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25 Home Activities for Couples to Beat Boredom

We don’t live in a cinematic world of endless dates, night-outs, and vacations. After you start staying with your partner under the same roof, the humdrum of daily life eventually grasps all the fun and excitement. Before you know it, you are sitting in front of the computer googling for ideas and things for couples to do at home when bored.

Just because your relationship is losing the fire and thrill of the early days doesn’t mean it’s the beginning of the end. You two are sharing a lot more time and space with each other now. It’s only natural that the list of ‘firsts’ will get shorter and you will run out of topics to discuss. 

Those lazy Sunday afternoons, or days when you do work from home, might sometimes get as boring as hell. We want to make sure you don’t spend the valuable days of your life sitting in front of the TV, doing nothing. 

So, coming back to the question, what can couples do at home together? We have got a wide range of ideas for all the couples – from the geeky gamer duo to the ones who love to sing and read. Stay tuned with us to refine your list of fun things for couples to do at home.

25 Things For Couples To Do At Home When Bored

It’s not sustainable for every couple to engage in expensive, extravagant activities almost every other day. You are in for a lifetime of togetherness. You have got to make the best of it if you want this relationship to grow well and healthy. 

Let me guess. You want to build a bond with your sweetheart that is stronger than ever, right? The trick is to enjoy the companionship of your partner instead of thinking, “I’m stuck with them in this empty apartment. How do I make this dull life any better?”

Try to figure out the common grounds – some interests, hobbies, or passions that you both cherish. That’s going to be your vantage point for planning fun couples’ evenings. 

To get you started on this colorful journey, here are our top 25 choices of entertaining and romantic things to do with your partner at home.

1. Watch the sunset with your love 

We often forget to admire the little things in life and look for happiness in materialistic pursuits and gains. Let me give you an excellent idea about things for couples to do at home when bored.

If you are home this evening, go to the terrace with a steaming cup of tea. Sit there through the dusk and enjoy every moment of the gorgeous sunset with your love. Can you think of a more beautiful sight than the setting sun? It’s the only time of the day when you can observe a huge diversity of colors in the sky – purple, orange, red, yellow, and what not. There’s something so gloomy yet romantic about this hour. 

Let this be one of the first romantic things to do with your partner at home. 

2. Plan a surprise dinner for your partner

Are you one of those people who remember all the dates and milestones in your relationship? Say, the first time you kissed, or the day when you were so worried about the perfect outfit for your first coffee date?

Who says you can’t celebrate these special days once in a while? Don’t get miffed because your wife missed it. When she is busy at work, arrange a beautiful dinner spread. You can even make this whole event a bit dramatic – walk her to the dinner table in a blindfold. And voila – your beautiful, thoughtful surprise! When you try out these things to do at home when bored with spouse, you can definitely count on getting some sugar later on. 

3. Fun things for couples to do at home: Try a sexy scavenger hunt

My cousin and her boyfriend Matthew told me about this amazing home date idea. Last Saturday night, they stayed at home and there was nothing to do when they were bored. They realized their relationship could not beat the boredom and monotony, because they were not challenging each other enough as a couple. 

That is exactly when the thought of a scavenger hunt hit them. It’s really one of the coolest things for couples to do at home when bored. To spice things up, Matthew threw in a few sexy twists in the clues like under the seductive Halloween costume and the pole in the garage where he first danced for her. He ended the hunt with a romantic love coupon for the night ahead. If you need a few cheap things for couples to do at home, give this a shot. 

4. Make presents for each other 

Throughout this testing time of the pandemic, it’s possible you may run out of things to do with your boyfriend at home during quarantine. I have one simple suggestion for you here – DIY projects. No, no you don’t have to be super artistic to make a cute lamp out of an old wine bottle. 

There are many creative things for couples to do at home when bored. Handmade gifts are absolutely beautiful with dollops of sweet and loving personal touches. If you find your relationship is getting boring, here’s an exciting way to rekindle the spark and vivacity. 

While taking part in the endless rat race of life, we hardly have any time to indulge in these sorts of activities. You will see how calming and therapeutic this whole experience is. Present each other with your artistic creations and the smile on your partner’s face will be worth all the effort. 

5. Plan a 5-years bucket list 

Here’s another cool idea in our list of fun things for couples to do at home. It is for those days when two people feel most unproductive and there is literally nothing to do when they are bored and eating unhealthy meals and snacks. 

You know how you always talk about going to that new French cafe, catching a live concert by Coldplay, or traveling to Switzerland on Valentine’s week. But not all of them really pan out due to a lack of proper planning and execution. 

Now is the right time to sit together to chalk out a wholesome couples bucket list for the next five years. When you can’t figure out things to do with your boyfriend at home during quarantine, making plans for the post-quarantine days will be a relief. 

6. Reorganize your home library 

We have a great suggestion for bookish couples if they are exploring things to do at home when bored with spouse. How long has it been since you have done a reading marathon for a couple of days? Let’s plan a whole weekend around books for a change. 

You know how it gets tiresome to look at the same home decor for a long time? It’s the same with your precious bookshelves as well. It’s time to revamp your bookshelf a bit. Maybe color code the arrangements of the books, display some knick-knacks or a few scented candles, some rustic flower vases, a nice acrylic print – just make it pleasant to the eyes. 

Once done, pick your favorite books and cozy up under the blanket with lots of coffee. Have fun reading out snippets to each other, enjoy the companionable silence, and gear up for some animated discussions afterward. Reading dates definitely counts as one of the most fun things for couples to do at home.

7. What can couples do at home together? Pillow talk 

Yes, amidst all the things for couples to do at home when bored, we can’t stress this idea enough – a heart-to-heart conversation can be more impactful for your relationship than you think. Although, you can’t plan to do this in advance. It has to start organically when you are settled in a comfortable nook at home, sitting idly with your partner. 

There are so many things we often hold back in our minds to avoid confrontation, to keep the peace. Why don’t you let it all out? Not in an argumentative way, through a constructive discussion. Share the relationship challenges you are facing as a couple and try to solve a few. Talk to each other about your feelings, confessions that are long due, or any doubts. You will feel closer to each other. 

8. Cheap things for couples to do at home? An in-house photoshoot

There are so many of us who love to capture the world through our lens. But you hardly get a chance to bring the camera out of the closet these days. Now that it’s the month-end and you can’t afford to go out and indulge in fun activities like wine tasting or shopping, we have a low-key yet super fun date night idea for you at home. 

Lights, camera, action! Couples can turn this into a dressy night when there’s nothing to do when they are bored. Set up a homely ramp in the drawing-room. Go as you like in your favorite date outfits, twirl and walk down the ramp and let your partner capture some glamorous as well as candid shots of you. 

9. Rewrite your wedding vows

As you already figured, this is meant for our married readers. Let’s talk about things to do at home when bored with spouse. The bride and groom promise each other such beautiful romantic things in the wedding ceremony. As years pass by, some of those vows may prove to be unrealistic and fictional. 

Say, if you have been married for five years, you have seen a lot with your partner: happiness, emotional struggle, monetary crunch. You held strong to each other and walked through it all. Now you have a completely different set of perspectives toward this new life. From this point of view, write your wedding vows again, maybe for the next five years – this time make them more true to life. 

10. Go dancing in your living room 

Dancing is hands down one of the most romantic things to do with your partner at home. It is! And so cost-effective too! Say goodbye to the lavish nightclubs. Think about it – is your living room any less than a ballroom? Or a disco hotspot? Besides, the party goes wherever you are with your lovely girl. 

So, what are you in the mood for tonight? Jazz, slow dance, upbeat rock ‘n’ roll, a bit of salsa, maybe? Play the music and hit the dance floor. As your eyes lock, fingers clutch and your bodies move to the beat, the chemistry between you and your partner will be on fire!

11. Learn a new skill together at home

The pandemic has taken a lot from us, but in return, we got this much-awaited leisure time to spend with family and ourselves. When you can’t think of things to do with your boyfriend at home during quarantine, pick up any skill you have always wanted to learn.

Mark Twain once said, “Age is an issue of mind over matter.” We couldn’t agree more. There should be no age limit to learning as well. Dig into the old bucket list and see what’s left behind. Did you want to learn calligraphy or master a third language? You will find plenty of courses on platforms like Udemy or Coursera. If nothing, there is always Youtube. The learning process is always double the fun when you’re in it with your loved one. 

12. Things for couples to do at home when bored? Make your partner laugh 

Love and laughter have a therapeutic power in our lives. You’ll never regret an evening where you put an effort into making your partner laugh out loud…and succeed. It would be like your very own stand-up comedy show. 

Even better, try out one of those ‘Don’t laugh’ challenges. You have to tell each other super silly jokes under the condition that the listener will lose points if they laugh. Is there really a more fun thing for couples to do at home than this? 

13. A romantic, terrace, date night 

You know what couples can do at home together? Instead of going out to a fancy restaurant, you can bring date night home. It could be a nice surprise for your man or why don’t you just plan it together? 

To add that extra dash of romance and spice it up a bit, we propose a dreamy night on your terrace. Create a sweet rose petal-strewn pathway leading to your table. Think about it, dining under the stars with your love, with a bunch of aromatic candles to set the mood right. A few strings of fairy lights and it will feel like you are in a movie. Doesn’t that sound just magical? 

14. Create a memory book together 

Designing a cute scrapbook is one of the most engaging things for couples to do at home when bored. Don’t you agree? Look around the house for tokens of memorabilia to stick in your memory book. 

It could be anything, like old photographs, polaroids, tickets from your first art gallery visit, movie stubs, love letters you wrote to each other during college, and any things that are close to your heart. Lay it all on a cute scrapbook binder, write funny captions and decorate it just the way you want with the art supplies at hand. At the end of the day, you got yourself a beautiful scrapbook, plus a nostalgic walk down memory lane. 

15. An evening of storytelling with your loved one 

We have put in this activity to make you both feel heard so that you don’t feel unappreciated in the relationship. Giving each other your undivided attention as you listen to one another, is an amazing way to make your loving bond stronger, over time. At the same time, you solve the problem of searching for things for couples to do at home when bored.

After being in a relationship for a couple of years or longer, we often run out of stories to tell our partners. “Yeah – you’ve already told me about the time you ate that whole pumpkin pie in three minutes in the college contest.” Okay, so you have shared a lot with each other, but trust me, there’s more. If you press it a little harder, so many hilarious events will pop up. Unleash this river full of stories and you will feel like you know your lover even better than before. 

16. Couples who cook together, stay together 

Perhaps on regular days, you and your boyfriend get into fights about who’s turn it is to make dinner. Say, for a change, this time you turn it into a joint venture. It’s definitely going to be one of those fun things for couples to do at home. 

So, if tomorrow’s a holiday, you work out an outline to spend the day cooking lunch together. With bits of fun and constant chatting, you won’t even know where the time flew! In fact, instead of going with your usual meal plans, read about some exciting continental recipes online. After hours of chopping and sauteing, when you finally get to sit together and eat the mouth-watering dish (or maybe not!), the day’s exhaustion will vanish in an instant.  

17. Paint a room with some bright colors 

What could be a better thing for couples to do at home when bored than to bring some color into their lives, literally speaking? Yes, why not paint the apartment? It will fill your home with so much positive energy. Looking at a room in a dazzling, lemon yellow shade will automatically cheer up your mind and body. You can expect to see a surge in your productivity levels while working from home. 

So, tell me, is there a room at your place that kind of looks a little shabby? Or, maybe you pick a stand-alone wall and give it a statement look to brighten up the room. Paint it in your favorite shade or in patterns, as you wish. This is a delightful opportunity for couples who are expecting a little one soon, to decorate the baby’s room together. 

18. A battle of board games

It’s no wonder couples like hanging out with other couples. Because you can’t always expect your single friends to take interest in or understand your relationship drama series. Let’s twist this thought into a fun, double-date idea. Having the company of another like-minded couple and playing board games is really one of the most pleasant things for couples to do at home when bored.

Why don’t you invite another couple over when deciding on fun things for couples to do at home? You can make a hell of a fun-packed evening playing your favorite board game in a friendly, competitive match followed by a delicious dinner afterward. Monopoly, Jenga. Pictionary, Guess who, Charades – take your pick! Or offer your guests a choice! If you want more thrill and excitement on your double date night, then how about a game of Truth or Dare, Never Have I Ever, or any other drinking game? Any of these will do the trick quite splendidly.

19. Spice it up in the bedroom 

If you want to bring a sexy twist to your intimacy game, we have plenty of suggestions for romantic things to do with your partner at home. First things first, lift up the foreplay to a different level with sexy role-playing games. Don’t be shy to tell your partner about your preferences and fantasies. Who knows, a few of them might actually come true this time?

Once you start getting comfortable with your partner in the bedroom, throw a few kinky toys into the mix. Experimenting with new places around the house is more exhilarating than you can imagine, be it the couch or a study table. Nothing beats the relationship monotony like a quickie on the kitchen cabinet on a boring WFH day, does it?

20. Yoga sessions for couples 

Those couples who choose a fine balance between their physical and mental health should try out couples yoga to stay fit. The well-rounded healing effects of yoga help to straighten out any crease in the relationship. You can hardly find better things for couples to do at home when bored that not only bring you together but are beneficial to you both on so many levels.

Find a time that suits both of you, preferably in the morning. It’s important you turn off the cellphones during the whole time – it won’t help you extract the utmost benefits if you are constantly distracted. 

Gather your mind and body together and bring your entire focus on breathing and postures. Mark my words, this one hour of mindfulness will impact you immensely – to grow as a couple and an individual.

21. Cheap things for couples to do at home? Netflix and chill 

How could we give out a list of things for couples to do at home when bored and not mention movie night? Obviously, you don’t want to spend a few hundred bucks if you are looking forward to staying home and doing something you enjoy.

That is exactly where Netflix comes to your rescue. Now that you are planning a movie night, do it right. Prepare two tubs of cheese popcorn and curl up on the couch with cola or your special homemade soft drinks. You know what? Some wine wouldn’t be totally amiss either! Feel free to ditch the movie plan if you are trying to get your boyfriend hooked on a new TV series. The idea is to spend some quality time together, whatever makes you both happy and comfy!

22. Camping and barbecue in the backyard 

This is one of the coolest things for couples to do at home when bored. Deck up the backyard of your house for a romantic evening. With a tiny little campsite, it will be like a staycation at your own place. Set the mood with fairy lights wrapped all over the trees. 

Put on some smooth jazz on the player. Now get all your BBQ favorites together, like hot dogs or some ribs, barbecue your chicken and veggies as you like them, or slide on a few hamburger patties. Slowly sway into the soothing evening with the smell of good food, beautiful music, and slow dancing with your sweetheart. 

23. Scrolling through old photo albums on a Sunday morning

Here is one more thing for couples to do when they are bored at home. It would be like a beautiful summer date idea for married couples that can even involve the kids. The idea is pretty simple – pull the old albums off the shelf and have a nostalgic ride through time. 

You can create your own version of How I Met Your Mother and give your children a sweet account of your evergreen love story. Play a little game with them – ask them to try and identify the older family members from the pictures. It’s a great way to introduce them to their ancestors. Plus, they learn a thing or two about their family history. 

24. Romantic spa date night at home 

Spend a dreamy evening with your love at home in a relaxing couple spa. You could create a romantic ambiance with dimmed lights and a melodious track playing in the background. Now get the party started by giving each other a stimulating body massage. To make the whole experience more relaxing, prepare your own DIY face masks from scratch. 

It’s time to pamper your feet by soaking them in a hot water tub infused with citrus oils, salts, and some flowers. How about you end the night in a sparkling bubble bath with your darling boyfriend? Lit candles, foaming bath bombs, champagne glasses – this night is going to be hard to forget. 

25. Bodypaint your partner 

Hey, have you ever tried out one of those body paint kits? Just the other day, I was scrolling through YouTube and came across a video. A couple smeared paint on each other’s bodies, rolled around on a sheet canvas, and created an abstract art piece. I am sure this will be a lot more fun to experience than simply watching a video. 

Get your hands on a kit that comes with the color and canvas and surprise him. You will make your boyfriend feel happy and super loved. And don’t hold back! Go on…create an absolute mess – splatter and smudge colors all over your partner. And figure out how you want to get creative on the canvas. You may cuddle, roll, do yoga or make love. It will be a beautiful visual representation of your love. 

So, there you go. We’ve given you some exciting things for couples to do at home when bored. If any of these ideas seem far-fetched to you, don’t simply discard them. You are always free to give the idea a personal twist and fit it into your relationship structure. You can have complete faith in us regarding this matter. The more time you spend with your partner through such delightful couples activities, the more it will bring you two closer. Keep your love alive folks. Give it a whirl!

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