • Romantic questions to ask your girlfriend can help you set the mood, understand your partner better, and know how to have better conversations with her
  • Read the room and the mood to understand what kind of questions you should ask
  • The more you talk and understand each other, the closer you’ll feel

Having conversations with her is the best way to build a strong foundation during the initial days of a relationship. We hope these questions help you and your partner grow closer!

This article has been updated in December 2022.


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