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6 Signs You Are In A One-Sided Relationship

Falling in love is a lovely experience, but not when it is a one-sided relationship it can only bring sadness. One-sided love at the beginning has hope, excitement and a longing to see the other person respond to your feelings.

As time passes by, this hope turns into anxiety and finally a heartbreak as the hope turns into hopelessness. But what to do when love is one sided? How long would you wait for a person to reciprocate? Well!! That’s a million -dollar question.

In the books and the movies people wait a lifetime and then finally their love is reciprocated. But reality is different. You can keep feeling single in a relationship forever and your love might never be reciprocated.

Then you would be only left with a broken heart and lessons learnt from unrequited love. In that case the most sensible thing would be to know the one-sided relationship signs and deal with it accordingly.

Ken Draxton, a real-estate broker from California was madly in love with his high-school classmate who never gave him a second look. After two divorces and after 29 years she finally looked at him. They cohabit now and are happy together. But not every one-sided love story has a happy ending. You should know what to do when love is one sided.

What Is One-Sided Relationship?

When you fall for someone you initially don’t know if they have the same feelings for you. But when you start dropping hints and they start reciprocating, it gradually becomes a two-way street from where you move to the next level – that could be dating, exclusivity or even long-term plans.

But in a one-sided relationship psychology you keep hoping for the person to give you the attention you want, latch on to the hints you throw or understand that you are madly in love with them. But most often the hopes are dashed because the other person might be understanding your feelings but they do not reciprocate because they have none for you.

If you are looking for one-sided relationship meaning then it simply means that all the feelings of love, euphoria and excitement are relegated to one person, there is nothing mutual here.

People are usually tormented by unrequited love when they fall for a classmate or close friend, a friend’s sibling, a colleague or even a family friend. They have a basic relationship with them, even a friendship, that they hope would transform into love one day. But usually they are pushed into the friendzone or entirely ignored.

Before you actually hit the rock bottom in this doomed relationship that is consuming you, it is a good idea to introspect and look for signs that suggest that this is clearly one-sided love and more than anything else you should be thinking of how to get over this unrequited love.

6 Signs Of A One-Sided Relationship

She is your friend. Fine! You have a crush on her. Fine! You have dropped hints. Fine! Now comes the gamechanger. Did she pick up the hints and act on it? You are not sure. She sometimes calls you and chats for hours and you start believing she has feelings for you and then she is off the radar for days. she dresses up and asks you to compliment her and you are then pretty sure that things are warming up but the next day she tell you not to ogle at her.

That’s the thing about one-sided relationships, you are perpetually left guessing if your love interest has any interest in you or not. And that guessing game can go on forever. Check out if these one-sided relationship signs are staring you in your face.

1. No reciprocation to your signals

In any healthy relationship, your feelings are supposed to be reciprocated by actions and signals. When you find yourself falling in love with someone, you are bound to give them signals that hint them about your feelings. Such signals may include, letting them close to you, excessively caring for them, etc.

2. You’ll do anything for them even if you don’t want to

Only because you are in a one-sided relationship, you’ll often find yourself doing things that please them at the cost of your discomfort. While it is absolutely fine to do this when the love is returned, it becomes harmful to your inner soul to do so when you don’t see the same effort from the other side.

Picking them up from their office after a long day at work, meeting them at their convenient timing and place, doing their household chores, grocery shopping for them and offering your empathy when they need it, are just some of the things that are done when you are in selfish one-sided love.

You need to ask yourself the question if it is worth doing these things and later getting hurt when you figure out that they do not have the same feelings for you.

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