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100 Questions for Couples to Play Never Have I Ever

Getting to know each other inside out is a top priority for romantic partners. It not only helps develop intimacy but also puts your mind at ease about what you’re signing up for. Never Have I Ever questions for couples give you fun ways to explore the unknown facets of each other’s lives.

While serious, heart-to-heart conversations are great, you may want to mix things up every once in a while and get to know them the fun way. What better way of doing that than turning an evening together into a Never Have I Ever game night.

100+ Unique Never Have I Ever Questions For Couples

Never Have I Ever is a classic, fun game that never gets too old or boring. When played right, it can bring many a skeleton tumbling out of the closets. You and your partner can add shots or swigs of beer to the mix and take up the hilarity quotient. You can also ask your friends to join in or play it on a fun double date with another couple for added fun and variety.

There are so many ways to tweak and twist this game to suit your style. But the one thing that’s most crucial to getting it right is having the right mix of questions up your sleeve. (Read: Never Have I Ever questions for couples clean/naughty/saucy/witty)

If you have played this game before, you’d know that thinking on your feet or winging it doesn’t quite work. To make sure you never draw a blank, here is a compilation of 100+ Never Have I Ever questions for couples:

1. Never have I ever cheated in an exam

One of the Never Have I Ever Questions for couples that’s clean and simple for you to start off easy so that your partner doesn’t get spooked right in the beginning.

2. Never have I ever shoplifted

Is your partner really the goody two shoes they project themselves to be? Ask this question and find out.

3. Never have I ever peed in the pool

The next time you make plans to beat the heat with a swim, remember their answer. This is definitely one of the best Never Have I Ever questions for couples.

4. Never have I ever watched porn

Porn is always a sticky subject between couples. This question will clear the air on where you both stand on the matter and improve communication in the relationship.

5. Never have I ever been chased by a dog

If they drink to this, you can be sure a hilarious anecdote is coming your way. After all, truly getting to know someone is all about learning about such finer details of their life. This is one of those Never Have I Ever questions for couples that’ll allow you to do just that.

6. Never have I ever had a crush on two people at the same time

This question will give you a sense of how in control of their emotions your partner is. A crush on someone speaks volumes about ourselves. This one belongs to the category of Never Have I Ever questions for teenage couples.

7. Never have I ever gone commando

This is one of those embarrassing questions for couples that will bring out your SO’s naughtiness quotient. Also, a great way to stroke your fantasies about erotic experiences outside the bedroom.

8. Never have I ever drunk dialled an ex

Speaking of embarrassing questions for couples, this one just cannot be left out. Chances are you’d both be drinking to this one. After all, haven’t we all been there, done that?

9. Never have I ever kissed a stranger

Oooh! This one will surely tell you if your partner has a devil may care streak hidden somewhere. Aren’t Never Have I Ever questions for couples the best?

10. Never have I ever dated someone for their looks

Take a trip down those teen years when looks were the only thing that mattered. Let’s hope you and your partner have evolved and come a long way since. (For any GenZ readers out there: this is one of the greatest Never Have I Ever questions for teenage couples.)

11. Never have I ever given a massage not expecting a happy ending

Platonic massages between couples – is that even a thing? If your partner drinks to this, you have totally landed yourself a saint. This is one of those classic, fun Never Have I Ever questions for couples.

12. Never have I ever stood up a date

While couple drinking games are a great way to kill boredom, remember you also have an ulterior motive of learning some secrets about each other to serve. This is one such secret you should be gunning for.

13. Never have I ever ghosted someone

If they admit to this, you better get alert about what the future may hold for you, especially if you’re still not sure where you fall on the dating vs relationship divide.

14. Never have I ever fallen in love

Not sure if your partner is in love with you? Have you been wanting to say ‘I love you’ but are not certain if your SO is there yet? This is one of those never have I ever questions for couples that can put things in perspective for you.

15. Never have I ever smoked pot

Don’t judge them if they have (and you haven’t). College days are all about experimenting with new things. As long as they’re not hooked to it, you have nothing to worry about. The fact that you have to ask this question is a sign that they’re not.

16. Never have I ever passed out after drinking

If you’re looking for never have I ever questions with funny endings, this has to be it. Chances are your partner will have some pretty hilarious stories to recount.

17. Never have I ever made out in public

There are so many good Never Have I Ever questions for couples, but this one takes the cake. If they have, you’re certainly in for an adventurous ride. Fasten your seat belt!

18. Never have I ever swam in the sea

Their answer to this one will tell you whether your partner is a beach person or not. If they’re, whether they like to stick to the beach or venture into the rough sea waters too. Make a mental note of this when you plan a vacation for two.

19. Never have I ever tried an adventure sport

Bungee jumping, paragliding, ziplining…if your partner steers clear of these activities, it’s possible that they like to play it safe in life.

20. Never have I ever broken a bone

Speaking of an adventurous streak, this question too will give you a lot of insight about whether or not your partner likes to live on the edge.

21. Never have I ever made fun of another person

Haven’t we all? If your partner says they haven’t, who are they even!

22. Never have I ever cried after a breakup

This can fall anywhere on the spectrum of heart-warming to embarrassing questions for couples, depending on your partner’s experience.

23. Never have I ever stalked an ex on social media

Wondering if your partner is over their ex or not? Find out if, and how often, they stalk a former lover on social media. Why haven’t they blocked their ex yet, hmmm?

24. Never have I ever farted in public

If you are playing this game as an antidote to couple boredom, this is one of the Never Have I Ever questions that you must add to your list.

25. Never have I ever driven drunk

This is one of the Never Have I Ever questions for couples that offers clean insight into your partner’s regard for safety – their own and that of others.

26. Never have I ever double dated

This seemingly casual question shines the spotlight on how seriously your partner takes commitment and fidelity. There’s no dearth of good Never Have I Ever questions for couples on this list.

27. Never have I ever faked an orgasm

Another of those Never Have I Ever Questions that’s funny and will elicit some hilarious responses. Well, as long as they’re not faking it with you.

28. Never have I ever obsessed over someone I loved

Do they still secretly think about an ex? Do they obsessively wish that things would magically work out between them again? If yes, where does that leave you? This question may not address all of these doubts but it will give you something to build upon.

29. Never have I ever used a dating app

We doubt anyone in this time and age wouldn’t drink to this one. If your partner hasn’t, what a blessing their life must be.

30. Never have I ever slept with someone a first date

This is also one of the embarrassing questions for couples because while most people are guilty on this count, not many like to admit it.

31. Never have I ever been dumped

If not, you’ve landed yourself a heartbreaker for sure.

32. Never have I ever gone home with a stranger

Making out with a stranger in a bar is one thing, but going home with someone you don’t know takes another level of courage. Looks like they won’t be regretting a one-night stand anytime soon.

33. Never have I ever had unprotected intercourse

If your partner concedes to this, you may want to ask them about their commitment to practicing safe sex.

34. Never have I ever had wet dreams

This qualifies among Never Have I Ever questions that’s funny and quirky. Also, only such fun couple drinking games can bring out these neatly tucked away details of your and your partner’s life.

35. Never have I ever said I love you and not mean it

This one can raise quite a few eyebrows for sure, but it also gives much-needed clarity about your partner’s take on relationships. Never Have I Ever questions for couples bring many things to light…

36. Never have I ever said I love you to get laid

This is a fair follow up to the previous question. Honestly, we don’t know which is worse. Let’s hope your partner doesn’t drink to either of these questions.

37. Never have I ever killed a living thing for thrills

Be it squishing an ant under our feet or swatting a spider to a pulp, this is something most of us are guilty of. Is your partner immune to this tendency? If not, does their idea of thrills also involve hurting doggos and kitties?

38. Never have I ever felt scared of someone’s pet

This is a clear winner among embarrassing questions for couples because it can lead you to uncover some pretty awkward anecdotes from your partner’s past.

39. Never have I ever ridden an animal

If not, is it out of fear or as a matter of principle?

40. Never have I ever played peeping Tom

If your partner nods or drinks to this, it’s downright creepy. We, sincerely, hope their peeping Tom days are behind them now.

41. Never have I ever followed the Kardashians’ life

Yes, we think this qualifies among the embarrassing questions for couples. If your partner happens to be a sworn fan, god bless their heart!

42. Never have I ever lied to you

This one’s a classic oldie but goodie. Chances are you will both drink to this. The question remains whether these are just harmless white lies or something more sinister.

43. Never have I ever lost money in gambling

This is one of those Never Have I Ever questions for couples that can help you uncover if either of the partners struggles with a gambling addiction that can cause financial stress in the relationship later.

44. Never have I ever bet something valuable to me

Has your partner ever risked losing their valuables over a silly bet with friends? This is one of those questions that will shed light on their risk appetite and a tendency to be impulsive.

45. Never have I ever missed a flight

Is your partner punctual? Are they the responsible type? You can use such Never Have I Ever Questions for couples that are clean and straightforward to find deeper answers.

46. Never have I ever made excuses to cancel a date

If your partner frequently backs on date plans, you must throw this question into the mix. In case they say yes, it’s worth exploring whether it could be a classic case of dating anxiety or just plain laziness. Or does it indicate a lack of interest in the relationship from their side?

47. Never have I ever texted an ex since we started dating

Think long and hard about whether you want to add this into the mix of Never Have I Ever Questions for couples, as it can potentially open a can of worms.

48. Never have I ever showed up at an interview hungover

This is, without doubt, one of the Never Have I Ever questions that’s funny and will bring out some interesting stories from your partner’s drunken adventures.

49. Never have I ever been fired from a job

If they have been, were they happy to have been let go or was it a difficult time for them? This question can help you understand your partner’s past experiences better. Your relationship will never suffer from a lack of empathy.

50. Never have I had a paranormal experience

Does your partner believe in the supernatural? If yes, how strongly? And what’s your take on it? This question can open the gates for a discussion on an otherwise obscure topic.

51. Never have I ever abandoned a vacation midway

If they have, you can be certain the backstory to it isn’t pretty. Make a mental note to ask them more about this later.

52. Never have I ever sneaked into the movies with a ticket

This has to be one of the best Never Have I Ever questions for teenage couples. It will tell you a lot about your partner’s mischievous streak!

53. Never have I ever made out in an elevator

What better way to beat couple boredom than with a question that is bound to bring out some hot and steamy responses. Keep the spark alive with these Never Have I Ever questions naughty!

54. Never have I ever wet the bed

Another one of the sure-fire embarrassing questions for couples that will leave the ‘guilty’ party blushing.

55. Never have I ever walked in on my parents doing it

Yikes! Anyone who has been there knows that it can be a scarring experience. If either of you has lived it first-hand, it’d be an embarrassing encounter to recount.

56. Never have I ever had a crush on someone twice my age

Teachers, a friend of one’s parents, a friend’s parent – we all have had a close brush with that enamoring older man or woman who we couldn’t get out of our heads for months. Especially during the teen years. Use this question to flush out some juicy details about your partner’s experiences on this front.

57. Never have I ever fantasized about an older person

If they’re cagey in their response, use this question to nudge them for more details. Having these conversations is great for your sexual compatibility.

58. Never have I ever fantasized about a third person during an intimate moment

The last thing you want is your partner thinking about an ex while making love to you. If that’s a doubt you have been harboring, clear it out now. That’s what couple drinking games are for!

59. Never have I ever said the wrong name in bed

Talk about deal-breakers, and this one can make it to the top of the list. If your partner is guilty of this, you better start paying closer attention to the things they say in bed.

60. Never have I ever experimented with my sexual leanings

This is one of the fun and harmless Never Have I Ever questions for couples. Even if they say yes, there is no need to be alarmed. There are different kinds of sexualities, and it only means they know what they want.

61. Never have I ever broken up over text

If you’re looking for red flags, this has to be it. Not having such an important conversation in person – or at least over a call, in case both partners are not in the same city – points to a lack of moral courage and strength.

62. Never have I ever not returned borrowed money

This is also never a cool thing to do. If your partner says yes to this, try to find out the reasons behind it. Never Have I Ever questions for couples can spark interesting conversations.

63. Never have I ever gotten stitches

How bad was the injury? What caused it? How long did they take to recover? If you haven’t heard about this already, this question can give you a chance to know more about your partner.

64. Never have I ever been operated on

Once again, medical history isn’t something romantic partners normally share with each other, mainly because there is nothing charming or romantic about it. But these experiences are an important part of a person’s life journey. If you want to get to know your partner better, add this to your list of Never Have I Ever questions for couples.

65. Never have I ever left someone at the altar

If you’ve been dating for a while and do not know such an important detail about your partner’s life, it speaks volumes about the depth of your connection with each other.

66. Never have I ever considered getting married

It may be too early to discuss the future with your partner but this question will give you a fair idea about where they stand on the issue of marriage or long-term commitment.

67. Never have I ever flashed someone in public

This definitely belongs on the Never Have I Ever questions funny list. If your partner concedes to this, you have to find out what possessed them to do something so brazen.

68. Never have I ever posted something embarrassing on social media

If you’re looking for embarrassing questions for couples, do pick this. You’ll get to hear something cringe-worthy and hilarious in equal measure. And why should you not know about something that all their social media friends are privy to?

69. Never have I ever flirted with a coworker

Our guess is both you and your partner will drink to this. After all, healthy flirting has helped so many of us get through those dreary office hours.

70. Never have I ever checked out my boss

If they have, you know you’ve got yourself a naughty boy/girl.

71. Never have I ever pretended to have left my wallet at home

Isn’t it the oldest trick in the book to go out and have some fun when one is running low on cash? As long as they paid for their share later on, it’s a smart and harmless way to live life to fullest no matter what.

72. Never have I ever fallen asleep at the wheel

This is among the Never Have I Ever questions for couples that will bring out some gory details, so brace yourself.

73. Never have I ever sent or asked for nudes

In case you have been wondering whether to send those hot pics your boo’s way or dreading that they may ask for some, slip in this question into one of your couple drinking games sessions.

74. Never have I ever sexted

Is your partner a sexting virgin? Quell the curiosity with this clean and straightforward question.

75. Never have I ever been bitten by an animal

Oh, this couldn’t have been pretty. But getting to know someone is all about taking the good, bad and the ugly in your stride.

76. Never have I ever sworn in front of a child

Is your partner guilty of teaching their best friend’s 3-year-old the F word? This one resembles the questions of the newlywed game.

77. Never have I ever bribed someone

One of the good Never Have I Ever questions for couples that’s a clean attempt to get a sense of your partner’s moral compass.

78. Never have I ever been involved in a quid pro quo

How does your partner feel about receiving kickbacks in exchange for extending someone an undue favor? While you’re exploring the subject of morality make sure to touch upon this aspect too.

79. Never have I ever made excuses to avoid getting intimate

Be it the good-old ‘I have a headache’ excuse or pretending to be asleep because you don’t want to upset your partner by saying no or turning down their overtures, has your partner resorted to these tricks to avoid making love? You need to think about what this lack of intimacy suggests.

80. Never have I ever flinched at something my partner does

Does your partner find any of your habits annoying? This question will make them spill the beans. There are good Never Have I Ever questions for couples, and then there are GREAT Never Have I Ever questions for couples. This is surely the latter.

81. Never have I ever gotten into a fistfight

Want to know if your SO has latent temper issues? Throw this into the mix of fun Never Have I Ever questions for couples and you’ll find out.

82. Never have I ever experienced road rage

While you’re on the topic of anger and temper issues, use this question to ascertain if they lose their cool at the wheel.

83. Never have I ever jumped a red light

Is patience your SO’s virtue? If they have jumped traffic signals more than once, the answer may be no.

84. Never have I ever spent a night in a police lockup

Never Have I Ever questions for couples are a great way of getting to know your sweetheart better. Are you curious if your partner has ever been on the wrong side of the law? Their answer to this question will quell that curiosity.

85. Never have I ever picked up freebies from a hotel

Does your SO turn into Ross from Friends when it is time to check out from a hotel room? This is one of those embarrassing questions for couples that will help you see their quirky side.

86. Never have I ever spent an entire week binging on Netflix

Are you dating a serial binger? It’s important to find out because this small, seemingly harmless quirk can become the root cause of many future squabbles. Gadgets ruin relationships and that’s a FACT.

87. Never have I ever missed work to play an online game

Speaking of addictive habits, you can use this fun game night to discover whether your partner is hooked to online games so much that they don’t mind putting it ahead of their professional commitments.

88. Never have I ever forgotten an anniversary

Is your partner good with remembering dates? Can you expect them to carefully plan an anniversary celebration? Or are they the type who’d go hunting for a half-decent gift at the last minute? Their answer to this question will help you set expectations for the future.

89. Never have I ever been caught talking to myself

This is also one of the Never Have I Ever Questions that’s funny and embarrassing in equal parts.

90. Never have I ever recorded a lovemaking session

Making sex tapes rarely ever ends well and is not everyone’s cup of it. So, if either of you has a penchant for it, it’s best to clear the air as early on as possible.

91. Never have I ever been in an open relationship

If your partner has experienced what it is like to be in an open relationship, it warrants a detailed discussion on their experience and expectations from this relationship. In case they haven’t been upfront about it, this question will be perfect to set the ball rolling.

92. Never have I ever tried a threesome

Three-way pleasure is also not for everyone. People who attach importance to an emotional connection for establishing physical intimacy cannot bring themselves to pull this off, even if they fantasize about it. So, it bodes well to know your partner’s stance on the matter.

93. Never have I ever been party to an accidental pregnancy

Whether they knocked someone up or were the one to get knocked up, this is a skeleton in the closet that rarely comes out on its own. That’s why this one must feature on your list of Never Have I Ever questions for couples.

94. Never have I ever thrown up on a roller coaster

If the previous question suddenly made the mood dense, balance it out with one of the Never Have I Ever questions that’s funny. Humor is a must-have relationship quality!

95. Never have I ever accidentally sent a text to the wrong person

Has your partner ever sent an ‘I’m horny for you’ text to their dad instead of their boo? It is embarrassing questions for couples like these that make this game fun and engaging.

96. Never have I ever used a racist slur

Racist slurs are not cool, and if your partner is guilty of it – worse still, if they are proud of it – you may need to re-evaluate your choices. Never Have I Ever questions for couples can give you some food for thought about where the relationship stands.

97. Never have I ever dated a friend’s ex

Anyone who honors the friendship code knows that this is a no-go territory. Has your partner ever been in that grey area? Use this question to find out.

98. Never have I ever slept with an ex

This is another one of those Never Have I Ever questions for couples that can blow the lid off some carefully kept secrets.

99. Never have I ever kept secrets from my partner

Wondering if your partner has been hiding details about their past or present from you? Put this question to good use.

100. Never have I ever visited a strip club

Another fun, quirky question that can elicit some interesting responses.

101. Never have I ever stripped for someone

This question will help you understand how far your partner is willing to go to spice things up in the bedroom. This tops the list of fun Never Have I Ever questions for couples.

102. Never have I ever tried bondage

Speaking of experimenting in the bedroom, use this question to find out what your partner’s take on – and experience with – bondage is.

103. Never have I ever performed for someone

Is your partner a mushball who’ll sing for you at a karaoke bar? Or are they someone who prefers to show their feelings in private? This question holds the answer.

104. Never have I ever imagined being married to you

How seriously does your partner view this relationship? If they have entertained the thought of being married to you someday or spending a lifetime with you, you have your answer.

105. Never have I ever planned a proposal

If yes, is there a romantic marriage proposal in the works? We know you want to know. Why not just go ahead and ask!

106. Never have I ever lied at this game

Seal it off with the most important question of all because if either of you has been untruthful, it defeats the whole purpose of the game.

To use these Never Have I Ever questions for couples in the right spirit make sure both of you answer honestly and don’t judge the other person for their responses. After all, the idea is to uncover secrets and get to know each other better. Judgment can get in the way of that and also make the other person feel cornered.

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