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7 Activities a Woman Must Experience With Her Best Friend Before Tying the Knot

When your best friend gets married, it’s like the end of your mega bachelorette era. Your best friend is soon to be wedded to the love of her life and you couldn’t be happier. You and your bestie have planned for this day since memory serves. But to add to that excitement, let’s think of things to do before marriage for a girl.

Before you embark on this new journey, you want to make sure that you have ticked off some things off of your bucket list. Married life is going to change your responsibilities and priorities dramatically. Don’t worry, you will still be happy and be yourself. But there’s just a different kick about enjoying the last few days of being unmarried and spending time getting crazy with your bestie! So if you’re the bride and have super fun bestie, have you thought of any things to do before marriage for bride?

7 Things To Do Before Marriage For A Girl With Her Bestie

Getting married will mark the beginning of a whole new chapter of your life. Your priorities will change. You will have a new family to take care of. Before you take the plunge, grab your bestie and do the things you have always wanted to do with your best friend.

We spend a lot of time planning trips, making lists of things we need to do and then never actually following through on them because we think we have time. Well, your time might be up soon considering you are going to be introducing a whole new man into you life. But don’t fret. The days leading up to the wedding can be incredibly exhilarating if done right. We tell you the fun things to do before marriage for a girl. Have a great bachelorette!

1.  Go an an exciting road trip

This one’s for all those times this plan has been planned and re-planned and cancelled. Pack your sunscreen, light luggage, put your iPod on shuffle and set out to start making new memories.

3. Splurge on a ladies night

Want to indulge in some naughty things to do before marriage? Well, we will try to keep it PG but you can go as crazy as you want. It is indeed your night!

You and your bestie have probably already grabbed drinks at almost all the club joints in the city. Do a rehash of all those times and as the penultimate time (the ultimate time will be the Bachelorette party your best friend has planned!) dedicate nights of the week hitting all the fine party spots and maybe even splurge on a Ladies Night at your favorite clubs.

Do your crazy duo dance with your bestie and wake up with a massive hangover to commemorate the night. How hungover you are is directly proportionate to how much fun you had. Seal the deal with the selfies of the night. Bid adieu to your spinster days in a wild way before you say ‘I do’.

4. Have a before/after photoshoot

If you have known each since time immemorial, this is a fun thing to do with your girl, before you settle down with the man of your dreams. Warning: there could be a lot of tears after this one.

Do you have a photo from school/university when your haircuts were beyond embarrassing but every time you look at the picture, all you feel is love and happiness? Well, time to get a little more creative to really celebrate the value of true friendship. Go hunt for the picture from the photo albums in the basement and call your bestie over immediately.

Recreate the old picture with you both wearing clothes from your current wardrobe which are identical to the ones you had on in that photo. The pose should be the same, the look should be the same, no matter how embarrassing or silly it might have been And remember the worse the photo of the past, the better it is.

This is one of the perfect things to do before marriage for bride with her best friend to sort of celebrate how far you two have come. From odd haircuts to know becoming women on the cusp of marriage, life goes by so fast, doesn’t it? This activity is a true portrayal of how nothing has changed between you two over the years.

5. Go shopping

We say that like we don’t know that you have probably already done it way too many times. Shopping with your best friend can be a therapeutic experience yes. And what is a better way to bust all the wedding planning stress than to hit the mall?

Definitely one of the more fun things to do before you get married, who knew trying on shoes or hitting the sale at Bath And Body Works could make for one of the best days of your unmarried life?

Shopping with your bestie is a feeling you cannot find with anyone else. Why? Because she always picks the right outfit for you. She knows what looks good on you better than you do. And while you are at it, pick out sexy lingerie for your newly married life too.

6. Organize a wild sleepover

After you get hitched, there won’t be any more sleepovers. (Maybe there will be, but not as many as there were before). It could be one of the changes in a woman’s life after a marriage. So take the little time you have left and plan some extra fun sleepovers at each other’s places. This is undeniably one of the most important things to do before marriage for a girl.

No matter how grown up you two might have become, with each other, you have no inhibitions. And who said sleepovers are just for young girls? For her, you are still the weird-faced pig-tailed girl and for you, she is still the crazy little freak. This is one of the more fun things to do before getting married.

Buy a manicure set, indulge in some face masks and skincare. And if you’re extra like that, get matching PJs too! Make a pizza, bust out a bottle of wine, put on some music and dance away in the living room. And later on go through the photo albums and relish how much you have been through together. Talk about all your hopes and dreams for the future fall asleep on the bed with your heads snuggled together.

7. Make cute gifts for each other

You love your bestie for she is the only one in the world who has seen you at your worst and stuck around. While expensive gift ideas for women are all too boring and repetitive, try something more unique this time.

We suggest the two of you make cute DIY gifts for each other to show how one another how much meaning you they hold for you. Additionally, also write letters to each and post them along with it. The art of letter writing is a lost art, and there is nothing as fulfilling as writing a heartfelt letter in an age of technology.

There are many things to do before marriage for a girl before she sets on her new life with a husband. Don’t worry. Your best friend will always indeed stick around and be there for you when you need her. This isn’t a goodbye. Just an excuse to indulge in some fun things to do before you get married!

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