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31 Indications of a Girl’s Interest, Concealed Yet Noticeable

If a girl annoys you, does she like you? How to know if a girl likes you secretly? What are the signs she’s pretending not to like you? How to tell if a girl likes you over text but is hiding it? – If you’ve met a girl recently and like her, but don’t know whether she likes you back, your mind is probably plagued by such questions. Well, allow us to help you find the answers. 

It may be tricky but it’s not that hard to guess if a girl likes you or not. A girl has subtle hints that give away what’s on her mind. She may try hard to ignore you, show signs she’s in denial about liking you, or conceal her actual feelings, but blushing at your corny jokes or texting back way too fast are dead giveaways. There are many such clear signs a girl likes you but is trying not to show it.

It’s vital to know how to read these signs because girls take time to blatantly tell somebody how they feel. They are not the ones to initiate a date and jump right into their feelings. When a girl ignores you but likes you, she will drop a trail of hints for you to chase her. If you see there are signs a girl likes you but is trying not to show it, consider it a good thing.

Ava, a reader from New Hampshire, talks about the time she had been crushing on James for far too long. Even when James told her how he felt about her, Ava did not reciprocate. This did not mean that she was not into him. She was just not ready to confront her feelings yet. However, James recently told her that he always knew how she felt because back then, she clearly showed signs of being in love with him.

31 Signs A Girl Likes You But Is Trying Not To Show It

If you are spotting signs she is catching feelings or falling in love with you, good for you! The only drawback is that she may not give it away too easily. She might play a little hard to get, or she might be shy or uncertain, but you will still pick up on all the signs a girl likes you but is trying not to show it.

There could also be signs she’s in denial about liking you but more often than not, her feelings are so strong that they reveal themselves anyway. A secret like this never really stays a secret for too long. If you want to unravel it sooner rather than later, pay attention to these 31 signs a girl likes you but is trying not to show it.

1. Looking deeply into your eyes

And then turning away as soon as you notice. A girl will stare deeply into your eyes when she likes you. However, if you do it back and it turns into a ‘moment’, she will quickly retreat because she does not want to give away too much. This is one of the most common signs she is pretending not to like you.

2. Blushing too much

If you’re wondering how to know if a girl likes you secretly, this one is an obvious tell. One of the conversation signs she likes you is if she blushes profusely at everything you say to her. From a bad joke to an embarrassing story, everything that you tell her will amuse her completely.

3. Getting annoyed at little things

One of the biggest signs a girl likes you but is trying not to show it is when she is upset with you without a clear reason. When she ignores you but likes you, she might behave a little weird. She is probably annoyed that you’re not giving her attention or something, but is too guarded to directly ask for it.

4. Joking around constantly

You might be thinking, “If a girl annoys you, does she like you?” There’s a good chance that if she does this in good spirits, she might be into you. She might make mean jokes to tease you or make fun of you. But don’t get her wrong, that is just her way of hiding what she truly feels. Calling you names, making fun of your quirks, or teasing you constantly are all signs a girl likes you but is trying not to show it.

5. Replying to all your Insta stories

Social media and relationships are a whole new paradigm now. If she likes you, that means she’s not only viewing your stories but paying a lot of attention to them too. She likes to see what you have been up to. If she replies to your stories to initiate conversations, she definitely likes you a lot.

6. Touching you often

Another tip on how to know if a girl likes you secretly is if she touches you often. One of the signs she wants you to make a move is when she touches you ‘accidentally’. She wants to get closer to you but is a little shy to be upfront about it. By touching you often, she is telling you that she wants you. That is a cue for you to try your luck!

7. She wants to be alone with you

How to know if a girl likes you secretly? If she wants to be alone with you, it could be a sign she likes you. Ditching plans with her friends to see you or driving all the other way to town because you wanted to hang out are some signs she is secretly attracted to you. She will make it seem like every other friendly hangout. However, you both know there is more happening there.

8. Drunk texting you

Wondering how to tell if a girl likes you over text but is hiding it? Well, if you’re first on her drunk dial list, consider yourself lucky. When she is drunk, a girl only calls or texts people she trusts and cares about. She probably misses you terribly and is using her drunkenness as an excuse to show it to you.

9. Licking her lips

This sexy signal may not be on purpose but is definitely one of the signs she likes you but is trying not to show it. If she licks her lips when you’re hanging out, she is probably turned on by you but is too reserved to make a move on you.

10. She remembers everything

How can you spot the signs she is developing feelings for you? Ava talks about her ‘crushing on James’ phase, “I always remembered how James took his coffee, what time he went to the gym, and I could read all his mood swings.” If a girl consciously remembers these tiny details about you, this is one of the signs a girl likes you but is hiding it.

11. Cracking jokes about dating

How to know if a girl likes you secretly? This is one of the most obvious signs. If she jokingly says, “Imagine how wild it would be if we dated!”, she is probably not joking that much at all. Cracking jokes like this is one of the signs she is secretly attracted to you but wants to gauge your response first. Based on how you respond, she’ll decide if she should continue flirting or not. 

12. Leaning in

Yes, a person’s posture can tell a lot about their feelings toward you. If her feet are usually pointed toward you, she is interested in you. Moreover, her body language when she is talking to you can also tell you whether she likes you or not.

13. She can be fidgety

It’s just nerves and not that big of a deal. When a girl is with someone she likes, she is bound to feel a little conscious and anxious. Take it as a compliment because this is one of the signs she is secretly attracted to you.

14. Texting you back instantly

This is another answer to your ‘how to tell if a girl likes you over text but is hiding it’ dilemma. If it takes less than 5 minutes for her to respond to your text, she is so into you. Almost as if she was waiting for you to message her. Ava, for instance, took hours to reply to messages from other people but the moment her screen lit up with a message from James, her face would light up too.

15. She talks about other guys/girls

One of the signs a girl likes you but is trying not to show it is when she tries to make you jealous. Ava would constantly tell James about how Tyler kept asking her out on a date just to see whether it bothered him or not. Truth is, Ava didn’t actually want to go out with Tyler but used it as an excuse to gauge James’ reaction. This is one of the most obvious signs she’s pretending not to like you.

16. She looks at you for validation

Another tip on how to know if a girl likes you secretly is if she looks at you for validation. If you’re all in a group and she tells a joke, she will look at you first to see if you think it’s funny or not. In any situation, your reaction and validation would matter to her the most. When she says something, she will always hope to catch your eye and hope that you respond first.

17. Checking up on you

If she likes you a lot, she will care about you deeply. Even if she is trying not to show it, if she is worried or concerned, all of that takes a backseat. She will always want to be there for you. Double texting to check up on you or asking how you’re feeling are signs she is developing feelings for you. If you’re thinking how to tell if a girl likes you over text but is hiding it, you have your answer.

18. She never says no

This doesn’t mean she does things that are uncomfortable for her to do. For example, James can’t remember a single time Ava denied going out with him. She would always try to make time for James. If she likes you, spending time with you will always be one of the most important things to her. That’s your tip on how to know if a girl likes you secretly.

19. Your words slip into her vocabulary

If you say “okie-dokie” a lot, she will pick up on the same before you realize it. When we are close to somebody and spend a lot of time with them, we pick up on their words and their habits without knowing it. Everyone will be able to point it out except herself. This is one of the signs she likes you but is trying not to show it.

20. Friendly compliments

‘Friendly’ being the operative word. One of the signs she likes you but is trying not to show it is if her compliments only sound friendly and not flirty. She clearly wants to tell you what she likes about you but is worried about being too obvious. Thus, she does not flirt with you directly. But if you’re looking for tips on how to know if a girl secretly likes you, pay close attention to her ‘friendly’ compliments coupled with all of these other signs.

21. She is protective of you

This is a huge tell. Every time you mention a new girl/boy, she will try to come off as a supportive wingwoman at first because she wants to seem chill about it. She may say, “Great choice, they look super hot!” But eventually, she will ask you to be extra cautious and will disapprove of them in some way or the other.

22. She wants to know all about you

And asks you a lot of meaningful questions. If she likes you and is serious about it, she will make the effort to truly get to know you. She will ask questions to know you better. From your first pet to your last girlfriend, she will want to know everything about you and remember it all.

23. Cracking dirty jokes on text

This is another tip on how to tell if a girl likes you over text but is hiding it. Ava had a thing for constantly sounding too horny over texts and she didn’t even do it on purpose. She just wanted James so bad and because she didn’t say it out loud, it revealed itself to him in this way. James didn’t mind it but wished Ava was more direct about her feelings. If that has been happening to you too, take it as one of the undeniable signs a girl likes you but is trying not to show it over text exchanges.

24. She will make sure you notice her

Whether you’re at a party or just having fun with some friends, she will never be out of your sight. It’s not like she is purposefully trying to get your attention, but sometimes it just happens subconsciously. She will always be around you and you will always be able to feel her energy. It could also be one of the signs she’s in denial about liking you.

25. Ignoring you for no reason

Yes. Even though it may not sound like it, this is one of the signs she likes you but is trying not to show it. She is playing hard to get and wants to see if you notice her absence or not. This is also one of the signs she may be an insecure woman and wants you to pick up on her attraction. She may start dodging calls or ignoring texts just to rope you in further. We hope you got the answer to your ‘when a girl ignores you but likes you’ dilemma.

26. She notices everything

This is another huge tell. This is one of the most obvious signs a girl likes you but is trying not to show it. “Is that a new haircut?” said Ava to James one day when the two met for coffee. James was surprised because it was a minor change and only Ava had noticed it all day. One of the signs she is secretly attracted to you is if she tracks you like you are already hers.

27. She keeps the conversation going

If there is ever a lull in the conversation, she will not let that boredom overcome you. She will pop another question or suggest an activity to keep things going. One of the signs a girl likes you but is trying not to show it over text is when she purposely replies in ways to keep a conversation going. Making you smile with memes or sending you music – she will make sure to stay in touch.

28. Her friends know all about you 

This is definitely a big one. If a girl’s friends know you and know you well, then she probably talks endearingly about you to them. It’s one of the signs she secretly likes you. You may even notice them shooting snarky glances at her when they are around the both of you. It’s because they’re already in on the little secret that she is smitten by you. 

29. She wants to know what you think of her

Every time you comment on her personality, behavior, or even her outfit – she will take that very seriously. Along with healthy flirting, she will also give your opinions a lot of weight. Your validation and judgment mean the world to her because you mean that way to her too. 

30. She just needs a reason to hug you

Hugging is a warm and intimate way of showing someone you care about them. If she hugs you more than she hugs others, there is a chance she secretly likes you. One of the signs she wants you to make a move is when she will hug you or put her head on your shoulder for the smallest of reasons.

31. Dress to impress

While most people do put effort into their looks for themselves, some girls go the extra mile for the person they like. A little more blush, a new shade of eyeshadow, or pinning up her hair differently each time – she will try it all. One of the signs a girl likes you but is trying not to show it is if she pretends to dress casual, but is doing something new every time for you.

Can you relate to these signs a girl likes you but is trying not to show it? Is there a girl in your life who has been doing most of these things and yet is shy of confessing her feelings? Do you like her too? Well, then, you can make your move without any doubts or dilemmas anymore. There is no room for contention that the feelings are mutual. You never know, she might just want you to make a move.

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