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21 Subtle Signs to Determine if a Girl Likes You Through Texting

The signs a girl likes you over text are often hard to spot, which leaves you trapped in a perennial dilemma over whether or not you should make a move and ask her out. The fact that you’re here, trying to figure out how to know if a girl likes you over text, suggests that you know you know exactly what we’re talking about. You’re in that curious place where one moment it seems as if she’s fallen for you head over heels and the next, everything seems casual – as if this text she just sent you could have been for any of her buddies, coworkers, classmates, even siblings.

You’re left wondering, “Is she being polite or interested?” We know how hard it can be to make sense of a girl’s feelings over text when so many of you can’t even decode them in person. But you can always look out for tell-tale signs she loves you deeply over text. Today, we’re going to help you spot them so you know whether you should make the first move or not.

How To Know If A Girl Likes You Over Text – 21 Subtle Signs

As smartphones become an integral part of our lives, the ‘texting phase’ has become a precursor of sorts to actual dating. Particularly, for the generation of digital natives who’re coming of age just about now. Whether you connect on a dating site, on social media, through friends, at work, or the good ol’ fashioned meeting in a bar, texting is the first step in getting to know each other.

As you keep exchanging texts back and forth, the “Is she being polite or interested?” question is bound to crop up. That’s why it’s vital to figure out how to know if a girl likes you over text. Responding to this question, a Reddit user says, “Well, if she actually puts some effort into the conversation, that’s a start. If the responses take too long, are low effort, and feel lazy then she’s not feeling it.”

Another Reddit user, who got rejected by their crush twice even though they thought they saw the signs she likes them back, says, “My best advice would be to just ask her what her feelings are, or just go ahead and ask her out.” Even so, you may find yourself stuck in the “to ask or not to ask” dilemma and agonizing over how she really feels about you. If you need some clarity about where she stands so that you can muster up the courage to finally ask her out, pay attention to these 21 subtle signs a girl likes you over text:

1. She initiates meaningful conversations

When you first started interacting, chances are that you were the one taking the lead. She only responded when you reached out. Once she develops feelings for you, that dynamic is bound to change. A classic sign that a girl is showing interest is that she starts initiating conversations with you and your interactions become more meaningful. Pay attention and see if,

  • She sends you funny memes throughout the day (that’s a bit of Gen-Z flirting happening right there)
  • Your DMs are filled with funny videos from her
  • She tries to come up with witty responses to even the most routine texts
  • She shares details about her personal life with you
  • She asks you questions about your life that lead to deep conversations
  • She no longer responds to your texts with dry, one-word answers

Instead, you’ll sense that she seems excited to talk to you and wants to keep the conversation going, which is why she is putting in all this effort. This can be an important tell-tale sign of her interest, particularly when a shy girl likes you over text. On the other hand, if she never initiates conversation and there are days when you’re left wondering, “Why is she not texting back?”, it could be her way of letting you know that it’s time to stop texting and move on.

2. She texts you for no reason at all

Pay attention to the context of her messages. Yup, that is important too. If she is interested, she might start double-texting you. And the frequency of these texts might actually surprise you. She is not worried about coming across as needy or clingy or doesn’t care that she is the one to text first. Being able to talk to you is all that matters to her.

This is especially encouraging if you’re looking for signs an introvert girl likes you over text because they’re generally wary of showing vulnerability. If the shy girl you’re crushing on has been making an effort to stay in touch, it’s near-certain that she likes you. Though these are not exactly signs of flirting from a girl over text, these are the sort of texts you can expect if she texts you for no reason:

  • What you doing right now?
  • Ssup?
  • What have you been up to?
  • What’s going on?

3. She messages you a lot

It can be particularly hard to decipher if a shy girl likes you over text because her innuendos can be extremely veiled. So pay attention to this significant change in her texting patterns – if she starts messaging you a lot and very frequently, you can be fairly certain of feelings blossoming on her side.

When a shy girl has a crush on you over text, she won’t exactly say it out loud to you so easily but will make it obvious in other ways. If she’s sending you good morning messages, good night texts, and the casual “How was your day at work today?”, boy, something is definitely cooking. A good sign that she’s into you is if she’s texting you things like:

  • What you up to? Super bored. Talk to me
  • Have you seen the new episode yet?
  • How did your presentation go?

4. She keeps the conversation flowing

How to know if a girl is interested in you through WhatsApp or Snapchat or whatever your preferred texting platform is? See if she makes an effort to keep the conversation flowing. When a girl develops feelings for you, she just can’t get enough of you. Even if it means that she has to put in a lot of effort and make time to chat with you or think of new things to talk about.

So even if you respond to her messages with “hmm” or monosyllables or just laughing emojis, she’d still make an effort to keep the conversation alive because she loves to spend time with you, even if it is virtually. Here is what it may look like:

  • You: Hmm
  • She: You know, I recently watched this WW2 film. It was fantastic! Have you watched The Forgotten Battle?
  • You: Yeah, I know about it.
  • She: Nice, what did you have for dinner?

Word of advice: Don’t let these conversation signs she likes you go to your head and start playing games to get her to chase you. Unless you’re genuinely busy or preoccupied, reciprocate her efforts if you want to take things to the next level.

5. She texts you at odd hours

How to know a girl loves you through chatting? Apart from decoding her text messages, you need to start paying attention to when she texts you and how promptly she responds to every text message you send. If she replies to your texts at the oddest hours and even initiates conversations late at night, there is little room for contention about her feelings for you. She is up at night, unable to sleep. And you’re on her mind even at that hour.

If that doesn’t scream, “I’m smitten”, we don’t know what does. Given the modern-day 9-5 lifestyles and crazy schedules, no one really has the luxury to be up discussing Star Wars with you at 2 a.m. If she’s doing that, consider yourself lucky. Because this is one of the signs she is developing feelings over text.

6. She can chat with you all night

How to know if a girl likes you but is hiding it? Well, if she keeps the conversation going till the wee hours of the morning, she’s letting you know that she enjoys talking to you. It doesn’t matter whether she has an early morning the next day, a big presentation at work, or an assignment to submit at school.

She enjoys her interaction with you so much that she is ready to sacrifice her sleep and power through the next day. After all, it’s those conversations after 2 a.m. that really get things off the ground. If these late-night chats are a regular occurrence and spending every Saturday night texting back and forth has become the norm, sooner or later, you’re bound to see a few signs of flirting from a girl over text.

7. She starts throwing emojis in the mix

When emotions are at play, people often fall short of words. If this girl you’re chatting with a lot suddenly starts using a lot of flirty emojis in her conversations, take it as a positive sign. Emojis are the weapon of choice of a girl flirting over text. Her messages to you may look something like this:

  • Hey there

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