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10 Types of Friends Every Guy Has

There are several types of friends every guy has; friends are mostly annoying but definitely keep your bloat afloat whenever everything else around you is trying to drag you down. The essence of any friendship is built on trust and mutual respect.

Likewise, every guy has friends who would probably take a bullet for him. They are perhaps his chosen family. And like in any family, these friends come with unique traits. Your guy probably won’t notice this, but you being the person outside of the circle, can deduce their traits to the point where you can put them under categories.

It might seem like an oversimplification of their character traits, but I am sure that these four types of friends are part of every guy’s group.

The 10 Types Of Friends Every Guy Has

You know your friend group dynamics and you also know that every friend comes with his own set of qualities that make him equal parts amazing and equal parts a-pain-in-the-you-know-where.

So, if you’re a guy reading this, you’ll definitely be able to relate to these types of friends every guy has

1) The one with the bad judgment

This is one of the types of friends every guy has. This guy is the face of bad decisions and judgement. He’s the man-child who is always over-enthusiastic! This one’s obvious to spot amongst the types of friends every guy has.

Most of these wonderful and hilarious decisions are taken by him when he’s drunk (and that happens a lot). He’s also the butt of most jokes in the group because of his amazing judgement.

He’ll also call you, holding his hungover head the next day, only to ask “what happened last night?”

2) That guy who comes up with the worst puns

They are so highly functional that they see puns in almost everything. This guy will make you cringe at times when you won’t even be able to see it coming (that’s what she said – is what he would say). They are smart and always the brain behind all last-minute plans.

Some of his puns are so bad that it will make you walk away from him. But when it comes to friendship and support, they are always there. You know no group of guy friends is complete without these types of friends every guy has because they make you all laugh.

3) The cynic

These types of friends every guy has, hate the world but wouldn’t mind wasting money on a book explaining global warming and climate change. Their cynicism is on point, but ironically enough they care a lot about their friends. They are usually sorted and are the rock of the entire group. Without them, the group would end up going broke at the end of each month.

They are good at planning parties and might even suffer from borderline OCD. You guys find them reliable to the point where you might end up sharing bank details with them. To be very specific, they are the adult and responsible kind in the group and hence, the parent in the group.

He’s one of the most precious types of friends every guy has and keeps the friend group dynamics balanced.

4) The silent kind

These types of friends every guy has, add that extra edge to the group. They are the ones who would silently pay more money than others while being low-key ignored. This kind is not there for attention but genuinely cares about the group.

This guy is definitely not a talker but he has his moments when he’ll make the entire group burst out in peals of laughter.  His one-liners are to die for. He’s not the most expressive, though.

5) The Romeo

If you’ve been a part of any friend group ever you will see these types of friends in a group. The Romeo is the love-lost/love-struck guy who falls in love with a new girl every ten days and is a hopeless romantic. But it doesn’t end there because he’s definitely going to bore you with stories of those girls every single time you meet.

The other types of “Romeos” are those guy friends who are literally always looking to get laid. Their habitat of choice is Tinder or any other dating app and they miss no opportunity to make a move.

6) The will-do-anything-for-my-Bro

Now, this is one of the types of friends every guy has who is the OG. He stands out amongst the different types of guy friends. He follows the Bro Code to the T and never fails to profess his love and loyalty for his bros (especially when drunk).

You know these guys have got your back whenever you need it. But do know that they expect the same level of loyalty and dedication from you.

7) The softie

This is the sensitive softie of the group. You want to watch what you say with this guy around because, although, he’s a total sweetheart, he can be touchy at times. He is one of the types of friends every guy has and is important for any group of friends as he’s the one with the biggest heart.

But on the bright side, he’s a total loving teddy bear and who doesn’t need that friend in your group full of different types of guy friends.

8) The stoner

If this reminds you of your red-eyed guy friend, you know what we’re talking about. Smoky room, dim lights, some trippy posters, doesn’t like to go out much but will invite you to his crib to “take a hit” any time of the day.

He’s the one you contact for all your wee..ahem, needs. Pretty chilled out guy, on the whole, makes a trip to Kasol once a year. He’s one of the types of friends every guy has and needs to relax after a hectic day.

9) The football fanatic

This guy lives, sleeps and breathes football. Sure you have other guy friends who are football fans too but not like this guy!

He can quote Sir Alex Ferguson’s autobiography word for word. You’ll mostly find this guy in a bad mood because his favourite club is losing. When he’s not watching a match, he’s probably playing FIFA.

His girlfriend hates the FPL because that gets more attention than her.

10) The Gamer

This is definitely one of the types of friends every guy has. He lives on his computer chair for hours at an end. He’s also single as hell because he literally has no time for anything but his games.

He worships his console, loves to fight between PS4, Xbox or PC, will always pre-order games and never shut up about it and has friends online who no one has ever met, not even him.. Despite all this, he is one of the precious types of friends in a group since you go to him for all your tech-related needs and he’s always happy to help.

But apart from his gaming obsession, he’s a genuine and nice guy who one of the integral types of friends every guy has.

These are the different types of guy friends every guy can vouch to having. They’re definitely an important part of every guy’s life and we know our lives would be totally drab without them. What type of guy friend are you?

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