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15 Sure Fire Conversation Signs She Likes You

The science of attraction is a tricky one. Whether you’re chatting with your crush on text, or talking face-to-face, it is not easy to understand their signs of attraction for you. The menfolk struggle with this more than the women, so this article is for the straight folks. And to assist our chaps out here, we’ll talk about some conversation signs she likes you back.

It is safe to say that women are better than men at picking up such hints. They’re surprisingly good at sending them too. Whether a guy can pick up on them or not, though, is a different affair altogether.

15 Sure Fire Conversation Signs She Likes You

There have been articles written on how men need to learn to pick up on subtle cues, as well as how women need to be more direct with their intentions. Though that may be true, today, we will talk about the scenarios where a woman’s intent is crystal clear and the signs are too. That’s why we’re here to help you gentlemen spot obvious conversation signs she wants you to be her boyfriend.

With that in mind, let’s plunge ourselves into the science of attraction. So what are some signs that a girl likes you? Let’s find out.

1. She writes long and expressive texts

No one likes a dry texter. And we’re sure this has never been a problem with her. There is enough research that suggests women are more emotionally expressive than men; it’s not the universal truth but it checks out for the majority of us. Same is true for texting, women are more expressive on texts than men are. This is especially true when she’s romantically interested in you.

All the extra vowels in “cuuuuuuteee”, the all caps in “HOW DARE YOU”, and baby-talk spellings are conversation signs she like you. Don’t miss them! These expressive texts are her way of showing you that she confides in you. All these signs that a woman is attracted to you and you’re still here? Go text her, dude.

2. Takes charge and texts you first

It’s not a secret that if a woman isn’t interested in you, you can double, triple, or even quadruple text her but she won’t reply to you. However, this changes if she’s into you. Since girls typically prefer being texted rather than texting guys first, when she’s making an effort to initiate contact with you, you’re her favourite person to talk to.

So the next time you receive a text from her asking what you are up to, know that this is one of the prominent conversation signs she likes you. Since she’s already made the effort of initiating a conversation with you, we’re sure she’ll appreciate the guy making the first move.

3. Stays up late at night to talk to you

Menfolk, here are other obvious conversation signs she likes you. She keeps her phone on the edge of her bed and wakes up to every beep, even though she knows she’ll be half asleep the next day. She’s literally prioritizing you over her sleep, while you’re here still looking for signs that a woman is attracted to you.

You must know by the way she keeps that special night time allocated for you that she is interested in you. It’s bedtime and she’s curled up in bed thinking about you, that’s why she’s texting you.

4. Conversation signs she likes you – “We’d make a cute couple”

Go back in time and look for instances when she has innocently joked about her being your girlfriend. If she frequently makes jokes about how cute it would be if you two got together, no prizes for guessing — it’s another conversation sign she likes you.

She’s hinting at it because she wants you to imagine what it would be like if the two of you were together. When she frequently uses phrases like “We’d make a cute couple” or “We both spend so much time together, it’s like we are a couple”, she wants you to ask her out.

5. She flirts with you and isn’t shy about using risque emojis

She leans into you, she lingers with her eye contact, she touches you softly or playfully, and displays tons of flirty body language signs when she’s talking to you. It’s easy to notice when a woman likes you romantically by the way she keeps herself physically close to you or ‘toward’ you.

A little heads-up about this next sign, it might not apply to everyone. It depends on the dynamic two people have and whether she’s known you long enough or not. There are two versions of using flirty emojis. Occasionally, some are unmistakably naughty like

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